Instructor: Mrs. Hammer Honors American Literature & Composition Name ______

Room: #508 Syllabus Block # ______Date ______

Work Phone#: 348-5491


Course Description

This yearlong course, required for graduation, is strongly recommended for juniors. It provides an overview of themes in American Literature & American Literary Periods. Fiction and nonfiction works from colonial to modern times will be studied. It focuses on the key teaching & learning experiences that embed 21st Century skills: critical thinking & reasoning; information literacy; collaboration; self-direction; & invention. It is designed to enhance student’s written & spoken communication skills & their understanding of various types of American literature. The literature genres studied include short stories, novels, poetry, nonfiction, & drama. Students build writing skills in many forms and are expected to meet the Common Core Standards in reading, writing, & speaking as well as prepare for the ACT Test. Particular emphasis in expository writing will include at the following structures: narrative, expository, persuasive, & research. In addition, students are introduced to written literacy analysis.

Course Outcomes:

1.  T.L.W. read American Literature and respond in oral and written forms.

2.  T.L.W. correctly identify characteristics of various literary periods.

3.  T.L.W. analyze different forms of American Literature.

4.  T.L.W. apply knowledge of literary terms to explications of literary works studied.

5.  T.L.W. gain a true appreciation of how American Literature reflects life.

6.  T.L.W. know major American Authors & their respective contributions to the American literary history.

7.  T.L.W. analyze texts from different authors, styles, & literary periods and will be able to connect textual themes to their everyday lives.

8.  T.L.W. concentrate heavily on the writing process and the grammar, usage, and mechanics within their own writing.

9.  T.L.W. learn the craft of writing to create different types of essays and genres, including a research synthesis project

10.  T.L.W. enhance their spelling, vocabulary, knowledge of affixes, word origins, & context clues in preparation for future ACT/SAT tests.


As the primary text, we will utilize both the McDougal/Littell American Literature Anthology, The Language of Literature and Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience. The texts are to remain in this classroom. You will be assigned a specific textbook number for the semester & will be given time in class to read assignments. Utilize intervention or after-school time to complete unfinished reading assignments if necessary. The texts cannot be checked out of the class. Additional texts can be checked out of the library.

Required Novels/Plays

Novels will be selected from the following list:

1)  To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

2)  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

3)  Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

4)  Shoeless Joe by W.P. Kinsella

5)  The Crucible by Arthur Miller

6)  Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

7)  Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

8)  The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

9)  Centennial by James Michener

10) Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchel

Accelerated Reader Fictional Novel

Each student will be required to select a fictional novel by an American Author in our library. The AR books are marked with a blue label on the spine. This novel must be approved on the Accelerated Reader List found in the library. In addition, the author must have a selection in the American Literature Anthology. Each student will read the Accelerated Reader Novel and take a major assessment over it. This novel will serve as your primary source in you and your partners’ author presentation. Although partners will read the same novel, each person will test solo at the conclusion of the reading. (Accelerated Reader Test is 100 pts)


You will be expected to bring the following materials every day:

1) Pen and Pencil 2) Two packages of sticky notes (two different colors)

3) a highlighter 4) notebook with dividers, storage flaps, and notebook paper

5) Textbook 6) Novels 6)) G.W.H.S. Student Planner

Primary Method of Instruction

Instruction encompasses lecture, group discussion, literary circles, written analysis, Cornell Notes, reading workshops, oral presentations, cooperative groups, Socratic Seminars, computer technology lab, library research, and visual media.

Student Responsibilities

Required Readings

1.  Selections from McDougal/Littell Anthology & Prentice Hall

2.  3-4 required novels/ plays (1 of these is your fictional AR Novel)

3.  1 fictional Accelerated Reader Novel written by your chosen author

4.  1 Biography of your chosen American author

5.  1 literary criticism which focuses on your chosen American author


1.  Partner Author Research and 25-30 minute oral power point presentation (100-150 Pts.)

2.  Literary Terms to Know

3.  Essays: Narrative, Expository, Persuasive, Research, Literary Analysis


1.  There will be objective and/or essay tests following each time period studied. (*Significant impact on grade)

2.  Expect an objective and/or essay test at the conclusion of each assigned novel.

3.  There will be numerous quizzes of the announced and the “surprise” variety.

4.  There will be a major assessment over your Accelerated Reader fictional novel (100 pts.)

5.  There will be a district mandated final exam that is cumulative in nature (10% of semester grade).

You are expected to complete all quizzes, tests, papers, and projects. Every assessment, minor and major, significantly impacts your overall grade.


Cheating on tests WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. It will result in a ZERO in the grade book with no opportunity to retake the test and a “close encounter” of the administrative and parental kind.

Paper Format:

**All final papers must be word-processed or type written. Hand written final drafts will not be accepted. All other class work may be in pencil or pen (black/blue) unless otherwise specified. If you aren’t computer competent, make appropriate arrangements. This rule applies to all major writing assignments. Format: 12 pt. font Font: Times New Roman


The attendance & Tardy Policy of Greeley West High School as found in the Student Planner will be followed strictly. Daily attendance is crucial to your success in this class. As for the tardy policy, all students are expected to arrive to class on time. This means you should be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings. You will be assigned a 30 minute LUNCH DETENTION for excessive tardiness as determined by your teacher. Your parent or guardian will also be notified.

NOTE TO SELF: *You will be counted ABSENT if you are 10 minutes TARDY or later. (Sign the tardy clipboard.)

Grading Procedures

Students must have an overall cumulative average of 60% to pass this class. The final exam mandated by the district will be 10% of your overall semester grade. The final semester grade will be calculated from the total cumulative points.

Grading Scale

Students will be graded using the standard A,B,C,D,F scale.

90-100 =A 80-89 =B 70-79 =C 60-69% =D 59- Below= F

Homework Policy/ Participation

You will have homework which is due at the beginning of the class unless otherwise stated. Late papers, projects, and homework will not be accepted for grading consideration. You are expected and encouraged to participate in class. I expect you to be here; ABSENCES & TARDIES WILL BE A PROBLEM IN THIS CLASS!

Participation is 10% of your overall semester grade.

Makeup Policy

Excused Absences:

§  It is your responsibility to check the MAKE-UP BINDER for missed work assigned on the date of your absence.

§  Missed tests/ assessments must be made up within two school days of the absence unless prior arrangements have been made.

§  It is mandatory to fill out the makeup work slip, staple it to your assignments, & place in makeup basket. NO WORK will be checked without the slip!

Unexcused Absences:

§  Students with an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE will have TWO school days for every day missed to complete make-up work. Students will receive 50% of the earned score. If a student has an unexcused absence from a performance, that student will not be allowed to make up the performance, and will receive a zero.

§  It is mandatory to fill out the makeup work slip, staple it to your assignments, & place in makeup basket. NO WORK will be checked without the slip!

Retesting Policy

There are no retakes of any exams or quizzes.

Final Examination

There will be a cumulative final exam that reflects what you have learned this semester. It is standardized District #6 test taken by all students of American literature across the district. It will be worth 10% of your overall semester grade. “There are NO EXEMPTIONS from the final exam,”

Behavior and Consequences

Remember three basic rules during “Hammer Time”:

1.  Be on time.

2.  Be prepared

3.  Be polite.

You may do anything you choose in this class EXCEPT interfere with you classmate’s rights to learn and participate. You must accept the responsibility and consequences of your choices, actions, and decisions.

Cell Phone/Electronic Devices

§  Cell phones/electronic device should be turned off & out of sight.

§  You will lose all participation points if you are caught using phone/device.

§  You will get one warning. Upon the second violation, they will be confiscated and the student may pick it up between 3:00-3:20 that same day. If there is a third offense, the device will be confiscated until your parent or guardian claims it from me between 8:00 a.m. -3:15 p.m. the next day. REFUSAL TO SURRENDER A DEVICE WILL BE WRITTEN UP AS INSUBORDINATION.


Cover Sheet/ Syllabus Contract

Each student and his or her guardian must read the cover sheet /syllabus and share it with his/her parents. It is mandatory that the student and guardian sign the cover sheet contract & return it promptly to Mrs. Hammer the first week.

Hall Passes

No student will be allowed to leave the class during the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class as per school policy.

Student/ Parental Grade Viewer

Every effort will be made to input grades as expediently as possible; however, Houdini I’m not! The best day and time to obtain a reasonably up to date grade is Friday afternoon about 4:00. (Of course, there might be deviations from this, but I will do my best.)

Help Availability

If you need some extra help, do not wait until the last minute. Schedule a time to see me after school. Please feel free to visit with me about your grade or any concerns you might have. I welcome your visit!

Instructor: Mrs. Hammer

Room: #508

Work Phone#: 348-5491


If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”

-Henry David Thoreau


_____/10 pts.

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Name ______

Block # ______Date ______










Student Name: ______Grade: ______Points _____/10 pts.

Block: ______Class: American Literature & Composition Teacher: Mrs. Hammer

Due Date: ______

Please sign the student portion of this form, share the information in the cover sheet with your parent(s)/guardian(s), and have a parent/guardian sign the bottom of this form. Return this signed page to me by the first week of class and keep the remainder of the cover sheet in your notebook.


I have read and understand the information on the cover sheet for this class. I agree to adhere to the policies set forth for the class and acknowledge that I am aware of the penalties for not doing so.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______


Circle the appropriate response to each statement and then sign and date at the bottom.

I have read the cover sheet for this course and will provide any support needed to assure that my son/daughter will succeed both academically and behaviorally.

Yes No

I understand that cell phones are not to be in use during class time. I will leave voice messages for my child which can be listened to at a more appropriate time, or in the case of an emergency I will contact my child through the main office. I understand that if my child uses his/her cell phone in class, it will be confiscated until a parent or guardian claims it.

Yes No

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

You must turn this form into Mrs. Hammer to receive credit!



Student Name: ______Grade: ______Points _____/10 pts.

Block: ______ Class: Honors American Literature & Composition Teacher: Mrs. Hammer

Please sign the student portion of this form, share the information in the cover sheet with your parent(s)/guardian(s), and have a parent/guardian sign the bottom of this form. Return this signed page to me by the first week of class and keep the remainder of the cover sheet in your notebook.


I have read and understand the information on the cover sheet for this class. I agree to adhere to the policies set forth for the class and acknowledge that I am aware of the penalties for not doing so.