Abstracts and papers uploaded to conform to the formatting requirements below will be included in the conference proceedings.

The proceedings will be accessible on the above site to registered conference participants as of 16 June 2017.

In order to accommodatethe variety of constraints faced by authors from industry, academia and government,the AERO 2017 policy is that submission of a full paper by authors participating in the technical program is not required.

The EXAMPLE below describes the required format for a full paper. Part 1 contains the formatting requirements for an abstract, and Part 2 provides additional instructions for authors who wish to submit a full paper.


Diagonal Tension in Stiffened Aluminum and FML Cylinders

A. Jodoin (a), Y. Mendis (b), P.V. Straznicky (b),

J.F. Laliberté (a), C. Poon (a), and L. Kok (c)

(a) NRC Institute for Aerospace Research, OttawaON, , (555) 123-1234

(b) Carleton University

(c) Bombardier de Havilland Inc.


In the mid 1930’s, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) developed a semi-empirical diagonal tension analysis technique to validate the use of aluminium as an aircraft skin material in the post-buckled range. Due to the success of … etc etc …finite element code LS-DYNA was used to validate the current design prior to testing.

Main Body of Paper

Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text…. etc.



These instructions are provided for your benefit as an author. By following them you will be doing your part to ensure that conferencematerials present your contribution as attractively as possible. Note that abstracts and full papers will be usedEXACTLY AS SUBMITTED TO
will not be reformatted.

File Name

Files must be submitted ina .doc or .docxformat, and named using the following convention:

Paper #_Last name of lead author_etal (if more than one) _ASTRO 2016.doc(x)
Example: 68_Jodoin_etal_ASTRO 2016.doc(x)


Top, bottom, and side margins should be 1” to allow copying onto 8.5” x 11” paper.


The title should start 1” from the top of the sheet, centered across the page. The title should be in Arial, 14 point, bold.


The name and organization of the principal author and corresponding author(s) should be presented as shown in the Example above. The names of the authors should be in Times New Roman 11 point. Other details should be 10 point.


Theabstract should not exceed 300 words. Abstracts in both official languages may be submitted. The body of the abstract should be in Times New Roman 11 point, italics.

Extended Abstract

For inclusion in the Proceedings an extendedabstract may be submitted. The length including footnotes and references should not exceed 1500 words.


Part 2 – PAPER

Main Body of Paper

The main body of the paper should be full-page format, justified.The main body of the paper should start with an Introduction and finish with a Conclusion (or Summary) and References. Main section titles should be in Arial 11 point, bold. Subsection titles should be in Arial 11 point, regular. Sections may or may not be numbered. The body text should be in Times New Roman 11 point.

Length of the Paper

The paper should be between 5 and 10 pages.

Page Numbering

Pages should be numbered in the lower right hand corner within the footer of the page.


Figures should be embedded with the text. Captions should be Times New Roman 11 point, italics.

Submission of Papers

Papers should be supplied to an editable file format – MS word is preferred.

Submitted papers MUST be received at the above site on or before 2 June, 2017.For more information e-mail CASI at or call +1 (613) 591-8787.

Authors are encouraged to submit their paper to the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal for publication.CASJ is a peer-review journal, and the goal is to assemble a sufficient number of papers to complete a Special Issue dedicated to AERO 2017. For more information please contact CASI.