Instructor: Señora Gloria Garcia Room E-221

Course Year: 2016-2017

Course Name: Español II- #60.072

Realidades Level 1


Fax: 770-947-7512

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Spanish II is an continuing course for students who have successfully completed one year of Spanish. This course is designed to deepen the students’ familiarity with the language by integrating the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The amount of time in which the target language use will increase this year. The course includes an intensive study of Spanish grammar and aims to substantially increase the students’ basic vocabulary. Students will focus more on more types of present tense verbs, reflexive verbs, and one form of the past tense of verbs.

Classroom Norms and Expectations:

  • Follow directions.
  • Listen while others are speaking.
  • Actively participate.
  • Ask questions.
  • Be respectful and considerate of the teacher and other students.
  • Students are expected to follow established guidelines (County, School and Teacher).
  • All makeup work must be completed according to guidelines. It is the STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to make the necessary arrangements. Students will only be allowed to turn in late work within the same week this year. However, grading for late work will be graded as follows: 1-3 days late-70. After the 4th day late, it will not be accepted and will be counted as a 0.
  • Missed assigments are to be obtained before or after school form the teacher. Also student can checo online for missed assigments and/or upcoming test/quiz/projects.
  • COMPROMISING (CHEATING) on tests, quizzes, exams, homework or any graded assignment will earn a ZERO; other disciplinary measures as established by school policy will be implemented. As a point of emphasis, copying homework from another person or

allowing another to copy homework is CHEATING, and will result in all students involved receiving a zero.

  • No food, drink, gum, or candy will be allowed in the classroom unless it is provided by the teacher.
  • CLASS DISMISSAL: You may leave the room at the end of the period. The bell does not dismiss you, I DO! I also expect your desk to be in its proper place before you leave. You are to remain seated until the bell rings. Do not congregate at the door while waiting for the bell to ring.
  • Translation programs are not allowed! Getting help from a native speaker or a translation program defeats the purpose of learning the language yourself. Expect to lose credit on assignments if you choose not to put forth your own best efforts.

GRADING CATEGORIES AND EVALUATION: Every effort will be made to assess student learning, allowing for the best possible overall evaluation of each student. Emphasis on oral proficiency will be maintained. Students will be grading according to the following scale:

Semester Final Average 100%

  • CDAs, Tests, and Projects 40%
  • Final Exam20%
  • Quizzes20%
  • Classwork and Homework15%
  • Participation5%

**The vocabulary in these grading percentages is the vocabulary used in the new grading program Infinite Campus.**

A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 71 – 79 D = 70 F = < 70

ASSESSMENTS/QUIZZES: Student learning will be assessed with short quizzes possibly each week or every two weeks on smaller subcategory. For example, In the first section, your first quiz may be on the basics such as greetings, numbers, date, time, and weather . A second quiz may be on the family and describing yourself and others.

CDAs (Common District Assessments): Tests will evaluate the four elements of language learning: speaking, reading, writing and listening. The speaking portion of the test will be performed with the teacher, individually or in pairs. Each test will evaluate current and previously learned material because building on the foundation is important in language learning. Topics for each CDA are in previous pages of the syllabus. The teacher will give you the dates of each CDA in advance.

PARTICIPATION: 5% of your grade. You will be given a participation card, and it will be used every time we go over homework or classwork. For every correct answer, you receive a signature. Once the student has all the signatures he/she will be able to drop lowest grade.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Throughout the year, students will listen to many audio and watch video segments relating to the thematic units covered. They will receive either a participation grade or a class work grade for their effort on the accompanyingassignments.

HOMEWORK and CLASSWORK: Classwork will count for 10% of the grade and will include warmups and any assignments that relate to Spanish topics on the CDA or cultural topics only. More homework will be done online this year, and will be graded more for accuracy.

NOTEBOOK/TEXT: Students will maintain a Spanish notebook as their primary resource for class. Other reference materials will be used and available in the classroom. Students will be allowed to use a textbook and will be responsible for taking care of it so that it remains in usable condition. Students will have a class set of textbooks for use in the classroom. We will be using Realidades Level 1 and or 2 textbooks this year.

Use of Technology:

This year, we plan to use Engrade,Edmodo, Quizlet, Study Spanish, Conjuguemos, Realize and other internet based programs that reinforce learning. We will also have headsets this year that will be used for listening and speaking this year for the first time. We will be going to the computer lab on certain days during each new unit. These days in the computer room will count as classwork grades as well. Failure to work on these websites, or any other website assigned to students by the teacher will result in a zero for the day and a parent phone call home or an e-mail home to the parent.

Discipline Plan-

1st Infraction: Verbal Warning.

2nd Infraction: Parent Phone Call.

3rd Infraction: Automatic After School Detention. Parent will be contacted via phone or e-mail and a detention form will be stapled in the student’s agenda on the day the detention will be received.

4th Infraction:Disciplinary Referral to your class administrator.

Course Outline and Content:

These are the main topics established by the Douglas County Foreign Language Department. These topics are mandated for all high school Spanish teachers

Day / Chapter / Grammar / Vocabulary / Culture
Spanish I Review
(Use 5A for Family) /
  • Adjective-noun agreement
  • Forming questions
  • Regular –ar, -er, -irverbs
  • The verb “Ser”
  • The verb “Tener"
  • Yo-go verbs(hacer, poner, traer, tener)
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Basics (Greetings, numbers, date, time, weather)
  • Describing yourself and others ( School, Family Adjectives)
  • Spanish Speaking Countries
  • España: La familia real

5B /
  • The verb “Venir”
  • Ser vs. Estar
  • Adjectives ending in -ísimo
  • Describing people
  • Ordering meal
  • Mealtimes
  • Food

6A /
  • Comparisons Superlatives
  • Stem-changing verbs
  • Bedroom items
  • Electronic equipment
  • Colors
  • Adjectives characteristics
  • Frida: La Casa Azul

  • Affirmative tú commands
  • Present progressive tense
  • Endings –dor and -dora
  • Rooms in a house
  • Household chores

7A /
  • Demonstrative adjectives
  • Direct object pronouns
  • Stem changing verbs “Pensar”, “Querer”, and “Preferir’
  • Clothing
  • Shopping
  • Numbers 100-1000
  • Currencies
  • Famous Hispanic designers
  • Molas

7B /
  • Regular and irregular
  • Nouns that end in -ería
  • Preterite verbs “Ar”
  • Places to shop
  • Accessories
  • Buying and selling

8A /
  • Talk about things to do on vacation(8A)
  • Preterite “Er”, “Ir”, and “Ser/Ir”.
  • Personal “a”
  • Travel and vacations

La rutina diairia
Final Exam /
  • Reflexive Verbs
  • Daily Routine Verbs
  • Hygiene Products

Possible Additional Cultural Lessons (if time permits)-

  • Festivals
  • Music and musicians from various Spanish speaking countries
  • Foods from different Spanish speaking countries
  • Artists and Authors from various Spanish speaking countries
  • Tourist sites from various Spanish speaking countries
  • Traditions

Spanish II - 1

Confirmation of receipt:


Please complete & return by Tuesday, August 9th or 10th, 2016.

This will be counted as a homework grade.

Student Name: ______(Print full name.)

Spanish II– period _____

Parent/Guardian’s name: ______(Please print.)

Parent/Guardian’s Phone numbers: ______

Parent/Guardian’s e-mail address: ______(Please print.)

** It is required that you have your parent/guardian READ & sign this portion of the syllabus. Their signature is an indication that they have read the SpanishII syllabus.

Special Note: Publisher exam copies and standardized tests will not be returned to the student for "test security" reasons. They will be on file with the teacher for the parent/guardian’s or student’s inspection.

I have read the syllabus for SpanishII and understand the requirements and expectations my child will have to meet in order to be successful in this course. I agree to comply with these rules and procedures.


Signature of parent/guardian Date


Signature of student Date

Spanish II - 1

Spanish II - 1