Interdisciplinary Studies - Social Sciences (IDS)
Ellensburg Campus, Dean Hall, room 130
See Web site for how interdisciplinary studies major could be used for educational and career purposes.
Program Coordinator
Stephen Schepman, academic coordinator, IDS program
Program Directors
Kim-Trieu Nguyen Doan, Lynnwood/ Everett
Nicole Dunn, IDS Online program
Mary Radeke, Ellensburg campus
Stephen Schepman, Des Moines/ Pierce County
Alena Yastchenko, Yakima/ Wenatchee/Moses Lake
Program Information
Interdisciplinary Studies-Social Sciences major is for students whose primary interest in the social sciences requires interdisciplinary programs and course selections which are not possible within single academic programs or established curricula. Program offers students an opportunity to devise an approved, coherent program of study with an academic advisor fulfilling academic or career goals and includes prerequisites consistent with the 300-400 level major coursework. Since the program is a student-designed, interdisciplinary major course selections will vary. Students in the interdisciplinary studies major must take courses in at least three disciplines within the major.
Additional degree requirements:
Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in each course in an approved interdisciplinary studies major plan and achieve a minimum 2.25 GPA in the major. Courses in a student's minor or second major may not be included in the interdisciplinary studies major plan without advisor's consent. Students will not be allowed to enroll in IDS 289 and IDS 489 concurrently.
Bachelor of Science
Interdisciplinary Studies —Social Sciences (62 Credit Major)
Required Courses
IDS 289 - Proposal Colloquium 1
IDS 489 - Senior Colloquium 1
Sixty credits must be taken from the list of courses approved for the social science major, 45 of which must be upper division. Students in the Interdisciplinary Studies -Social Sciencesmajormust take courses in at least three disciplines within the major. No more than 15 credits may be numbered 398, 498 or490.
Total Credits: 62
Interdisciplinary Studies —Social Sciences (47 Credit Major)
Required Courses
IDS 289 - Proposal Colloquium 1
IDS 489 - Senior Colloquium 1
Forty-five credits must be taken from the list of courses approved for the social sciences major, 30 of which must be upper division. Students in the Interdisciplinary Studies -Social Sciences majormust take courses in at least three disciplines within the major. No more than 10 credits may be numbered 398, 498 or490.
Total Credits: 47
In addition, a 47-credit major must complete either a traditional departmental minor or a second major.
Courses Approved for the Interdisciplinary Studies – Social Sciences Major
Africana and Black Studies (approved courses)
ABS 300-Black Diaspora Studies
ABS 302-Hip Hop as Global Culture
ABS 303-African and African American Fiction as History
ABS 305-20th Century Black Women's Literature
ABS 306-African Women: Models of Empowerment
ABS 310-Black Diaspora: France and French Caribbean
ABS 400-Race and Literature
ABS 398-Special topics
Anthropology (all courses)
BIOL 302 & BIOL 304
Communication (all courses)
Economics (all courses)
English (all 300 and 400 level courses)
Environmental Studies (all courses)
Ethnic Studies (all courses)
Family Studies(all courses)
Geography (all courses)
Health Education (approved courses)
HED 101
HED 209
HED 210
HED 230
HED 310
HED 317
HED 387
HED 412
HED 450
History (all courses)
Humanities (all courses)
Information Technology and Administrative Mangement (approved courses)
ADMG 385
ADMG 372
RMT 366
Interdisciplinary Studies - Social Sciences (all courses)
Latino and Latin American Studies (all courses)
Law and Justice (all courses)
LIB 345 - Library Research Methods
Management (approved courses only)
HRM 381 - Management of Human Resources
MGT 380 - Organizational Management
MKT 360 - Principles of Marketing
Philosophy (all courses)
Political Science (all courses)
Psychology (all courses)
Religious Studies (all courses)
Sociology (all courses)
Theatre (all courses)
University 301
Women'sand Gender Studies (all courses)
Interdisciplinary Studies Courses
IDS 289 - Proposal Colloquium (1) Introduction to the interdisciplinary studies major, interdisciplinary studies degree proposal design and preparation. Grade will be S or U. Prerequisite, permission of the instructor.
IDS 311 - Don’t Lie to Me: Contemporary Profiling (5). This course explores and examines the use of profiles is contemporary policing with a focus on violent crimes. The discussions and readings examine what criminal profiling is, what it accomplishes, and how it is utilized. Criminological theory and applicable research articles are used to examine the legitimacy of profiles and measures deception.Prerequisite: PSY 101 or SOC 107.
IDS 353 - National Parks and Reserves (5). This course focuses on the development of the National Parks, the Forest Services, and other land and marine reserves in the United States, as well as policies effecting them. The course also focuses on international parks and preserves, and varied models of natural and cultural resource management.
IDS 363 - The Simpsons: Social Institutions and National Community (5). The television show, “The Simpsons”, students will gain an understanding of the major themes and concepts that structure life for the members of the pluralistic American community.
IDS 373 – The Purpose of the United States (5). Is the United States just another country acting in its own national interests? Or does the United States have some long term global purpose? This course analyses patterns in the American experience to these questions.
IDS 398 - Special Topics (1-6) Special Topics. May be repeated. No more than 10 credits may be included in the 47-credit program. No more than 15 credits may be included in the 62-credit program.
IDS 489 - Senior Colloquium (1). End of program assessment; preparation of comprehensive degree report and / or descriptive portfolio of project. Students must earn at least a C grade to pass this course.
Prerequisites: IDS 289, permission of the instructor, student will have completed a minimum of 165 credits, and admission to the Interdisciplinary Studies: Social Sciences major. Students will enroll in IDS 489 no earlier than 2 quarters following successful completion of IDS 289.
IDS 490 - Cooperative Education (1-12), An individualized contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination. Prior approval required. May be repeated. Grade will be S or U. No more than 10 credits may be included in the 47 credit program; no more than 15 credits may be included in the 62 credit program.
IDS 498 - Special Topics (1-6). Special Topics. May be repeated. No more than 10 credits may be included in the 47-credit program. No more than 15 credits may be included in the 62-credit program
September 10, 2013