INT:right hhh
INT:are those boots not incredibly hot in this weather?
LOU:no: they’re too comfortable a ha ha ha
LOU:I [live] in them now hhh he [he]
INT: [˚my˚] [my] folks sent me a pair for uh my in-laws sent me a pair from New Zealand=
INT:um (.) sort of bigsort of
INT:bloke’s sized
INT:Ugg boots
INT:and they’re I mean they’re toastie but I couldn’t [wear] them now
LOU: [yeah]
LOU:could ya ha
LOU:strange the weather outside today isn’t it
LOU:s (.) really like
LOU:hum[id n]
INT: [not] liking it at [all yest]erday was great=
LOU: [n:o]
LOU:=it was beautifulyesterday [but]
INT: [but]not liking this at all
INT:so: ↑okay
INT:what I’d like to do is just run this so:rt of like a conversation I mean I’ve got
INT:I’ve got aninterview schedule here which I’ll be going through
INT:so that’s that’s what I’m looking at=
INT:just so as you know >you can have a look at itif you like
INT:u:m and it’s got sort of a bunch of questions but it’s more like
INT:various areas that I want to ask questions about abou[t friendship and I’d] rather it
LOU:[yeah that’s xxxx]
INT:was more a conversation than a question and answer thing=
INT:so I will: (.)go off on si:de track[s an]d whatever and I really I really don’t mind=
LOU: [alright]
INT:um what’s good is if
INT:if when we’re ta:lking you can actually sort of
INT:come up with like examples like specific examples
INT:like telling stories about you know withthis friend this h[appened and all a]ll that
LOU: [right (.) okay]
INT:sort of stuff and that [makes] a it makes it more interestingand more like
LOU: [hm ↑m]
LOU:=yeah sure=
INT:=and um:
INT:and and also
INT: sometimes it can really help with working with the data after[wards] so
LOU: [yeah]
INT:tsk okay
INT:all:: right
INT:are you sitting comfortably? (said in a ‘comedy’ voice)
LOU:hhh ha ha .hhh=
INT:so I think(.)o:ne one of the things we can we can start with is if you th:ink of(.)u:m like o:ne↓friend of yours
INT:l[ike a a] close friend
LOU: [˚yeah okay˚]
INT:just tell me: a:h >how you met?
LOU:how we met=
LOU:we: live in ((HALLS OF RESIDENCE NAME)) ↓halls I don’t know
LOU:if you know where that is .hhh a:n:d
LOU:she moved into our flat
LOU:a week after everyone else because she didn’t like the people she was originally living with
LOU:so ↑I first met her in our kitchen(.) unpakin
LOU:then it were .hhh hhh
LOU:it was quite strange because I though oh
LOU:who’s she?↑ahhcos we[’d only] been there a week so we’d already made like a
INT: [˚ha ha˚]
INT:rig[ht ˚okay˚]
LOU: [bo:nd type] thing
INT:how many [people] in the flat
LOU: [˚n then˚]
LOU:n so she was like the fifth person to move in
LOU:n then we just started chattin ↓really and we found
LOU:quite a bit to talk about and then it went from th↑e↓:re
LOU:˚so like˚
LOU:now we’ve formed like quite a good close friendship
LOU:cos we both smoke you see so that was our little
INT:he [he he he he ˚yeah˚]
LOU: [bonding thing it] was like
LOU:when we went out it was like d’you want to go outside for a fag n then
LOU:that was [how] we started to bond r↓eally
INT: [˚xxx˚]
LOU:through that
LOU:˚so˚ it can have its
LOU:you know advantages smok↑in[ha ha .hhh] so ha ha[.hhh but] (.) yeah (.) now=
INT: [ha ha ha xxx] [yeah absolutely]
LOU:=we’re (.) quite close really I’m goin over to Ireland to see her in summer because that’s where she lives ˚for a couple of weeks so˚=
INT:=↑okay cool
LOU:˚it’s [really good˚]
INT [where about]s?
LOU:e:m tsk
LOU:not called is it ((LOCAL PLACE NAME))
LOU:just outsideDerry˚I think it is˚=
LOU:=˚she lives˚
INT:Northern [Ireland?]
LOU: [˚so˚]
LOU:yeah N[orthern Ireland yeah]
INT:[˚xxx xxx xxx xxx] xxx˚
INT: [o]:h nice one
LOU:I kno(h)w=
LOU:gets me a holiday anyway[doesn’t it ha ha] somewhere to stay hhh .hhh=
INT: [ha ha ha ha ha]
INT:so you’ve kno:wn her since s the start of this [year] xxx xxx xxx [Sep]temberish
LOU: [˚xxx˚] [˚xxx˚]
LOU:feels like I’ve known her years though really=
LOU:like I know more about her than friends back home I think
LOU:cos I think it’s cos you live together so=
LOU:=you start to see sides of people you don’t (.) generally see
LOU:˚in others˚
LOU:cos you’re und under each others’ skin aren’t ya (.) so=
INT:=˚yeah yeah˚ I know it [can be quite difficult]=
LOU: [it’s crazy]
LOU:=it is difficult but we’ve (.) we’ve learnt to live with each other (.) cos we know when we need our own space n (.)we know when
LOU:it’s time to be
LOU:˚like with each other xxx xxx˚=
INT:=.hhh when you are with each other what
INT:I mean w what d’you get up to what d’you do?
LOU:like in the day or::
LOU: [js] generally
INT:generally [in the day] in the evening or whatever (.) both
LOU: [well we generally]
INT:all thre[e]
LOU:[x] typical watch telly togther an erm
LOU:drink together before we go out ˚n then go out˚
LOU:do each other’s fake tan n stu HA ha ha ha .hhh so ha ha .hhh
INT:d’you go out a l[ot?]
LOU: [˚s˚]
LOU: [˚yeah˚] quite a lot
LOU:but recently cos of exams we haven’t
LOU:˚but then˚
LOU:Wednesday night we had quite a ↓big night out
LOU:so it was really good=
INT:=that was the end of [exams]
LOU: [yeah] that was (.) the last cos her last exam was on that day as well so
LOU:=it was good tim[ing ˚xxx˚]
INT: [are you doing the same] course?
LOU:no: she does business studies (.) so
LOU:˚she enjoys it˚
INT:˚you ˚ ha [ha]
LOU: [ha .hhh]=
INT:=you sound unconv[inced? ha ha ha ha]
LOU: [I know ha ha] .hhh it’s not my type of thing bu[t hhh]
INT: [no:]
INT:and the the other people in the flat are you also close to th[em?]
LOU: [y↑e]ah yeah we [are]
INT: [˚xx˚]
LOU:there’s one girl who
LOU:isn’t she doesn’t come out with us cos she’s not a very: sociable person she’s the type who’d rather stay in and watch films
LOU:so we do watch films with her occasionally but=
LOU: [she] goes home quite a lot you see
LOU:so we don’t really see that much of her and she goes out with other friends from other ha:lls so
LOU:but the other four of us ↓we are
LOU:quite [close]
INT: [but th]is
INT:but thegirl from Ireland is more like
INT:a part[icular friend yeah]
LOU: [yeah parti]cular friend yeah
LOU:be[st mate type] thing y[eah] yeah=
INT: [right yeah] [yeah]
LOU:=she’s like if I had (.) there was something wrong with meor something she’s the one I’d go to out of the whole of the flat
LOU:˚so (.) yeah she’s a particular one˚
INT:and do you have friends outside the flat [as well]
LOU: [y↑eah] y[eah]
INT: [yea]h?=
LOU:=there’s e:r we’ve fo:rmed like a group of about (.) fifteen of us
LOU:we’re a:ll we’re all quite a close groupcos we all live on the first floor you see
INT:oh ri[:ght]
LOU: [of] where we stay so
LOU:there’s a couple who are from other ha:lls so it’s really good
LOU:quite a sociable group n
LOU:everyone (.) there’s people who are
LOU:closer than others but thenwe’re all (.) close together
LOU:˚it’s cool˚
LOU:I like it=
INT:=so are all are all that you:r (.) your little
INT:˚I don’t know˚ cl↑an or what[ever]ha ha [ha ha]
LOU: [yeah] [poss]e ha h[a ha] ha .hhh[ha ha]
INT: [posse][u:]m
INT:are they all from outside Liverpool?
LOU:yes (.) al[l of them]
INT: [so] so so none of your friends are like
INT:locals or none of your close friends are [li] like locals
LOU: [no]
INT:but you kn[ow] you know some people who are from Liverpool as well or?
LOU: [˚x˚]
LOU:e::m not really no there’s a (.) lad who’s from ((LOCAL PLACE NAME DELETED))
LOU:which is
LOU: really but no one who actually l[ives in Liverpool]
INT: [it’s not a lot further] th[an you i]s it?=
LOU: [no]
LOU:=n[(h)o it’s just likeha .hhh]
INT [xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx] xx yeah=
INT:˚yeah okay˚
INT:how how long d’you think you’ll
INT:you’ll know these friends for d’you think
LOU:like after university and stuff there’s a few that I think
LOU:we’ll try and stay in touch with but we won’t (.) for obvious reasons but there’s a few where
LOU:I reckon we’ll stay
INT:and what are [the ob]vious reasons?
LOU: [cos we]
LOU:too far away and˚don’t˚
LOU: [˚x]xx˚
LOU:like one (.) some of em are gonna move abroa:d n˚stuff like that so˚
LOU:˚I reckon we’ll try though˚
LOU:it’s like [next] year we’re all getting houses
INT: [˚x˚]
LOU:but I think we’ll all stay in touch because
LOU:that’s our group we’ve formedso we’re all living in different areas but
LOU:I think we’ll stay in touch (.) I hope so anyway
INT:have you got your
INT:house sorted out?
INT:and you [xx you gonna be] staying with:
INT:some of the people you’re friends with now?=
INT:=al[l from that sort of] g[roup?]
LOU: [so it’s cool] [yea]h
LOU:we’re all in the same group apart from one girl which is a friend from back home
LOU:erm [she’s] living with us as well
INT: [˚okay˚]
LOU:cos she hasn’t really ˚settled in properly˚
LOU:˚with who she’s lived with˚ she’s not really fo:rmed ˚a friendship group so˚
INT:>˚alright [okay˚<]
LOU: [we’re like] takin her under our wing (.) n lookin after her ha
INT: [˚cool˚]
INT:so tal talking bout friends from from before
INT:you came here straight after school right?
LOU:from college y[eah]
INT:[yea]h from college right
INT:and you had a different
INT:set of friends there obviously >how how< how in touch are you:: with th[em:]
LOU: [very]LOU: cos we:’ve got a very
LOU:close group of friends there’s like six of us (.) including myself girls
LOU:an (.) we’re the type of friends where we see each other every day
LOU:we do stuff together every day so we’re still
LOU:very close
LOU:like I’ve been going home most weekends to spend time with them
INT:↑alright [xxx]
LOU: [n] like I ph↓one them in the week n
LOU:it’s really strange cos I’ve got such a close group of friends back ho:me but I have here that’s why: at first I didn’t (.) really want to come
LOU:cos I was a bit sca:red of
LOU:making new friends=
LOU:but it seems to have gone the opposite way
LOU:cos we do depend on each other a lot back home
LOU:like us six
LOU:it was[scary xxx xxx]
INT: [and have your have] your::
INT:friends from college met your uni friends
LOU:e::m [yeah] they [come up o]n: Saint Paddy’s day for like the day out so they
INT: [˚xxx˚] [˚xxx˚]
LOU:like met n stuff they all got [on it was] quite stra:n:ge
INT: [okay]
LOU:it was like all my favourite people in one room: it was good=
INT:=uh hu x[xx xxx xxx ye↑ah]
LOU: [so xxx xxx xxx] ha ha .hhh it was dead goo:d
INT:wha[t d’you do Pa]ddy’s day then
LOU: [I liked it]
LOU:˚what d’you think we done˚
LOU: [ha] ha [ha .hhh]
INT: [where did you do it] h[a ha ha ha]
LOU: [e::m] we start ↑do’you know where The Head of Steam ↓is=
INT:=hm m
LOU:we started off there because obviously (.) that’s where our accommodation isabove there and then went into town ˚and then˚
LOU:donelike a bit of a bar crawl really
LOU:n then went to a club afterwards
LOU:˚and then˚
LOU:spent the next day (.) in bed (.) ha [ha ha]
INT: [ha ha ha] moaning=
LOU:=yeah [˚he he˚ .hhh]
INT: [ha ha ha ha ha] ha (.) cool
LOU:[so] it was good
LOU:˚it was really good˚ it was nice to see: (.) me fr different frien:d groups getting on as well
LOU:you know like so they could colli:de n
INT:=and are the:y (.) have you
INT:have the two friends sort of: mixedsince then as well or::
LOU:e:::m wel[l they we’ve not really (.) been up n]o: they’ve not really had the
INT: [xxx xxx had the opportunity]
LOU:opportunity since that day
LOU:but if (.) cos s:ometimes one cos they only live like an hour away one will pop up for the night and thenthey’ll speak or sit in the kitchen n (.) ˚have like a cup of tea n everything n˚=
LOU:˚so it’s˚
LOU:˚it’s really quite cool˚
LOU:the girls are good who I live with like that they’re very: sociable as well so they won’t just (.) ignor:e(.) someone[they’ll] come in ˚n˚
INT: [˚yeah˚]
LOU:nice to meet yer ˚der der der so it’s co[ol˚]
INT: [˚x]xx cool˚
LOU:it’s really good
INT:so wh↑at was it like
INT:coming ↓here you said you were a bit sort of er:a:h[ah]
LOU: [˚y]eah˚
LOU:=I wasn’t gonna: (.) I changed me mind about going to uni (.) over summer
LOU:and then I got a summer job (.) and I really didn’t like it it [was not where I
INT: [ha ha ha ha]
LOU:wanted]to be at ↓all
LOU:n I thought the only way I’m gonna get to where I wanna be is if I go to uni
LOU:but I was (.) I was just scared of being l↑one↓ly
LOU:I think ↓˚more than anything˚
LOU:cos we are: really close back home
LOU: [so i]t was one of them where:
LOU:I just ↓thought I was gonna be on my own make no frien:ds
LOU:it wa[s]
INT: [w]ere you worried about losing contact [with xxxxxx xxx ˚college]
LOU: [yeah definitely]
LOU:=with cos
LOU:two of them didn’t go to university (.) n three of them have done
LOU:so it wa[s]
INT: [˚r]ight˚
INT:but that[’s not made a] difference reall[y?]
LOU:[˚xxx xxx˚] [n]o↑: not at a↑:↓ll
LOU:like the t one of the girls (.) who stayed back ho:me at first she was a bit
LOU:ooh you’re all makin new friends you’re gonna forget about us
LOU:at the start she was a bit
LOU:but th[en]
INT: [˚m:]:[:˚]
LOU: [she’]s all right now
LOU:she like=
INT:=>but is she< making new friends
INT:through wor:k n all that sort of stuff xx[x?]
LOU: [er]↑yeah yeah but she works with
LOU:↓older people really
LOU:[where she w]orks
LOU:>she does<
LOU:stay with us but she’s got a boyfriend as well so that sort of hel:ps so when we’re not there she’s spending time w[ith hi]m
INT: [˚x˚]
LOU: so (.) she’s settled down a lot more now she just fe I think she felt a bit
LOU:↓left out cos we were a:ll moving on with our livesand she felt like she was stuck there:
LOU:˚she’s c[ome to te]rms with it now n˚ re(h)alised
INT:[˚m hm˚]
INT:>that sounds like
INT:when you said you wanna sort of stay in touch with some of these university frie[nd]s (.) you know
LOU: [yeah]
INT:ever or [or what] I: it sounds like sort of (.) the same with the ↑college
LOU:[x yea:h]
INT:friend[s xxx]
LOU: [yea]:h definite[ly]
INT: [these] are (.) like lifelong friends?=
LOU:=definitely ˚yeah˚
INT:and before coll↑ege like at school?
LOU:it was (.) the sa↑:↓me
LOU:f[riends xxx]college at school:l cos we all went to the [same college]
INT: [cough cough] [you all went to the same
INT:school] andthen the [same]college okay=
LOU: [yeah]
LOU:=so it was [really g]ood and there’s e:rm a couple of people from schoo:l(.) like
INT: [all right]
LOU:it’s a group of lads who I’ve kept in touch with as well
LOU:cos they’re like ↓really close friends
LOU:but it goes to show you when you move on who your friends ar:e
LOU:they’re the people who wanna stay in touch and who make the effort to see yer
LOU:and you make the effort to see themn it makes you rea[li]se (.) it’s like [xxx]
INT: [˚xx˚] [cos >I]INT: mean there must have been other< people who you were
INT:[friends with who havesort of fallen by] the way[side]