Welcome to the journey of being a part of the church planting team in the Central Region.

The Central Region is a choice mission field where there is a growing prayer movement based on Jesus’ command in Luke 10:2b to “pray for laborers.” It is our belief that, if Jesus commanded us to ask the Master for workers, then it may be that you may be an answer to our prayers.

Rationale for these Questions:

As God sends us more and more laborers and missional leaders, we believe that our role is to do our best to help each potential intern find an opportunity to answer God’s call in an environment or people group that fits the way God has designed you.

The questions below may assist you in exploring the direction the Holy Spirit has for your life and your responses will help us understand where you are and how God has worked and shaped His calling on your life.

So the questions below are the starting point as we journey together.



Wife's name:


City & Zip:

Phone number:


1) Tell me who you last lead to Christ and when did this happen?

2) Who are you currently discipling? What does that look like?

3) Who is discipling you? What does that look like?

4) Describe your call from God to church planting and missions.

5) Looking back on your life and ministry; how do think God has prepared you to do church planting? What secular or church based skill sets and gifts have you developed to serve the church?

6) What has happened in your life and ministry in the past several months to bring you to serve in church planting?

7) Paint us the followingpicture: If God were to tell you that He would give you the desires of your heart (we believe that God wants this for you) in terms of ministry and/or place of ministry, what would that look like at this point in life?

8) Tell us the context that you have enjoyed the most and have felt most effective working in historically or the people you have related best to in the past or you feel a specific call to. (e.g. poor, blue-collar, middle-class, white collar, professional, urban, suburban, exurban, rural, ranch/farm, mountain, plains or affinity group or sub-culture groups like; biker, cowboy, hip-hop, artists and musicians to just name a few.)

9) If married, where is your spouse / family in this process (ready to go, reserved, reluctant)? What seems to be their biggest questions at this point?

10) If your spiritual background is not from a Southern Baptist context, what motivates you to pursue opportunities with the SBC's North American Mission Board (NAMB)?

11) Are you willing to be intentionally bi-vocational? yes no

Are you willing to help raise your own support, if needed? yes no

Do you have partnerships to assist with personal support? yes no

12) Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so please explain below:

13) Have you been baptized by immersion after conversion?

14) Has your wife been baptized by immersion after conversion?

15) Are you a member in good standing of a SBC church or SBC church plant for the past 12 months?

16) Have you been divorced? If so please explain below:

17) Do you have children out of wedlock?

18) Have you filed for bankruptcy? If so please explain below:

19) Approximately how much debt to do you have that is non-mortgage?

20) Are you willing to give 6% to the cooperative program and 4% to SBC missions from your new church's offerings?

21) Are you a legal US citizen? or are you legally allowed to work in the US?

I look forward to receiving your response and perhaps beginning a journey that will make you part of our missional team as we pray for awakening in the Northeast that begins here in the Central region. Once I receive your response we can schedule a phone call to talk about next steps and how NAMB can best serve you.

Don’t hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or if I can be of service.

Michael Nerger
