Interface 1 Unit 5

1. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 Sue loves computers so her favourite lesson is ______.
2 We ______the piano in our music class.
3 I always ______dressed before breakfast.
4 I'm very good with numbers so I'm the best student in my ______ class.

2. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 You learn about the past in ______.
2 Biology, chemistry and physics are all types of ______.
3 I ______ school at four o'clock and then I go home.
4 Jake ______the guitar in a band.

3. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 We ______our homework in the library.
2 I get ______at seven o'clock every day.
3 My favourite school subject is art and ______.
4 We do sports at school in ______.

4. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 They ______to bed at ten o'clock every night.
2 We study about film and theatre in our ______class.
3 You learn about countries and places in ______.
4 I ______a shower every morning.

5. Read the definitions and write the words.
1 This is a meal. You have it in the evening.(first letter is d) ______
2 You have this in the morning to wash yourself. (first letter is s) ______
3 This is a school subject. It's the language of the UK and the USA. ______
4 This is a school subject. You sing and play the guitar or piano in it. ______

6. Read the definitions and write the words.
1 It's extra work. You do it after school. (eight letters) ______
2 This is a school subject. It's the language of France. (first letter is f) ______
3 In this class at school, you play sports. ______
4 You play this in a rock band. (first letter is g) ______

7. Read the definitions and write the words.
1 In this school subject, you read important books by famous writers. (first letter is l) ______
2 You study computers in this school subject. ______
3 This is a meal. You have it at the end of the day. ______
4 This is a white drink. It comes from cows and it's very healthy. ______

8. Read the definitions and write the words.
1 In this school subject, you learn about rivers, mountains and forests. ______
2 This is a school subject with lots of numbers. ______
3 This is a type of food. Strawberries and apples are examples of it. ______
4 You go to this place to watch films. ______

9. Complete the dialogue.
A: ______I help you?
B: Yes, have you ______any tickets for the concert?
A: Yes, we have. What day would you ______?
B: Saturday, please.
A: OK. Yes, there are some tickets for Saturday.
B: ______much are they?
A: They're £15 each.
B: Can I have three tickets, ______?
A: Sure. Here you ______.

10. Complete the dialogue.
A: Can you ______the guitar?
B: No, I ______.
A: How about the piano?
B: No. I'm really bad at ______.
A: Oh, no! I need people for the school concert.
B: Speak to Janet. She's ______ good at singing.
A: Have you got her mobile number?
B: Yes, I ______.
A: Great! Thank you very ______!

11. Complete the dialogue.
A: ______ Carmen speak any foreign languages?
B: Yes, she can. She's very good at languages.
A: What languages can she speak?
B: English and French, and she ______ Spanish really well.
A: And you? Can you speak Spanish?
B: Yes, I ______.
A: What ______ you say?
B: Well, not a lot, 'Hola' and 'por favor'.
A: Is that all? So you ______say a lot in Spanish.
B: Er, no, I ______. It's true.

12. Complete the dialogue.
A: Have we ______ ICT this afternoon?
B: No, we haven't. It's Wednesday. We ______have classes on Wednesday afternoon.
A: Oh, why?
B: We ______play sports on Wednesday afternoon.
A: Every Wednesday? But I ______ play sports today!
B: Why not?
A: I haven't got my sports clothes.
B: Don't worry. I ______ forget my sports clothes, too. But I don't do it often because I love PE!

13. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 We ______ tidy our room on Saturday. We never do it on a different day.
2 We ______ play football because we haven't got a ball.
3 Julio ______speak French and English.
4 I don't like PE. I'm very bad ______sports.

14. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 I ______get up at seven o'clock, but sometimes I get up at eight.
2 We ______ make lunch because there isn't any food in the fridge.
3 My brother ______play the guitar and the piano. He's really good at music.
4 How ______does he do his homework?

15. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 Gabriela ______ has lunch at school. She always has it at home.
2 I ______ go to the cinema because the film's £5 and I've only got £4.
3 Mike ______draw very well. He's very good at art.
4 It's easy to understand our English teacher. She speaks very ______ – not fast!

16. Write one or more words to complete the sentences.
1 ______ often do you go to the cinema?
2 You ______ go skiing because there isn't any snow.
3 I'm quite ______at science. I study it every day.
4 My dad's a composer. He ______ write music. He's amazing!

17. Put the words in the correct order.
1 often / lunch / at / has / home / She / .
2 play / usually / with / you / school / friends / Do / after / your / ?
3 at / drama / school / don't / We / study / .
4 at / goes / eleven / to / usually / bed / o'clock / He / .

18. Put the words in the correct order.
1 my / with / play / football / I / brother / sometimes / .
2 friends / have / many / got / How / you / ?
3 at / I'm / ICT, / OK / I / badly / do / but / exams / in / .
4 do / often / room / How / tidy / you / your / ?

19. Put the words in the correct order.
1 dad / drinks / always / at / milk / bedtime / My / .
2 your / name / Is / Vincent / ?
3 you / pets / Have / got / any / ?
4 You're / bad / singing / at / very / .

20. Put the words in the correct order.
1 school / late / I'm / for / never / .
2 from / your / Where / is / teacher / ?
3 acting / quite / at / Dave / good / is / .
4 shower / you / Do / the / in / evening / usually / a / have / ?

21. Correct the mistakes.
1 We no can cook. ______
2 Jim cans play the guitar. ______
3 Mariona sings beautiful. ______
4 They're very good in maths. ______

22. Make questions.
1 (you / like / history) ______
2 (how / much / tickets / concert) ______
3 (there / chemist / near / here) ______
4 (what / time / you / have / dinner) ______

23. Make the sentences negative.
1 Pete can run very fast. ______
2 We usually go to bed late. ______
3 I often do my homework in the morning. ______
4 They can draw very well. ______

24. Read the answers. Write the questions using the words in brackets.
1 No, they can't. ______ (can / they / play / cello)
2 English and Japanese. ______ (languages / can / you / speak)
3 Five. ______ (many / tickets / you / got)
4 Here you are. ______ (can / I / have / two / tickets / please)

25. Read the text and write True or False.
Stephen Wiltshire – genius!
Stephen Wiltshire can look at a city like London and then he can draw it. He only looks at the city for one day. He doesn't look at it again, and he doesn't look at photos. He stays at home and he draws the city perfectly. He sometimes needs five days to complete a drawing. Stephen paints cities from all around the world, for example, Rome, Madrid and Hong Kong. His picture of Tokyo was ten metres long! He usually draws in pencil and ink – and he draws beautifully. His black and white pictures look fantastic! So, what does he do all day? Well, he gets up, has a bath and gets dressed. He usually has cereal and tea for breakfast. Then he gets the bus to work and starts drawing. He has a sandwich for lunch at one o'clock and then he works all afternoon. He's very busy because his art is very popular. He usually draws buildings and cities, but he also loves drawing cars. They are his favourite thing. He finishes at four o'clock. Then he goes home for the evening, has dinner and goes to bed. He's a very special person with a very ordinary life!
1 Stephen uses a camera when he draws cities. ______
2 He always finishes his pictures in 24 hours. ______
3 Some of of Stephen's pictures are of places in Asia. ______
4 Some of Stephen's pictures are very big. ______
5 Stephen usually has a shower in the morning. ______
6 He drives to work in his car. ______
7 He has a very big lunch at one o'clock. ______
8 He stops work in the afternoon. ______