Integrated family services 31245
Volume 3: Human Services Policy and Funding Plan 2015-19, update 2017-18
Chapter 4: Activity descriptions


Activity information

Service delivery tracking

Output group



Description of the service

Client group

Service delivery

Service redevelopment

Monitoring and review

Service Agreement

Human Services Standards

Monitoring performance

Performance measures

Key performance measure 1 – Number of service hours provided

Key performance measure 2 – Number of cases

Data collection information

Key documents


Volume 3: Chapter 4: Activity descriptions1

Activity information

Service delivery tracking

Service delivery tracking activity? Yes

Output group

Child protection and family services


Family and community services


Integrated family services aims to promote the safety, stability and development of vulnerable children, young people and their families; and builds capacity and resilience for children, families and communities.

Description of the service

Integrated family services provide a comprehensive range of services for vulnerable children (from pre-birth up to 17 years old) and their families to promote children’s safety, stability and healthy development. Services focus on diverting families from child protection and providing early intervention to address problems before they escalate.

Integrated family services provide a range of service responses, including:

•a strengths-based approach and comprehensive needs and risk assessment

•development and implementation of a family action plan

•multidisciplinary interventions

•authorisation to consult with, or make reports to, child protection when a child is believed to be in need of protection

•providing flexible packages to support a family action plan, such as meeting the cost of baby safety equipment or undertaking specialised counselling or treatment services.

Note that integrated family services includes child and family information, referral and support teams (Child FIRST), which:

•provide a visible and accessible entry into integrated family services in a designated sub-regional catchment, and

•ensure that vulnerable children, young people and their families are linked effectively into relevant services.

Client group

The target group for integrated family services is vulnerable children, and young people (from pre-birth up to17 years old) and their families who are:

•likely to experience greater challenges because the child or young person’s development has been affected by the experience of risk factors and cumulative harm

•at risk of concerns escalating, and becoming involved with child protection if problems are not addressed.

Service delivery

Community service organisations(CSOs).

Service redevelopment

The department will continue to monitor service provision, and where necessary, may amend service specifications or funding allocations based on community needs or in response to changes to government policy and priorities.

Monitoring and review

Service Agreement

The Department of Health and Human Services monitors and reviews the organisation’s compliance with the Service Agreement’s requirements set out in the terms and conditions and schedules including the Applicable Departmental Policies. The Service Agreement is used to manage funding provided through the department for services delivered by community service organisations and local government authorities.

The Service Agreement includes two Applicable Departmental Policies:

  1. Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines
  2. Service Agreement Information Kit

The Service Agreement Information Kit provides information on the Service Agreement terms and conditions (chapter 3) and Applicable Departmental Policies (chapter 4). The Service Agreement Information Kit must be read in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services Policy and Funding Guidelines.

Human Services Standards

Organisations funded to provide services to clients are required through the Service Agreement to meet the gazetted Department of Health and Human Services Standards (Human Services Standards) and can be monitored in relation to their compliance with these Standards.

Organisations funded through this activity are subject to independent review and accreditation requirements under the Human Services Standards, except where exempted by the department.

Organisations funded to deliver this service activity are required to be registered in accordance with the department's Policy, procedures and forms for the registration of disability service providers and community services.

Monitoring performance

Funding is subject to the delivery of specified targets in performance measures. Where actual annual performance is less than 100 per cent of target performance the funded organisation should provide the Department of Health and Human Services with a justification for retaining full funding.

Performance measures

Key performance measure 1: Number of service hours provided

Definition / This performance measure provides information about the number of service provider (agency) hours of service.Funding for this activity is based on service delivery to clients.
Aim/objective / The aim of this performance measure is to monitor the number of hours of service that an organisation is providing.
Target / Provided in Service Agreements
Type of count / Cumulative
Counting rule / Count the number of service hours provided during the period.
Note: include service hours spent on substantive and non-substantive cases.
Example: One service provider staff member provides a two hour group session to four clients. This is counted as 1 service provider staff member x 2 hours equals 2 service hours.
Two service provider staff members provide a two hour group session to ten clients. This is counted as two service hours for each staff member, so 2 service provider staff members x 2 hours each = 4 service hours.
One service provider worker provides a two hour case work session to one client. In addition this support includes 30 minutes of travel each way. This is counted as one service provider worker x two hours of case work + one hour of travel = three service hours.
Annual targets provided to service providers are divided by 2 to translate to indicative biannual targets, divided by 4 to translate to indicative quarterly targets, and divided by 12 to translate to indicative monthly targets.
Monitoring frequency / Monthly (by the 10th day of the month)
Data source(s) collection / Service delivery tracking system (via the Funded Agency Channel).
Integrated Reports and Information System (IRIS).
Definition of terms / Service hours are defined as hours spent by the service provider’s staff providing Integrated family services casework to clients. Integrated family services casework approach includes a range of service activities such as assessment, active engagement, counselling and/or group work.
Service hours include time spent writing case notes and other activities directly related to clients.
Refer to the Family Services IRIS data dictionary for the full list of service activities and instructions as to how to record Integrated family services activities, including instructions as to when the group work function is to be used.
Note: the group function is to be used for group work service activities only).
A client is defined as either:
•a family with a child/ren 0-17 years old or an unborn child who meets the target group requirements to receive Integrated family services, or
•an Aboriginal family with a child/ren 0-17 years old or an unborn child who meets the target group requirements to receive Integrated family services (for Integrated family services – Indigenous)
A non-substantive case is a case which requires less than 2 hours of service. A substantive case is a case which has received more than 2 hours of service.

Key performance measure 2:Number of cases

Definition / This performance measure provides information about the number of cases of support provided to clients.
Aim/objective / This performance measure aims to monitor the number of cases of support provided by organisations.
Target / Provided in Service Agreements.
Type of count / Cumulative
Counting rule / Count cases in the first quarter of each financial year as:
•substantive cases open at the start of the period, and
•new substantive cases opened during the period.
Count cases in the remaining three quarters of the financial years as:
•new substantive cases opened during the period.
Monitoring frequency / Monthly
Data source(s) collection / Integrated Reports and Information System (IRIS).
Definition of terms / A case is an episode of support provided to a client.
A client for the purpose of this performance measure is defined as a family with a child/ren 0-17 years old or an unborn child who meets the requirements to receive a service through Integrated family services.

Data collection information

Data collections comprise data management systems and data sets.

Data collection name / Data management system / Data set / Reporting cycle
Family services / Integrated Reports and Information System (IRIS) / Family Services / Monthly
Service delivery tracking (SDT) / FAC/SAMS2 / Service delivery tracking data set / Monthly
Flexible package acquittal / Flexible package acquittal spreadsheet / Flexible packages acquittal / Sixmonthly

Key documents


A Strategic Framework for Family Services

Program requirements for family and early parenting services in Victoria

Family Violence referral protocol between the Department of Health and Human Services and Victoria Police 2015

Best Interests Framework for Vulnerable Children and Youth

Best Interests Case Practice Model - Summary Guide

Family Services IRIS Data Dictionary 2013

Flexible Packages Guidelines for Child FIRST and Family Services

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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, 1 July 2017.
Where the term ‘Aboriginal’ is used it refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Indigenous is retained when it is part of the title of a report, program or quotation.
ISSN2207-8347 (online)
Available on the department’s website

Volume 3: Chapter 4: Activity descriptions1