Multimedia Design
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Mrs. Vernadine Fitcheard
Phone: 428-7576 ext. 128
Time & Place:Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (4th Period)
Course Number:410016.005 & 410016.007
Program: Commerce and Information Technology
Course Description: This course was designed to provide students with skills involving slide presentations, desktop publishing, web development and publishing, digital graphics, and animation. Upon successful completion of the course, students are able to pursue further study in the area of professional interactive multimedia design. Software used includes Adobe Photoshop and PageMaker, Microsoft PowerPoint, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Flash. There is a $40 fee for the course.
CTSO: Students are strongly encouraged to participate in Future Business Leaders of America. This organization is a co-curricular component of the Business/Marketing program. FBLA ($20.00 Fee) enhance classroom instruction, develop leadership skills, and provide opportunities for professional growth and service. In class, students will participate in various FBLA activities as part of their daily assignments. Only by becoming members will students have the complete benefit of FBLA.
Photoshop Classroom in a Book; Flash Classroom in a Book; Dreamweaver Classroom in a Book; Adobe Press
All course assignments will be managed on the class Edmodo account.
grades and Assessment
Grades will be posted on iNow. Students will be evaluated on completeness, neatness, effort expanded, and timeliness. Each assignment carries different weight. Progress can be measures through the use of chapter and unit tests. The semester exam will count as 1/5 of the semester grade.
EVALUATIVE ITEM / PERCENTAGEFormative Assessment / 60%
Quizzes/Major Assignments/ Homework/ Classwork / 40%
Class Things to Know:
- Make up work is the responsibility of the student! A student has one weeks to make up work after an absence.
- If an assignment is given on Monday and due Wednesday but you are absent, the assignment is still due on Wednesday (per HCS student handbook)
- No food or candy in the lab!!!
- Each student is to do his or her own work!! Cheating will result in a 0 on the assignment.
- Cheating is defined as copying off the internet, turning in someone else’s work as your own, or having someone else do the bulk of the work and submitting it as yours.
Essential Questions
- How will it help me today and in the future?
- What is FBLA?
- Why is office safety important?
- How do design elements come together to make documents appealing?
- How do you import graphics from the internet?
- Why is planning a web site so important?
- Why are images for the web different from those used in print?
- How do different media elements come together to make a cohesive web site design?
- What editing elements make video presentations appealing?
Class Rules / Consequences
Be Prompt
- Be on time!!!
- We have so much to do, and I do not want to waste any of your time, so please be here! / After 3 tardies, a student will serve lunch detention. If a student has to serve two lunch detentions, they will be turned over to an administrator after 9 tardies.
Be Prepared
- Have your material with you – your LAPTOP is necessary every day! / If you do not have your laptop, you will have to use an in class desktop. If this is not done, the student will fill in a “no work” document. After 5 “no work” documents, the student’s parent will be notified
Be Productive!!!
- Maximize the time you have in class
- Listen and follow directions to ensure you get it right! / When you are not productive your grade is the consequence. When you waste your time, you cannot make a quality product, thus making your grade lower. This is consequence enough.
Be Polite!
- Be nice to everyone
- This means to respect everyone and everything, even equipment
- Having your cell phone out during class is not being polite. / Being disrespectful will not be tolerated. With the expectation of cell phones, the first offense will result in lunch detention. The second will result in a call to parents. The third will result in administrative write up.
Cell phones used at inappropriate times during class will be taken up. The third time it is taken up, it will be turned into the office.
Course Goals
1.) Compare aspects of multimedia.
2.) Utilize a variety of input methods.
3.) Use a variety of software and equipment.
4.) Demonstrate appropriate techniques associated with graphic design
5.) Utilize tools to manipulate images
6.) Utilize graphic design software to create business and personal publications
7.) Apply integration principles for importing scanned graphics and text into a publications
8.) Utilize research results to interpret the impact of media and copyright laws on media publications
9.) Explain the difference among Web sites, pages, and browser
10.) Develop interactive Web pages and sites using a variety of components
11.) Determine the applicable format for converting digital files
12.) Apply knowledge of project management to ensure a quality product
13.) Demonstrate the manipulation of digital image file sizing
14.) Determine career and entrepreneurial opportunities related to multimedia design
Course Outline
First Semester:
- Copyright
- Flyers in Word
- PowerPoint with music and sounds
- Photoshop
Second Semester
- Web Page Development
- Dreamweaver
- Flash
- Videos
Assessment Procedures: Students will be assess through production of materials, class discussion, and written objective tests
Culminating Products: Students will produce a web page for an HHS student organization, an office safety video, and be ready to compete in the FBLA Desktop Publishing competition.
Industry Credentialing: At the end of the course students should be able to pass and receive the Adobe Certified Associate license and the Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 certification
IB at Columbia:
The International Baccalaureate Program is an International K-12 Academic Program. Columbia is an IB World school which means we follow the practices set forth by IB including their assessment. This course is a (Middle Years Program/ Diploma Program) course. (MYP/DP) includes grades here at Columbia. IB focuses on the whole child. It encourages good character, community service, and international mindedness, preparing our children for the global work force. For any more information on IB, please visit
______, a student enrolled in Business, Management, and Administration Department at Columbia High School acknowledges by his/her signature that he/she understands the syllabus and essential functions of this course.
Signature: ______Date: ______
As a parent/guardian of the above student, I have read this syllabus and discipline policy. I have discussed this policy with my student and understand the requirements.
Student Signature Date
Parent and/or Guardian Signature