Instructions for using Digital Measures Faculty Activity Database
Link to the site is here:
When you sign in just enter the first part of you email address and the password you were sent
First thing to do is to change your password to something else:
Main Menu
The main menu includes all the pieces from the five-year vita plus some more. Usually you can just start at the top and work your way down through the items
You can save your progress at any time and come back later
Remember that you can cut and paste chunks from the electronic version of your five-year vita to reduce typing. So I would have your vita open in Word while you work in this system.
Personal and Contact Information
This is just your basic information – see notes below for explanations
Name of building is not working yet – skip for now.
FTE would be 1.0 for most people. For Group 2 on a 6 course load it would be .66 and a nine course load would be .80
Administrative Data
This is for tracking your status in terms of rank, tenure, and other factors that could change each year.
Use the Add a New Item button to enter one of these items for each year – 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005
This is what each item will capture – see explanations below:
Enter the year at the top
Select your faculty type, tenured, early retire etc – regular Group 2 would be instructors
Fill in tenure status only if you are Group 1
Say yes to graduate faculty only if you were appointed to that status by your chair – typically this would be Group 1 faculty with at least one journal article in the last 4 years
For faculty qualification it would typically be academically qualified for group 1 and professionally qualified for Group 2 and executives in residence
For faculty sufficiency, all full time Group 1 and 2 Athens faculty would be participating. Only adjuncts doing a few courses and not voting in faculty meetings would be supporting
If you had a sabbatical that year, indicate that here
Percent of Time would typically be 100% unless you are an adjunct doing a few courses
For almost all of us normal professional teaching would be either undergrad+grad teaching or undergraduate teaching.
Annual sections for group one should be 6 courses per year unless you have some sort of annual release for administration or other reason. Group 2 and execs in residence
would range from 6 to 9
Add an item for each award you have received. These would be teaching research (including best paper) and service awards. Each item captures the following – see explanations below:
Indicate the Name of the award.
Organization would be for external awards for COB or OU awards leave this blank and indicate the source under From
From – who gave the award – dept, college, OU or external. If external provide more info under Organization
For is where you indicate if it was related to teaching, research, service or something else.
Conferences and Meetings attended
Use Add a New Item to add one to the list
Field should be fairly self-explanatory
Same approach – Use Add New Item to add one to the list
The relationship to Academic/Professional qualification is critical for professional qualified faculty – group 2, exec in residence and non-research active faculty. If you want to count consulting as helping to keep you qualified to teach, you should focus on how the consulting is related to your area of teaching and how it is keeping you current in the discipline.
Use Add a new item to enter each degree – so Bachelors, Masters and Phd separately.
Enter title of dissertation and for the highest degree indicate with a Yes under the Highest Degree Earned item
Faculty Development Completed
Use Add new item to enter each development item
This can also be critical for Group 2/ Exec in residence or other professionally qualified faculty. If this is training that relates to keeping you current in your discipline and therefore help qualify you to teach, make sure to emphasize that.
Classification is teaching, research or service
Prior Academic and Professional Positions
This would be the “experience” part of your vita – all business and academic positions (jobs) you have held. Again with Group 2 / Execs, this is important for establishing your qualification to teach – ie having professional experience in a job related to your teaching area. The Title/Rank/Position item is important since AACSB requires high level (managerial) experience so make sure you indicate that when it applies.
Professional Certifications
Again, add an item for each certification
Number is a certificate number/ id if that applies – If not then leave it blank
Professional Memberships
Add an item for each – should be self-explanatory
Non-Credit Instruction Taught
Add an item for each workshop/training class. This would be workshops and other training sessions you have done – don’t forget the Brazil Seminars if you did them
Scheduling Teaching
For each class you taught – add a new item
This does not include independent studies – they go under Student Advising – Directed Student Learning later.
Quarter/Year includes an option for winter intercession
Section would be A01, A02 etc – if you don’t know or have a record, leave it blank. This is not critical especially for the past.
The three boxes are important for the annual evaluation process – since we have already evaluated performance through 2005, it is not important to record the past unless you want to. Probationary tenure-track faculty might want to record the past so you can build up data for your tenure dossier. For 2006 course, you will want to fill these in if applicable to support your teaching evaluation for annual performance raises when we do the 2006 evaluations.
Contract, Grants, Sponsored Research
This is for both submitted/not funded and successfully funded grants
For each grant, add an new item
For multiple PI, not that you can add investigators in the middle and specify a role for each person.
Under status you can indicate if the grant was funded. So this page can be used to track both grant submission and funded granted
Current Research Interests
This would be simply a list of research areas that would show up on a profile or bio
Although you can add multiple items, you probably just need one.
Presentations Given
Add an item for each presentation at a conference or professional meeting.
In the center, note that you can build a list for multiple presenters
You can indicate if it is published in a proceeding – the actual proceeding publication citation will go under the publications page
Type of contribution is the learning/applied/discipline based breakdown used by AACSB
Add an item for each publication
Type is used to indicate what the publication is – chapter, journal article, case, instructional software, grant etc. Note that there are often distinctions for academic, professional scholarly etc.
Type is again the three learning/applied/discipline based breakdown used by AACSB
Status lets you track the status – submission, acceptance, publication
Multiple authors can be indicated in the middle
The Top journal item lets you indicate if the journal is in the top journal part of your department’s list
Annual evaluation year counted let you indicate when it should be counted for our annual evaluation process – this lets you count a publication when accepted or published and to bank to a future year.
Editorial and Review Activities
Add an item for each activity in this category
Rest should be fairly self-explanatory
General Service
Add an item for each activity – this covers professional organization roles and committee service
The type of service – committee chair, member, conference panelist, track chair etc are under Position/Role
Student Advising
Add an item for each year at a minimum – you can do multiple for one year if applicable. This will track your relative effort in student advising
Student advising – Directed Student Learning
Add an item for each independent study, Honors tutorial, departmental honors thesis, Masters thesis, dissertation, etc.
If this was an independent study for a group of students you can list them in the middle