Office of Human Resources
Instructions for the DHS Classification Review Request
Form DHS 2118
Please read all instructions. If you do not submit all required information (including signatures), your request will be returned to your divisions’ point person (DPP).
Please note: Limited duration/temporary/double filled positions cannot be reclassified.
General information section:
1. / The RDC is the specific location of the position within the agency.A complete list of RDC’s, by division, can be found online at:
2. / Identify the position number(s) for the position(s) being
reviewed (required).
3. / Identify the current incumbent or specify if vacant.
4. / Identify the employee ID number (e.g., ORxxxxxx) for the incumbent. If employee requested, your employee ID number can be found on
your pay stub.
5. / Identify the supervisor or manager of the position.
6. / List the supervisor or manager’s phone number.
7. / List the classification number for the position(s) to be reviewed.
A complete list of classifications can be found online at:
8. / List the classification title of the position.
9. / Identify the division and program of the position.
10. / List the person making the request and phone number.
11. / List the anticipated classification title and classification number.
12. / For management requested, explain what other options have you considered to resolve the issues that generate this request (required).
For employee requested, please provide an explanation regarding the reasons for your request and all other relevant evidence (required by CBA Article 81, Section 2b).
13. / A position description signed by both the manager and employee is required for all classification review requests. Additionally, an organizational chart is required to be submitted by the manager for all requests. If available, please send an electronic copy of the position
description in MS Word format.
Management section: (For reviews requested by management only.)
14. / If this is an upward reclassification request, please contact the Budget Policy and Analysis, Position Management Unit, to verify how the position change will be financed. For assistance, please contact Roberta Lincoln 503-947-5214 or May Ellen Altree at 503-945-7822
in the Position Management Unit.
Please identify if a permanent financing plan (PFP) has been reviewed by Position Management Unit staff for this request. For any additional questions, please contact Roberta Lincoln at
503-947-5214 or May Ellen Altree at 503-945-7822 in the Position Management Unit.
Signatures section:
For employee requested reviews: Employee and supervisor signature and date required.
For management requested reviews: Manager and DPP must
sign and date.
Note: Please submit the request and all questions electronically to:
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DHS 2118ins (06/2010)