Interagency Council of Brevard

Meeting Minutes

Date:October 9, 2013

Meeting held at: Easter Seals, Palm Bay

Attendees:Donald Blair, Emily DeWoody, Judy Dunning, Jennifer Duros, Ed Eliason, Sherrie Fries, Jack Giordano, Lori Goodwin, Robert Gramolini, LeeAnne Ireland, Kathy Lowe, Heather Mack, CJ Miles, David O’Brien, Karen Orosz, Cathy Osaisai, Mariann Sampieri, Lynda Schuchert, Patty Smith, Charles Steen, Heather Theobald, Cindy Wickham, Tricia Woods, Jacqueline Yearby

Minutes taken by:Tricia Woods

Welcome and Introduction: Lynda Schuchertopened the meeting

Mission Statement: Read by Jennifer Duros.

Reviewed last month’s minutes:Tricia Woodsreviewed the September meeting minutes. Changes from the 9/11/13 were approved. Moved by Robert Gramolini, seconded by Heather Theobald.

Treasurer’s Report: Kathy provided the financial report noting a balance of $1369.89. As previously discussed, 800Spectrum of Services were printed as well as 37 posters were ordered for the agencies.

Order of new business:

-Donald Blair welcomed everyone to Easter Seals and provided everyone a brief history.

Task Force break out sessions:

-Transition task force

  • The Central Brevard Transition Fair will be held at the School Board in Viera on Friday, October 18th from 9 to 12 pm. Please be there around 8am to set up. Weare expecting 100+ to attend. Sherrie Fries has done an excellent job obtaining door prizes and donated items from Panera and Starbucks. Thankyou, Sherrie, for coordinating that.

-Employment task force

  • In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness month in October, the Employment Taskforce will host the Brevard Workforce mobile van which will be located in the parking lot of the Brevard Achievement Center (1845 Cogswell Street-Rockledge) on Thursday, October 24th from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Staff and volunteers from ICB member agencies will be available to assist job seekers with disabilities to become familiar with the workforce system and begin searching for employment opportunities. There are three, two-hour time slots available (8 a.m.-10 a.m.; 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 12 p.m.-2 p.m.)-up to 6 attendees can sign up for each time slot. Please sign up (first name only) for the time you wish to attend. If you are an agency representative who is bringing a participant, please use your name to register. Please go to the following link for participant sign up.

If time slots fill up, a waiting list will be established and people will be notified when/ if slots open up. If we have a large demand, the employment taskforce will work with Brevard Workforce on scheduling another date/location in the future. If you have any questions or are an agency representative who wishes to volunteer for the event please contact Mariann Sampieri at BAC (321) 632-8610 Ext 258 or .

  • The employment taskforce will be working on getting with the Department of Juvenile Justice and try to obtain the process to get record expunged to obtain employment.
  • Still working on planning a job fair in the spring. Need to further discuss with Mary Jane Wysocki.


-Charles Steen, Community Resource Coordinator for APD, discussed intern opportunities in the Brevard area. For more information,

-Ed Eliason from VSA, announces community arts class opportunities in the Brevard area. For more information,

Next Meeting: Scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 9:30 am and will be

held at the Central Florida Library . This is a special meeting with a panel discussing Mental

Health Issues.