LIFE Project Number
Interim / Final Report
Covering the project activities from dd/mm/yyyy[1] to dd/mm/yyyy
corresponding to Phase(s) X(-Y)
Reporting Date[2]
<Name of the project>
Project location:Project start date: / <dd/mm/yyyy>
Project end date: / <dd/mm/yyyy> Extension date: <dd/mm/yyyy >
Total budget: / €
EU contribution: / €
(%) of eligible costs:
Data Beneficiary
Name Beneficiary:Contact person: / <Mr/Mrs/Ms> <first name> <last name>
Postal address: / <Street, n°, postal code, town/city, member state
Telephone: / xx-xx-xxxxxxx + direct n°
Project Website:
Reports must be submitted in English.
The coordinating beneficiary shall report to the Contracting Authority about the technical and financial progress of the project. The project's achieved results and possible problems should be highlighted in these reports.
Interim reports shall be submitted according to the reporting schedule included in form C2 of the Grant Agreement, or within 90 days following the end of the project period reported.
The Final Report must be submitted to the DG ENV/EASME[3]no later than 3 months after the project end date.
Identical copies of the report shall be simultaneously forwarded to the DG ENV/EASMEand to the external monitoring team designated by the DG ENV/EASME.
The technical report shall be provided in both paper and electronic versions.
The deliverables shall be provided in electronic version only; however, actual samples of publications (including brochures, posters, books, albums) and other dissemination materials / gadgets produced by the project shall be submitted. An index (in both paper and electronic form) shall be annexed to the report, listing all the deliverables provided electronically along with a short description of the content of each deliverable.
Regarding the financial reportprinted signed originals of the payment request form, all cost statements (consolidated and individual beneficiaries’ cost statements) and the beneficiary's certificate (if applicable), are required. A pdf version of these signed forms is also required. Financial documentation requested by the EC (communication on previous pre-financing payments) must be provided with the Final report in digital format only. However, any certificates, certified statements, including the auditor’s certificate (if signed) must be provided as printed signed originals (at least in the package sent to the DG ENV/EASME) as well as in digital copy (pdf). The complete financial report shall be provided in paper form, and in electronic format as an excel file.
Refer to the additional instructions concerning deliverables and the financial report, at the end of this document. Please refer to the General Conditions annexed to your Grant Agreement for the contractual requirements concerning anInterim/Final Report.
The first Interim Report shall report on progress from the project start-date; the following Interim reports shall report on overall progress since the project start and detailed progress during the phase reported .Final Reports shall report on progress (or include the financial data) from the project start-date.
1.Table of contents
2.List of key-words and abbreviations
3.Executive Summary (maximum 3pages)
Briefly describe the project objectives, key deliverables and outputs.
Compare in a few paragraphsthe activities planned to the progress made to date (for interim reports focus on the phase covered) . This should include a description of the activities to support implementation of the plans targeted by the project (Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF), River Basin management Plans (RBMP), Waste Management Plans (WMP) and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WPP), Air Quality Plans (AQP), climate action plans, strategies or roadmaps for adaptation, mitigation or urban climate action), the complementary actions and funds secured as well as the activities dedicated to stakeholders’ involvement. Summarise the achievements, deviations, important problems and difficulties met during the project implementation.This summary should be a stand-alone text.
4.Introduction (maximum 3 pages)
Description of background, problems and objectives (as foreseen in the proposal)
- ForIntegrated Projects under the sub-programme for Environment (nature, water, waste and air)
- Overall and specific objectives
- Main plan targeted [Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF), River Basin management Plans (RBMP),Waste Management Plans (WMP) and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WPP), Air Quality Plans (AQP)]
- Main strategy for ensuring the full implementation of the plan
- Which sites are involved
- Socio-economic context
- Overview of complementary actions
- Stakeholders involved
- For Integrated Projects under the sub-programme for Climate Action
- Overall and specific objectives
- Main plan targeted (climate action plans, strategies or roadmaps for adaptation, mitigation or urban climate action)
- Main strategy for ensuring the full implementation of the plan
- Climate related problem/issue addressed
- Outline the solution to be demonstrated / verified by the project
- Description of the technical / methodological solution
- Expected results and climate action related benefits
- Overview of complementary actions
- Stakeholders
Expected longer term results (as anticipated at the start of the project)
- NAT IPs: e.g. PAF implementation, updating of the PAF, integration with other environment/climate policies, status of the Natura 2000 network, ha habitat to be protected, increase in population of species from xx to yy individuals, restoration / maintenanceof a favourable conservation status for habitat(s) and / or species, replicability of proposed solution, mobilisation of funds, stakeholders involved, capacity developed.
- Water, waste and airIPs: e.g. plan implemented, developed, future contribution to the implementation, updating and development of European Union environmental policy and legislation, including the integration of the environment into other policies, replicability and transferability of demonstrated approach,mobilisation of funds, stakeholders involved, capacity developed.
- Climate Action IPs: e.g.plan implemented, developed,future contribution to the implementation, updating and development of European Union climate action policy and legislation, including the integration into other policies, replicability and transferability of demonstrated approach,mobilisation of funds, stakeholders involved, capacity developed.
5.Administrative part (maximum 10pages)
Please briefly describe the following issues:
The project management process,the working method, the problems encountered, the partnerships and their added value, including comments on any significant deviations from the work plan.
This should include a description of the cooperationbetween the coordinating/associated beneficiaries and the management of the complementary actions and the public and private funds involved the working method and the problems encountered.
Stakeholder involvement, the working method, the problems encountered.
Communication with the DG ENV/EASMEand Monitoring team.
The changes in administrative issues due to amendments to the Grant Agreement approved in relation to the last interim report.
6.Technical part (maximum 2 pagesper action/sub-action)
6.1.Technical progress, per Action in the LIFE IP
Please describe whatand howhas been done regarding the different technical/substantial components of the project (such as capacity building, fieldwork, construction, research, development of communication tools). Indicate what has been done regarding each action (sub-action if appropriate) butavoid describing the objectives and targets as such. The description of the work done has to be sufficient to allow a good understanding of the project without a need to refer to the deliverables. The technical details, however, should be given in the deliverables.
For each action (the description of which should start on a new page):
- Please indicate:
Foreseen start date: Actual start date:
Foreseen end date: Actual (or anticipated) end date:
- Describe the activities undertaken and outputs achieved in quantifiable terms (also indicate by whom they were done).
- Compare the results achieved against the objectives and expected results foreseen in the proposal and described in section 4: clearly assess whether the objectives were met and describe the successes and lessons learned. This could be presented in a table for each action, which compares through quantitative and qualitative information the actions implemented in the frame of the project with the objectives and expected results in the revised proposal:
Action / Foreseen in the revised proposal / Achieved / Evaluation
Expected results:
- Indicate which project results have been immediately visible and which results will only become apparent after a certain time period.
- Clearly report on the indicators used to test the performance of the action (if applicable). Please note that in this section you should report on the progress indicators defined for the project
- If relevant, clearly indicate how the action and budget were modified following the latest implementation phase and any correspondence with the DG ENV approving the changes.
- Clearly indicate major problems/ drawbacks encountered, delays, including consequences for other actions (technical, legal, financial/economic, market, organisational, environment or climate related problems).
- Outline the perspectives for continuing the action after the end of the project, as far as relevant at the time of reporting.
- Include tables, photographs etc. to illustrate the actions, such as (land purchase and non-recurring management activities for LIFE Environment, Climate Change Mitigation or Climate Change Adaptation IPs).
- Proposed targets and goals for next phase.
For LIFE Environment, Climate Change Mitigation or Climate Change Adaptation IPs,where applicable, the progress description should in addition, include the following:
- Preparatory actions / management plan preparation
- Land purchase including Land swaps (NB if relevant there are compulsory annexes)
- Natura 2000 site designation (if relevant)
- Recurring biotope management
For the dissemination actions, please also address the following:
- What reactions and feedback were obtained?
6.2.Overall status of the complementary actions
Describe the results of the complementary actions – or if applicable groups/clusters of actions - following the structure defined in the Grant Agreement.
6.2.1 Table of complementary actions, reports, dates, financing
Action/Measure / Source of funding / Amount foreseen in the application / Amount committed and/or spent by X-Interim / Final Report / Reports available, dates / Comments (e.g. web-link to any relevant reports and mention of which IP action the complementary action is linked to, if relevant)1
6.2.2 Contribution of complementary actions to the implementation of the targeted plan
Please describe in qualitative and – possibly – quantitative terms the overall progress of the implementation of the targeted plan resulting from the complementary actions/measures carried out during the reporting period.
Describe any substantial change to the complementary actions and how this may affect the implementation of the plan or the LIFE IP itself.
6.3.Evaluation of Project Implementation
Please evaluate the following aspects of the project, reflecting the current implementation status:
6.3.1Methodology applied: Discuss the successes and failures of the approach and methodology applied, the results of the actions conducted and the cost-efficiency of actions.
6.3.2Dissemination: Indicate the effectiveness of the dissemination activities and comment on any major drawbacks.
6.3.3Analysis of benefits: In this section please discuss – to the degree possible based on the reported implementation status of the project - the following and, where relevant, refer to the values of the Project Specific Indicators table (to be filled at the time of the first interimreport, see also chapter 7). Environmental benefits
- Direct / quantitative environmental benefits:
- LIFE Nature IPs: e.g. Extent to which the PAF and related plans have been implemented, or developed further; conservation benefits for Natura 2000 (SCI/SPA) and species/habitat type(s) targeted. Highlight briefly issues that may have important policy implications on Natura 2000 also in relation to other EU policies if relevant (e.g. new management techniques and procedures, pump priming agri-environment, links with the water framework directive, etc.). Please also address incentive/pump priming effects (both in financial and policy terms).
- For LIFE ENV IPs targeting River Basin management Plans (RBMP), Waste Management Plans (WMP) and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WPP), Air Quality Plans (AQP): e.g. Extent to which the related plans have been implemented/developed further. Reductions of emissions, energy or resource savings.
- LIFE Climate Action: e.g. Extentto which the related plans have been implemented/developed further. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; increase of climate resilience; impact on related policies.
- Qualitative environmental benefits
- LIFE Nature: What is the outlook for the targeted habitat type and/or species? Have trends already been established? How do you plan to continue and to develop the actions that were initiated in the LIFE project in the years that follow the end of the project and how will the longer term management of the Natura network be assured? Did the project eliminate the threats defined in Form B2d of the Grant Agreement? What are the remaining/new threats? Details should be given regarding what actions should be carried out, when, by whom and using what source(s) of finance. How will the project enable the project partners and stakeholders to fully implement the PAF and related plans?
- For LIFE ENV IPs targeting River Basin management Plans (RBMP),Waste Management Plans (WMP) and/or Waste Prevention Programmes (WPP), Air Quality Plans (AQP): e.g. long term sustainable technology, from product to functional focus, from end-of-pipe to prevention; high visibility for environmental problems and/or solutions; spin-off effect in other environmental areas etc.
- LIFE Climate Action: e.g. long term sustainable technology; better planning; change of behaviour; spin-off effect in other sectors (e.g. environment, industry, agriculture) etc.
- All IPs: Describe here if the IP contributes to the integration of the environment and climate policiesinto other policies and/or if it contributes to sustainable development. Also indicate if it created synergies with the objectives of other EU policies in particular those that can be targeted by/subject of IPs. An IP should, as far as possible, deliver benefits in several other policy areas beyond the core target of the project and the related plan. Economic benefits (e.g. cost savings and/or business opportunities with new technology etc., regional development, cost reductions or revenues in other sectors). State the number of full time equivalent (FTE) jobs created, showing a breakdown in qualified/non-qualified staff. How did the mechanisms for attracting additional funding create benefits for stakeholders? Social benefits (e.g. positive effects on employment, health, ethnic integration, equality and other socio-economic impact etc.). Replicability, transferability, cooperation
Potential for application of methods developed in the project, including models, IT tools, and manuals. What is the potential for applying the method in other regions, countries or to other conditions / sectors (habitats, environmental conditions, industrial sectors etc.).This should include application of knowledge of funding mechanisms developed and other technical/administrative capacity developed. Capacity building
Describe specific capacity building aspects of the project with the aim of the full implementation of the plan. Innovation and demonstration value
Describe the level of innovation, demonstration value added by EU funding at the national and international levels (including technology, processes, methods & tools.Describe also the best practice measures used and if any changes in the strategy employed could lead to possible adjustment of the best practices. This may include nature management methods, models for stakeholder involvement, land stewardship models, organisational & co-operational aspects. Demonstration of integration of other funding, public/private partnerships, models for assessing of ecosystem values etc. implications
For the relevant plan(s) targeted by the IP describeany important achieved targets contributing to the future implementation, design or take-up of regional, national or European legislation and the further implementation and development of the target plan. Please highlight any potential unintended impacts, bottlenecks or barriers to the implementation of your project due to regional, national or European legislation including recommended actions further to actions already taken to overcome these barriers. Please emphasise how the project is deliveringthe results foreseen in the Grant Agreement form B3 “EU ADDED VALUE OF THE PROJECT AND ITS ACTIONS”.
Also please describe impacts on policies other than the ones covered by the target plan of the IP.
Continuation/valorisation and long term sustainability after the end of the project.
Describe what actions have you taken during the reporting period to ensure project long term sustainability. Describe how the implementation of the plan/strategy will be continued after the end of the LIFE funding, and what actions are required to consolidate the results. Please indicate what mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that this will be done.
Provide a strategic overview of your long term intentions for implementing the current plan and eventual subsequent ones for following periods.
Describe what actions will have to be carried out or continued after the end of the project.Please list, where relevant, such IP actions indicating their reference (e.g. A1, A2,) and title.
What resources will be necessary to carry out these actions and how will these capacities be ensured?Please indicate how the above actions will be continued after the project, by whom, within what timeframe and with what financing. Please also describe how the human and technical capacities built up during the project would be maintained and expanded and how the necessary financing can be ensured. Please cover both the LIFE actions and – if possible and relevant - the complementary actionsin this discussion.
Explain how likely it will be that staff recruited and/or trained during the project will continue to be actively involved in the future implementation of the plan/strategy. Please quantify the minimum level of staffing required to ensure continuity in the plan implementation and the possible impactand compare this to the level of staffing during the project; which members of the personnel of the project team will continue to be involved in the project actions.List the main pieces of equipment purchased under the project and provide details on their utilisation after the end of the project. Please bear in mind that the eligibility of durable goods purchased under a natureproject shall be subject to the beneficiaries undertaking to continue to assign these goods definitively to nature conservation activities beyond the end of the project.