Integrated Unit Planner

Unit title /

Date and Time allocation


Team/Year Level

2008 / Violeta , Vivien, Jacqui, Rachel, Nelly, Gail, Evette, Wendy, Christina

Unit Overview

By the end of this unit students will be able to
To identify the key features of creating, writing and publishing their own book.
 To identify the difference between a fiction and non fiction text
 To develop skills in planning, editing, proof reading, researching, dictionary/thesaurus use.
 Write and illustrate a fiction or non fiction book
 Give an opinion about various authors and why they like/dislike their work.
 Select a style of book that is appropriate to their topic.


H.P.E. / Interpersonal Development / Personal Learning / Civics & Citizenship / The Arts / L.O.T.E. / Humanities, Economics, Geography, History
Mathematics / Science / Communication / Design, Creativity, Technology / I.C.T. / Thinking

Text Type

Various – depending on their topic


Applying past knowledge to new situations

Key questions

What is a book? What does an author do? What does an illustrator do? What does a publisher do? What is a fiction text? What is a non fiction text? How and why do you plan, edit, research? How do you write a book? How do you read a book? What sorts of books are there? What is the purpose of writing a book? Who are the target audience?
Vocabulary list
Author profile, spine, pages, story, illustration, title, chapter, text, cover, end pages, dedication, contents page, blurb, research, plan, edit, editor, publisher, characters, facts, index page, setting, orientation, complication, resolution, photographs, references, bibliography, audience, genre, copyright, narrative
Sequence of learning experiences/activities: Tuning In /

Thinking Tools List

or add to list /

HOM outcomes


HOM HOMActivities

Look at a story on the interactive whiteboard.
Discuss the story – is it a non fiction or fiction text, what makes it so, compare the features of the two.
Respond to the story individually – 3D model, poster, collage, rewrite the story with new characters, paint
Sort tubs of books and ask students to create different categories. / EXPLORING MEANING: (examples of the habit)
Why and when is it important to apply past knowledge to new situations?
Create posters where students state how they gained specific information for sorting the books.
Sequence of learning experiences/activities:Finding Out/Sorting Out /

Thinking Tools

or add to list /

HOM Outcomes


HOM activities

In team teaching groups focus on analysing and creating our own fiction and non fiction texts based on the story we watched on the interactive whiteboard. Swap over.
Threaded throughout the unit, read lots of books with different genres, types of books, different authors, etc.
Create a team “Oprahpillar”© down the corridors, one fiction and one non fiction. Students read a book then come and get a template to decorate and rate. Attach to the “Oprahpillar”©
Students select whether they will write a fiction or a non fiction book. (Gail)
Select a topic and follow the process to write your selected genre.
(See attached sheet) / 6 thinking hats
Thinkers keys
Multiple Intelligences
Mind Mapping
Graphic Organisers
(Strategies to develop the habit)
What skills do you need to apply past knowledge to new situations? / Do a KWL using books (non fiction and fiction) as the topic. (Rachel) List the features of each.
(Transfer the HOM to new settings without assistance)
What are the benefits of applying past knowledge to new situations? / Create a class dictionary of book terminology.
Complete Book Spotto as a class activity.
(Application of HOM being taught in other situations)
Discuss examples of when and where you have applied past knowledge to new situations outside of school / Create individual origami books and show how they have applied past knowledge to new situations in specific situations – school, kitchen, home, sport, outside hobbies, music.
(Reflection and self evaluation)
Articulate how you have applied past knowledge to new situations / Share their origami books.

Assessment Task
Create, design, write and illustrate their own fiction or non fiction book, with cover, blurb, end papers, author profile, etc.
Students attach a gold sticker to pages oftheir books to denote NEW knowledge.

SunshineNorthPrimary School Page 1 11/16/2018