Chem. ListyModern Electroanalytical Methods 2009.
FIRST-NAME SURNAME, JACK SMITH, and WILLIAM R. TAILOR* (Times 9 pt bold, flush left, presenting author underlined even if sole, corresponding author can have asterisk*)
Institution, Address, ZIP (Times 9 pt italics, flush left)
e-mail address (Times 9 pt italics, flush left, do not hyperlink or underline)
Text of abstract for Chem. Listy is one column of this format (template) maximum, including formulae, figures, and literature references. Paragraph text starts with indent tab (7 mm), whole text Times 9 pt block. Literature cited before punctuation in superscript1. Contribution must be in English, ready to print; submitted contributions not following editorial rules can be excluded from publication. Figures and formulae should not exceed column width (82 mm). Figure is to be pasted into text. Do not use frames. For structures, use ACS definition (bond length 5,08 mm, width 0,21 mm, font type Helvetica/Arial 10 pt). Use ChemDraw or ChemSketch. Consult Chem. Listy format at URL if necessary.
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Literature: authors, abbreviated journal name, column, start page, year (yyyy) at the end, followed by full stop. Do not use automatic numbering or citations in any case. References should be indented to tab 7 mm and format to block, use Times 9 pt again.
Acknowledgement, grant citation. (Times 9 pt italics, no tab, block.)
1. Kraus T., Buděšínský M., Závada J.: Carbohydr. Res. 304, 81 (1997).
2.Kuneš J., Hrabálek A., Pour M., Pilař M., Waisser K., Odlerová Ž.: Zh. Org. Chim. 34, 786 (1998).
3.Waisser K., Peřina M., Kuneš J., Klimešová V., Kaustová J.: Il Farmaco, in press.
4.Hajduch M., Šarek J.: Triterpenoid derivatives. PCT Int. Appl. WO 0190136, 23 May 2001; Chem. Abstr. 120, 22445588z (2004), pat. class CO8.
5.Perera S. D., Shaw B. L., Thornton-Pett M.: J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1992, 1469.
6.Klán P., Církva V., in: Microwaves in Organic Synthesis, Microwave Photochemistry, Chap. 14, p. 463. John Wiley, NY, 2002.