PHYS 245 - Summer, 2008
Instructor: E. P. Szuszczewicz Office: S&T-I, Rm 328A Office Hours: Wed, 10 AM to Noon
/ MATERIAL COVERED / QUESTION & PROBLEM ASSIGNMENT / QUESTION & PROBLEM COVERAGE6/30 / 16-116-9, 16-11, 16-12 / Ch.16 - Questions: 1,2,3,5,; Problems: 5, 7, 16, 24, 34
7/01 / 17-117-11 / Ch. 17- Questions: 8; Problems: 2, 4, 8, 14, 22, 28, 32, 36, 42 / Ch. 16 questions & problems as assigned
7/02 / 18-118-10 / Ch. 18- Questions:1, 4, 6 ; Problems: 2, 8, 12, 20, 26, 32, 42, 48
7/03 / No class
7/04 / Holiday
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7/07 / 19-119-8 / Ch. 19- Questions: 2, 4; Problems: 2, 6, 12, 18, 26, 36, 42, 49
7/08 / 20-120-7, 20-920-11 / Ch. 20- Questions: 6, 10; Problems: 2, 4, 10, 16, 26, 30, 48, 54 / Ch. 17&18 questions & problems as assigned
7/09 / Test Ch. 16, 17, 18
7/10 / 21-121-5; 21-7 / Ch. 21- Questions: 4, 8; Problems: 2, 4, 6, 20, 30, 34 / Ch. 19&20 questions & problems as assigned
7/11 / 22-122-3, 22-7 / Ch. 22- Questions: 1, 2, 3; Problems: 3, 4, 6, 8
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7/14 / 23-123-8 / Ch. 23- Questions: 3, 9; Problems: 1, 2, 8, 10, 24, 26, 30, 36
7/15 / 24-124-8, 24-10 / Ch. 24- Questions: 4, 14; Problems: 2, 4, 14, 18, 28, 40 / Ch. 21&22 questions & problems as assigned
7/16 / Test Ch. 19, 20, 21, 22
7/17 / 25-125-4, 25-7, 25-9, 25-12 / Ch. 25- Questions 4, 6, 8: Problems: 2, 6, 10, 12,,22, 30, 48 / Ch. 23&24 questions & problems as assigned
7/18 / 26-126-5, 26-726-11 / Ch. 26- Questions 8 : Problems: 2, 4, 16, 24, 46
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7/21 / 27-127-4, 27-627-8, 27-1027-12 / Ch. 27- Questions 4: Problems: 4, 10, 12, 16, 32, 38
7/22 / 28-128-3, 28-528-8 / Ch. 28- Questions 4, 8, 12: Problems: 4, 8, 14, 16, 18 / Ch. 25&26 questions & problems as assigned
7/23 / Test Ch. 23, 24, 25
7/24 / 30-130-6 / Ch. 30-130-6- Questions 2, 12: Problems: 2, 10, 20 / Ch. 27&28 questions & problems as assigned
7/25 / 30-730-11, 30-13 / Ch. 30-730-11- Problems: 36, 40, 42
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7/28 / 31-131-6, 31-9 / Ch. 31- Questions 2, 4: Problems: 2, 4, 16, 38, 40
7/29 / 33-133-7 / Ch. 33- Questions 1, 2 : Problems: 2, 6, 22, 24 / Ch. 30&31 questions & problems as assigned
7/30 / Test Ch. 26, 27, 28, 30, 31 / Ch. 33- Questions 1, 2 : Problems: 2, 6, 22, 24
7/31 / Reading Day
8/04 / Final Exam:
7:30 AM. 10:15 AM
1) ScheduleThe schedule listed above is subject to change. It may be necessary to change test coverage or recitation assignments and you are responsible for being aware of any such changes.
2) Required Text:Physics – Principles With Applications (6th ed.) by Giancoli. Chapters 1628, 30, 31, and 33 will be covered. The accompanying Study Guide is recommended. You are also required to have a scientific calculator, which should be brought to all classes, especially to exams. . (Be sure you know how to use it – especially for trig functions.) You may not use a calculator that contains physics formulae or notes.
3) Intended audience for this courseThis is the second semester of a two-semester non-calculus based physics course intended for majors in biology and other sciences, excluding math, physics, or engineering. You sign up for the lab under a separate course number (PHYS 246).
Prerequisites:Successful completion of PHYS 243 or equivalent, a college-level math course, and a working knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. Students who received a D in PHYS 243 are cautioned against taking PHYS 245.
4) Reading/studying the text. It is strongly recommended that you study each chapter before it is handled in the lecture period. This will greatly increase comprehension and retention.
Publisher’s Web Site.The publisher of your text has a useful web site for the book. ( It includes such items as: chapter objectives, practice questions, puzzles and much more. The MCAT study guide (practice questions) provided there should be particularly helpful.
Phys. 245 Web Site You should also visit the course web site at
5) Recitation ALL STUDENTS REGISTERED FOR THE LECTURE MUST ALSO BE REGISTERED FOR ONE OF THE RECITATION CLASSES. RECITATION IS MANDATORY. Students must attend recitation sections for which they are registered. Your recitation instructor will discuss the grade components (quizzes, homework problems, class participation) which will make up your total recitation grade.
Questions and Problem Assignments - Recitation. It is recommended that you do the assigned questions and problems as they are assigned, and organize any of your concerns about applicable principles, formulae and solution schemes for consideration during subsequent recitation periods. Do note that assigned questions and problems will be addressed in the recitation periods according to the schedule.
6) Tests and Exams The tests and exams in this course will be nominally 30% multiple choice and 70% free-form problems, though the percentages could vary significantly from test-to-test. The multiple choice questions will tend to focus on understanding of the concepts and principles of physics under study; whereas the free-form problems will tend to be quantitative and similar to the level-I and level-II problems at the end of each chapter.
Students are expected to take the tests on the scheduled times. Any make-ups will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances where there is a compellingexcuse. You must notify the instructor in advance if you have to miss a test. It is important that you be on time for tests since it will be difficult to give extra time if you are late.
7) Grade Calculation - There will be four tests during this summer session and a final exam, with dates delineated in the schedule. The final exam is cumulative. Components in your final grade are as follows:
Tests: 60%
Final Exam25%
The final letter grade will be linearly adjusted upwards (if necessary) to establish the class average at approximately a C+ level; but it will not be lowered to achieve a C+ average.
In the event of an unforeseen school closing on a test day, the test will be given at the very next lecture session after the university reopens.
There will be no in-class quizzes.
8)Academic Integrity: . You are expected to observe the GMU Honor Code on tests and exams. Cheating on exams will be dealt with very severely. It can even result in your dismissal from the University. There should be no communication between students of any kind during tests and exams. If you don’t understand a question, please ask the instructor. Please bring a photo ID on test and exam days.
9) Courtesy You are expected to observe the rules of courtesy, including avoiding conversation during class, coming to lecture on time, and not leaving before the end. Students are encouraged to ask questions but it may be necessary to limit discussion of a topic in order to keep on schedule or because the topic will be discussed later.
10) Lecture Notes: For your convenience the lecture notes (in Power Point) will be posted on Dr. Lieb’s Phys. 245 web site ( They are not to be considered as a complete representation of the materials covered in the class and therefore should not be used as an excuse to skip class.
Phys 245
Student Information Sheet.
Please provide the following information in case there is need to get in touch with you. If you supply an e-mail address, it should be one that only you read as it might be necessary to send you a communication that you would wish to be confidential.
Name: ______
Email address ______
Phone Number ______
Signature ______