Instructions for the Hunt Test Secretary
(HTS= Hunt Test Secretary, HTC= Hunt Test Chair, HTM= Hunt Test Manager, HT= Hunt Test
Introduction: Thank you for considering becoming a HTS. Your service to the APLA is greatly appreciated. By accepting this position you are assuming responsibility that many handlers, owners, professional trainers and the APLA will count on and equally appreciate. To assist you, a member of the APLA Hunt Test Committee will be assigned to you as a liaison. This person will guide you through the process and will do all they can to insure your success; however as HTS, you are responsible for ensuring that the HT documentation and money are handled properly.
Two weeks before the test:
- Get your materials in order.
- You will need white 3 ring binders ( 12”X10”X2”) with plastic covers and inside pockets for each judge
- Three holed zip lock pouches for the pencils etc for each binder
- Three whole punch for results sheets, rules, and score sheets
- Stapler for the event programs
- Pencils and pens for judges
- Paper and a printer to print all of the test paperwork or a plan for using Office depot, etc.
- File folders for you to keep everything organized in.
- You will be compensated for all materials purchased, however please try and reuse supplies from previous years and all major purchase requests must be submitted to your HT liaison.
- Have a set of current rules printed for each set of judges books
Oneor two days after your test hasclosed:
- Look for an e-mail from Janet at Hunt Secretary to confirm the running order. Please give the ok or changes to her as quickly as possible to allow time for the HTM to create all your test files.
- Email the HTM with your final ribbon count so they can be sent to you for the test.
- Once you receive the set of files from the HTM for your test, begin printing:
- Judges Score sheets (one set per judge, per event)
- Judges Results sheets (one set per event)
- Premium (Reasonable amount based on the test numbers, # of handlers, etc…)
- Insurance waiver (Reasonable amount based on the test numbers, # of handlers, etc…)
- Blank entry forms for walkups (usually just a few)
- The HTM will send you a list of people who are not members for you to follow up with at the test or prior to the test
- The HTM will send you a list of CPR dogs that still need registration paper work submittedfor you to follow up with at the test or prior to the test
Friday before your test:
- Prepare a sign-up sheet for the Handler/Judges seminar.
- Be visible at the grounds prior to the Handler/judges seminar to address any walkup or scratch issues.
- APLA INSURANCE REQUIREMENT is that all entrants and observers sign an insurance liability release. 100% compliance to this rule is mandatory; no exceptions so please start getting those handed out to folks.
Test Day:
- APLA INSURANCE REQUIREMENT is that all entrants and observers sign an insurance liability release. 100% compliance to this rule is mandatory, no exceptions.
- Walk-up requests must be finalized in person at the test and approved by the HTC prior to signing up for the stake.
- Walk-ups require an additional processing fee of $25 per dog. This fee shall be collected along with the registration fee, proof of membership and completed application before the dog is allowed to run.
- No handler is allowed to run a dog without you verifying that all fees have been paid and all appropriate documentation has been received.
- Collect all checks and paperwork for reruns
- Request a new member to join online, but if they can’t or don’t want to….collect their information on the new member application and forward completed form to the HTM for processing.
End of the weekend at the latest Tuesday:
- Take pictures of the Pass/Fail results sheets and text them to the HTM @ 641-485-3687
- This will allow posting of results immediately for our members.
- Once the HTM receives them he will let you know if he needs those scanned e-mailed,
- Scan and e-mail the HTM @ all signed insurance labiality sheets
- Scan and e-mail the HTM @ he Handler/Judges seminar sheets
- Do you have a Wells Fargo Bank nearby? If so ask the HTM to send you instructions for depositing the checks directly to the bank. This avoids the possibility of losing them in the mail
- If not, take a picture of the group of checks and text that to the HTM so we know who we received check from incase they get lost in the mail. Those can then be mailed to the APLA treasurer:Richard McCullough, 2501 Beulahtown Road, Kenly, NC 27542.
- Walkup registrations can either be scanned and e-mailed or picture texted to the HTM so they can be added to our database.
- All paperwork not e-mailed or texted must be sent to the HTM at the following: Nate Hamblin, 2312 Knollway Drive, Marshalltown, IA.
- Please make sure that all walk up dogs, new members and dogs that moved to a different stake have all the complete paperwork sent to the HTM so the dog and member get certificates.
- Do you have suggestions that will allow this document to be even better, please send your suggestions to the Chair of the Hunt Test Committee? Congratulations you did it! All the participants thank you for your hard work!