Teacher: Debey Tillerson Week of: August 28-Sept 1 2017 Subject: AP History 11 Period: 6 subject to change as needed

MON / -5.1 The US became more connected with the world, pursued an expansionist foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere, and emerged as the / AP Key Concepts
5.1, 5.2, 5.3
/ Frederick Jackson Turner-the Turner thesis
Manifest Destiny in the South
-attempts to acquire more territory
Create chart in small groups/pairs
/ Test on Manifest Destiny will be Thursday!!
Read p. 236-239 (2 topics)
Western Settlement/ Expanding Economy / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  Organize information
TUE / destination for migrants from other countries. / Graffitti Switcheroo—2 teams
Quick Write Question Response
(students will get one of two topics) / Continue to study….
Prepare for BAGPIPE (TLO)
You MUST know SFI to do this…. / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
WED / -5.2 Intensified by expansion and deepening regional divisions, debates over slavery and other economic, political, and cultural issues led the nation into Civil War. / Manifest Destiny
BAGPIPE competition-- 4 teams / Keep studying… / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
THUR / -5.3 The union victory in the Civil War and the contested reconstruction of the South settled the issues of slavery, but left unresolved many questions about the power of the federal / TEST Manifest Destiny / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  Test
I / government and citizenship rights. / Terms list for Civil War
List for memorization-events leading to the Civil War / TBA / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation

Welcome Back!!! We are halfway through our AP journey. I know it has been tough, but I am proud of your commitment to excellence.

I look forward to even greater achievement this year. You can do this!! Stay focused to finish strong!

Ok—here comes the first test!!! Prepare by reading AMSCO and reviewing your GR. Take a good look at the terms at the end the chapter and make sure you know what they all are and how they relate to each other.