SCIENCEFall 2012
Course: GNSC-1104
Instructor: Geosciences Main Office Sect. Number 1
Dr. Rebecca L. Dodge Room 102
Room 102A, Bolin Hall Bolin Hall
940-397-4475 940-397-4250
Lecture: 12:00 -12:50MWF in BO 100. You are expected to attend class regularly.The attached schedule is subject to change – all changes will be announced in class.
Required Text:Integrated Science by Tillery, Enger, and Ross,McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Office Hours:T-Th 9:00 – 12:00 in Room 102A, Bolin Hall. Instructor can also be reached by email (). Please use this email, not the WebCT email!
Course Objective: To learn about the foundations of Earth and Biological Sciences. Students will be able to
- Explain the current theories concerning the origin of the Universe and of the Solar System
- Explain the place of Earth in the Solar System and its interactions with other bodies in the Solar System
- Relate the origin and evolution of the Earth to its resulting geologic systems
- Explain the operation of Earth’s geologic systems including the relationships among the atmosphere, the lithosphere, and the hydrosphere
- Recognize ecosystem dynamics including energy and productivity
- Explain the history of the Earth including the evolution of geologic systems and life forms
- Recognize the cellular nature of life forms and the functions and structures of cells
- Relate structures and functions of living organisms to exchange of energy and materials
- Understand reproduction at the cellular and organ level
- Explain how genetic variability occurs and the processes of genetic inheritance
- Observe and report on the environment like a scientist, using established inquiry methods and protocols to ensure accuracy
Course Format:Textbook readings, content lectures, content videos,and laboratory activities will be the foundation of the class. Summary course notes will be delivered during lectures. Your notes, together with the text, will be the basis for in-class tests. Laboratory tests will be based on laboratory activities. This course is on WebCT and the syllabus for class;summary lecture notes and test review materials will be posted.
- Threetests will be given;each test will cover only the new material presented since the previous test. Tests comprise multiple choice and true/false questions. Bring a #2 pencil to the exams, and know your student ID#. Grades will be posted on Blackboard. Make-up exams will only be given when a written excuse is provided. In order to take a make-up, a written excuse must be provided before or within one day of the scheduled exam.(60% of class grade)
- Five DVDs will be shown during class; a quiz will be given on each. (15% of class grade)
- The laboratory grade will be based on quizzes, exercises, a lab midterm test, and a lab final test.(25%)
GNSC 1104Daily Lecture Schedule FALL 2012
WeekDatesTopics Covered (general)Chapters
18/27, 29, 31Introduction; Syllabus; Understanding 1; 12; 12 Science; the Universe;
29/3, 5, 7Solar system; The Earth in Space;L.D.; 13; 13
39/10, 12, 14The Earth in Space; Earth Materials14; 14; 15
49/17, 19, 21Earth Materials; Review 15; 15; R
59/24, 26, 28The Appalachians; TEST; Earth’s
SurfaceDVD;T; 16
610/1, 3, 5Riding the Storm; Earth’s SurfaceDVD;16; 16
7 10/8,10, 12Earth’s Surface;Message from the Mountain;
Earth’s Weather16; DVD; 17
810/15, 17, 19Earth’s Weather; Earth’s water:
Fresh Water; Fresh Water17; 18; DVD
910/22, 24, 26Earth’s Waters: salt water;Shallow Seas;
Deep Ocean;18; DVD (2)
1010/29, 31, 11/2Ecology & Environ.; Review23; 23; R
1111/5, 7, 9TEST;
Nature/Living ThingsT; 20; 20
1211/ 12, 14, 16Nature/Living Things; Origin/Evolution
of Life; History/Life on Earth20; 21; 22
1311/ 19, THNXHistory/Life on Earth22
1411/26, 28, 30History/Life on Earth (cont);Human Biol:
Materials and Exchange; 22; 24; 24
1512/3, 5, 7Human Biol: Reprod;Genetics; Review25; 26; R;
Final12/12Test 3:30 - 5:30T