Intercession Which Releases Destiny
Get your prayers answered by removing satan’slegal rights and power
Begin this devotional time by getting “in Spirit” (Rev. 1:9-11):Relax, become calm. Put a smile on your face. Use stillness or put on some soaking music. Breathe as deeply and slowly as you comfortably can as you love God (Deut.28:47). Perhaps worship in tongues. Move into the present (Ex. 3:14). Being “in Spirit” and “in the moment” is when revelation, power and release flow.Connect with your Lord…(Deut. 7:9)
- See yourself seated next to Christ in heaven’s courtroom. You are entering to serve an eviction notice, enforced by God, the Just Judge, concerning demonic forces. (Eph. 2:6)
- “Jesus, I draw near to listen… (Eccl. 5:1,2; Jn. 10:27;Jn. 17:3, 22,23)
- “I tune to flow, the River within, which is Your voice”[1]…Irecord what He speaks…
“What part of my (or another’s) destiny which You have written on the books in heaven do You want to release today?”
Tune to flow and type in answer. Could be ministry, family, business, health or world.Lord, is there a curse at work in my life (or in the person/situation for which I am interceding)?
Curses can be present because they have been passed down from previous generations, or because of one’s own sins which attracted them. Tune to flow and check any of the following which your heart confirms are present in your life or the person/situation you are presenting to God. (The following Scripture references are from Deuteronomy 28.)
- ___ Negative mindset, mental and emotional issues – fear day and night, driven mad (28:66, 34)
- ___ Accident prone - can’t escape bad things happening - when you come in and go out (28:19)
- ___ No vision for life– grope as a blind man (28:29)
- ___ Marriage breakdown– another man shall lie with her (28:30)
- ___ Children taken captive (addiction) – children shall go into captivity (28:41)
- ___ No prosperity– locust shall consume (28:38)
- ___ Cannot be healed– tumors which cannot be healed (28:27; 35, 60-61)
- ___ No or little anointing– shall not anoint yourself with oil (28:40)
- ___ Being stolen from– sheep given to enemies (28:31)
- ___ Not leading, missing promotions – alien among you shall rise higher above you (28:43)
- ___ Under evil rulers – brought under an authority who serves other gods(28:36)
- ___ Untimely deaths– perish quickly (28:20)
- ___ Unfruitfulness, barren – cursed is the fruit of your womb – literal Hebrew(28:18)
If you can see the fruit of a curse, you can assume the root is present. It is often best to deal with one curse at a time, so that removal of the roots can be done in a more systematic and thorough way.
Journaling: “Lord, what curse(s) do You want to deal with now?”Lord, are any of the following legal rights present, which need to be removed?
Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying,So a curse without causedoes not alight (Prov. 26:2).
Check any which apply, so they can be repented of and removed:
- ___ Not obeying His voice – choose life, by obeying His voice (Deut. 30:19,20)
- ___ Sin, transgressions, iniquity – acts and thoughts of rebellion or disobedience to God (Ps. 32:1,2)
- ___ Deceitfulness– treachery, dishonesty, deception (Ps. 32:1,2; Deut. 27:17)
- ___ Dishonoring parents– treats his father or mother with contempt (Deut. 27:16)
- ___ Oppressing the defenseless – makes a blind man wander off the road, abortion (Deut. 27:18)
- ___ Perverting justice, defrauds – takes a bribe, moves a landmark (Deut. 27:17,19, 25)
- ___ Incest, homosexuality, sex with animals (Lev. 18:22; Deut. 27:20-23)
- ___ Removing parts of Scripture– does not confirm all words of this law (Deut. 27:26)
- ___ Witchcraft, mediums, spiritualists,sorcery, divination, ESP, New Age, etc. (Deut. 18;10-13)
- ___ Objects, charms, occult books – images of false gods brought into your home, Ouija boards. All are to be repented of and burned (Deut. 7:25,26; Acts 19:19).
- ___ Wrong confession – speaking wordswhich are contrary to Scripture (Prov. 18:21; Matt. 12:36,37; Jas. 3:5,9,10)
- ___ Curses from ancestors– iniquity of the fathers to third and the fourth generations (Ex. 20:5)
- ___ Anti-Semitism – curses the Jews (Gen. 12:2-3)
- ___ Not tithing – not tithing, which is robbing God (Mal. 3:8-10)
If number 12 is checked, then pray as follows:I place the cross between me and my ancestors. I command all generational curses from them to halt at the cross of Jesus Christ andto fall to the ground powerless, at the foot of the cross. They have no impact on future generations from this day forward. I choose to honor, release and bless my parents and my ancestors in Jesus’ name (state their specific name(s) if the Spirit has revealed who, to you). Repeat this prayer a second time, to deepen it.
For any other item(s) checked above,repent specifically for each issue, stating your FULL intention that this will be replaced with Spirit-empowered righteousness. DO THIS NOW.
Lord, I repent for… and I command all spiritual forces connected to this sin, be removed immediately in Jesus’ name.
Summary Prayer – pray the following prayer, slowly, meditatively, out loud and from your heart.
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God and the only way to God; and that You died on the cross for all mankind’s sins and rose again from the dead. I give up all rebellion and all my sin. I submit to You as my Lord. I confess all my sins before You and ask for Your forgiveness— especially for any sins that exposed me to a curse or those I am praying for, to a curse. Release me/themalso from the consequences of our ancestors’ sins. By a decision of my will, I forgive all who have harmed me or wronged me/them — just as I want God to forgive me. Holy Spirit, bring to my attention those that need to be forgiven…. (Now picture each one as you speak) “I choose to forgive you, honor you and bless you in Jesus’ name.”
I renounce all contact with anything occult or satanic— any “contact objects,” I commit to destroying them. I cancel all satan’s claims against me/them. Lord Jesus, I believe that on the cross You took on Yourself every curse. So I ask You now to release every curse that is present— in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ! By faith I now receive this release and I thank You for it.
Just Judge who rules in the courts of heaven, what words would You speak?Record and obey…
Soak awhile… Take a few deep breaths… Speak aloud what God has spoken…Feel the release….
What did Jesus give in exchange when He took our curse on the cross?
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us…in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come…so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith(Gal. 3:13-14).
Abraham was blessed in every way (Gen. 24:10), and the specific promise is that we have“received the Holy Spirit through faith.” Now,being led by the Spiritis the evidence that we are sons of God” (Rom. 8:14). So now I live and walk by the Spirit (i.e., live looking to Jesus and tuned to flow) and I experience God’s blessings in every area of my life(Gal. 5:25).
Vividly see the destiny of living a Spirit-energized life!
When Abram gazed upon a picture of the promise fulfilled (millions of stars representing his millions of descendants), passionate faith erupted in his heart (Thenhe believed… Gen. 15:5,6).
“Jesus, let me see and feel this new destinyYou have ordained. What are You planning to fulfill through my life (or through this person or nation I am interceding for)? …
What does it feel like to release the fruit of Your Spirit[2]…to love everyone I meet? How do I act when I’m walking in forgiveness and patience and kindness toward all, including myself? …What does it feel like to have joy flood my soul and overflow, refreshing others in its cascade? … And laughter! My heart is so merry; it’s having a continual feast… Others get caught up in my joy… And Your peace: it sweeps over my soul, I feel such deep contentment. Every part of me is at rest in You…
Lord, I receive Your equipping[3]for the situations I will be encountering today. I see myself releasing Yourinsight and wisdom to meet each issue. What does it feel like to release Your wisdom? Your gift of faith is arising within me… What does faith that moves mountains feel like? … I see myself as more than a conqueror, always triumphing in Christ. What does it feel like to be on the winning team? … I see myself releasing Your healing and miracles to others. How do I feel? … I sense just the right words bubbling up within me which I share to minister life to those I meet. I feel their hearts’ needs and minister directly to them. How does it feel to be equipped by the Holy Spirit?… How do I act when anointed and empowered? …
How do I feel being free… being inspired… being creative? What choices do I make now that I’m not afraid? … How do I look enveloped by God’s presence, feeling His delight over me, and experiencing His compassion toward me? ... How do I live life with God at my right hand, knowing I will not be shaken? … How does it feel to be forgiven? … And healed? … What kind of decisions do I make knowing my Dad is the King of kings? How does being royalty make me feel? …
What choices do I make knowing that I can do all things through Christ? … What does being strengthened by His Spirit in my inner man feel like? What does confidence feel like? … How grateful am I knowing that my steps are ordered of the Lord and He is working all things for my good? How do I feel knowing God always has my back and He is always watching out for me? … What kinds of prayers do I pray or decrees do I make from my position with Christ on His throne? …
Typing your answers immediately after the “…” will cause your answers to stand out as GREEN. Next, affirm your new self in Christ by speaking aloud over yourself: “I am …”Note:If working on a physical healing, see, in detail, the damaged part of your body being rebuilt. Then ask: What can my healed body do? How does it feel? Soak in the feeling while you look!
I pause and gaze uponmy new self in Christ, UNTIL I feel this new self. I am full of laughter, joy, love, compassion, peace, faith, confidence, strength.I experience my true destiny in Christ! I treasure this feeling in my heart, so I can experience it continually. I am transformed as I gaze upon my new self(2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 1:17).I take a couple of deep breaths and soak in this new identity. This is me!I radiate the faith of this new reality. It opens me up to experience miracles and healings(1 Cor. 12:28). This state of gratitude is the state of receivership.[4]Whatever we are thankful for increases(Matt. 15:36; Lk. 9:16).
I worship: Speak aloud “I thank You, Jesus, for making me new! You do all things well! I see YOU radiating Your life out through me. This feels so good… I bask in Your presence”(2 Chron. 20:20-24; Isa. 65:24; 1 John 5:14,15Berean Study Bible; Phil. 4:6; Rom. 4:17).[5]Perhaps seal this victory by partaking communion (1 Cor. 10:16).
A Scripture or rhema the Lord wants me to speak over myself today is…“God, I ask for and fully expect to see a sign from You today confirming the destiny which You have ordained, prepared and I know is coming. Let it overtake me in whatever unique way You purpose. You honor faith! Your faith is radiating out through me! I feel it and see its rays reaching out, drawing Your provision to my life. Thank You, Lord!” This feels so good(Ps. 86:17; Matt. 21:22; Deut. 28:1-14).
Faith is feeling and acting like it is so, when it doesn’t appear to be so,so that it will be so, because it is so. (Mk. 11:22,23)
Epilogue: Remove hindrances which delay entrance into the Promised Land
Holy Spirit, reveal to me any sins which are hindering entrance into Promised Land You have for me or this situation. Tune to flow and put a checkmark next to any item present in your life. These sins hindered the fulfillment of Israel’s destiny, causing all over 20 to wander and die in the wilderness rather than enter their Promised Land.
- ___ Complaining about God’s provision – Manna not tasty enough (1 Cor. 10:6; Num. 11:4,34)
- ___ Committingidolatry,trusting things other than God – Golden calf (1 Cor. 10:7; Ex. 32:4-7)
- ___ Committingimmorality– Interaction with harlots (1 Cor. 10:8; Num. 25:1)
- ___ Not trustingGod in the midst of adversity – “We are going to die” (1 Cor. 10:9; Num. 21:5ff)
- ___ Grumblingagainst authority– Grumblings are against the LORD. Instead we are to submit to and pray for those in authority (1 Cor.10:10; Ex. 16:2-8; Rom. 13:1-6; 1 Tim. 2:1,2)
- ___ Quittingshort of the goal, rather than pressing on – “Shall your brothers go to war while you yourselves sit here?” (Num. 32:1-7)
- ___ Co-existingwith the enemy, rather than driving it out– Enemies you allow to remain become pricks in your eyes and thorns in your side (Num. 33:55)
- ___ Not obeyingGod’s voice – Achan disobeyed God’s voice, many died (Josh. 7:24,25; 22:20; 7:1,5)
- ___ Speaking negative words– “We would be better off to have died in the land of Egypt” (Ex. 16:3)
- ___ Not uniting faith with the promisesof God – Afraid of the adversary, not believing enemy could be beaten, so let’s quit (Num. 13:32-14:4)
- ___ Not seeking God’s voicefor every step– They were tricked by deceivers, because they made a decision without first checking with God (Ex. 23:20-33; Josh. 9:1-27, especially verse 14)
- ___ Living by law rather than by faith and grace (Gal. 3:10,11).
- ___ Trusting in man– Disobeyed God’s instructions and went to battle fighting with their own strength – and losing (Num. 14:41-45; Gal. 3:1-10). Cursed is the man who trusts in man or the flesh (Jer. 17:5). Blessed is the man who trusts the Lord (Jer. 17:7).
Examples of trusting in man rather than trusting in God include: “Theology will be exalted above revelation; intellectual education above character building; psychology above discernment; program above the leading of the Holy Spirit; eloquence above supernatural power; reasoning above the walk of faith; laws above love” (Derek Prince – Blessings or Curse [Kindle 1335]).
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5). It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing (Jn. 6:63). Man’s wisdom is earthly, natural, demonic (Jas. 3:15).
Confess, receive cleansing, experience freedom (Dan. 9:19,20)!
I repentfor the sins of… (State each specifically which are listed above), and receive Christ’s forgiveness and cleansing. In Jesus’ name, I break off all spiritual forces connected with this sin. Leave NOW!
Experience living by the Spirit
I am now free to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal.5:25). I fix my eyes on Jesus as I live tuned to the flow within, which is the River of the Holy Spirit, Who indwells me (Acts 2:25; Jn. 7:37-39). This restores me to God’s original intent of daily walks together in the Garden where I experience fellowship with Him.
Deepen: Review the answers you have recorded before you close the file.
Clear intentions coupled with elevated emotions release the Spirit’s power!
More resources are available here.
[1]God’s River, the Holy Spirit, communicates through flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, and flowing emotions(Jn. 7:37-39).
[2]Gal. 5:22,23 –love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
[3] 1 Cor. 12:7-11 word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, prophecy, the discerning of spirits, various kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues.
[4]Since feelings are the result of the picture I am gazing upon, I gaze upon my new self with gratitude and excitement allowing faith to pour forth from my being (Mk. 11:22-25;Phil. 4:6-8; Matt. 6:22; 1 Chron. 23:30).
[5]I hold this vision from God throughout the day. Gazing upon it releases faith which draws God’s blessings to me(Matt. 9:29). I live in heart faith, holding to God’s rhema and vision which I ponder, speak and feel deeply enough so that it informs my actions.