dol 5 69

41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT 06385 860-442-2211
Rt. Rev. Edward G. Kakaty
/ March 31 & April 1, 2012 Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem: PALM Sunday

Intentions this weekend: Sat 5pm: +Elias G. Hage (10 yrs) by wife Takla

+Col Fred Chanatry by Dave & Janet George

+John Rich by the Kakaty Family

In Honor of Blessed John Paul, int. of the Somers Family

Sun 10am: +Abla Jabbour by M/M Pierre Ghattas

For all children, with us, with God on PALM SUNDAY

Next weekend:

Sat 8pm Hajmeh & Resurrection Liturgy for all parishioners

Sun 10 am Resurrection Liturgy for all parishioners

Remember in your prayers those convalescing:, Jean Kiser, Abdo Facas, George Abbiati,

Nicolas Hage, Dn Michael Jolly, Sue Bridge, Samira Hajj, Marie Courey, Bob Dib

This Weekend / Saturday: / John Jalonski / Sunday: / Gerard Massad / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fuel and building fund
Next Weekend / Saturday: / Gerard Massad / Sunday: / Denise Brooks
March 24 / 21 / Gave / 454 / Collection on
March 25 / 33 / 417 / Good Friday for
54 / 871 / The Holy Land

Congrats to Mar 200 Club winners: $50 Anissa Starr, 25 Sobanski, 10 Conley, Mary Dib, Joanne Moukawsher

Thanks to Faouzi & Katia Hage for donating large Nativity statues for outdoors on our front lawn (Methwad)

OUR CHURCH BARN IS AVAILABLE FOR STORAGE-ask your friends/ co-workers if they are interested ASAP


Macary Scholarship for Lebanese High School graduate going to college: Fr Ed has application due May 30.

Divorced & Separated Men’s Support Group meets every first & third Fri. @ 7-8:30pm @ St. Sophia Church

We owe the Diocese $18,097. If we were a RC parish, we would be closed/merged with another parish! Thank God for the volunteers who keep expenses down to a minimum! When you don’t tithe you are cheating God!

When you don’t support your church, you are not punishing the priest (he still gets his salary & expenses).

Jesus said, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, render unto God what is God’s” We will have to ask $200 for baptisms if young couples aren’t using their envelopes or giving $500 year as active parishioners should.

BISHOP’S APPEAL netted $287,973 ($63 K more than 2010) We gave $1420 from 9 people: Sheila Burke, Bob Conley, Mary Dib, Gerry Egan, Keith Hall, Fr Ed Kakaty, Jerry Villani, Catherine Yost, Joe Zizik. THANKS!

New Books by Melkites: Jiddo, by Gil Shasha, In the Grasp of the Loving God, by Fr Joe Thomas, Maximos IV: A Quest for Autonomy, by Fr Jerry Murphy, Stewards of the Mysteries, by Bishop Samra. See Fr Ed to order.

Clergy Transfers: Fr Damon Geiger, St Jude, Miami; Fr Eugene Mitchell, St Joseph, Akron; Fr Imad Barakeh, St Basil, Lincoln, RI assisting Fr Joseph Haggar.

HOLY WEEK Services: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, 7pm, Fri 3&7pm, Sat 8pm Sun 10am.”Could you not pray one hour with me?” JESUS CHRIST. (Thurs, Fri & Sat are 1 ½ hrs) NO MEAT THURS, FRI, SAT of Holy Week!

May 6: Fr Ed’s 40th anniversary celebration. Bishop Nicholas Samra presiding 11am Liturgy, lunch in our Hall.

July 5-8: 48th Melkite Convention, Dearborn, MI Details in new Sophia $99 room @ Hyatt Regencym Haflis etc.

We have received $1070 in memory of +Abla Jabbour. An icon of St. Maron has been requested by her family.

Her 40 day memorial is 10 am Sunday, April 15, St Anthony Church, 17 Granville St. Danbury, CT 06810.

The Sanctuary Lamp is lit for April for the good health of Nicolas Hage and the Albert & Jamal Doro Family.