CHM 334L
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
Part 1: Spectrochemical Analysis
CHM 334 Experiments for Spring 2006
Round Robin #1
(Weeks 1-5: 1/23-2/20)
1. UV1: Determination of Vanillin in Vanilla Extract
2. MLS: Determination of Quinine in Tonic Water by Molecular Luminescence
3. AES: Analysis of Fruit Juice by Flame Atomic Emission Spectrometry
4. AAS: Determination of Cd in Urine by GFAAS
5. LC1: Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Soft Drinks
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Round Robin #2
(Weeks 6-10: 3/13-4/10)
6. TLC: Analysis of Analgesic Tablets by Thin Layer Chromatography
7. GC1: Gas Chromatographic Determination of Contaminants in Whiskey
8. LC2: Determination of the Scoville Heat Value of Chili Peppers
9. EC1: Coulometric Determination of the Iodine Number for Cooking Oils
10. EC2: Analysis of Bottled Water with Ion Selective Electrodes
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Divide yourselves into 5 groups (A-E) of no more than 3 individuals. Each individual is responsible for his/her own sample preparation, and analyses. Share the work required for the standards. Reports are NOT to be a group effort.
Lab Group Rotation Schedule
Exp. 1,6 / Exp. 2,7 / Exp. 3,8 / Exp. 4,9 / Exp. 5,10Week 1,6 / A / E / D / C / B
Week 2,7 / B / A / E / D / C
Week 3,8 / C / B / A / E / D
Week 4,9 / D / C / B / A / E
Week 5,10 / E / D / C / B / A
Submit a full formal report (using the enclosed ACS guidelines for authors) after weeks 3, 5, 8, and 10. All other weeks submit an informal report including the figures of merit, plots, answers to questions, etc. included with each procedure. Reports (both formal or informal) are due at the beginning of the lab period immediately following the experiment. The late penalty is 10% per day.
Use a bound notebook for all recorded data, and Excel for all calculations.