Instructions for Suicide Prevention Training

The Jason Foundation

You must register with the Jason Foundation in order to receive credit for your suicide prevention training. First, go to . This school year we will be officiallycompleting only MODULE 1 of the 4 available modules. However, if you are interested you may complete all 4 on your own time.

The site seems to work better with the Google Chrome browser if you have it. If you do not have Chrome installed you may attempt to complete the training with the Internet Explorer or FireFox browsers. If those browsers do not work you should install Chrome with the instructions at the end of this document.

Here are the instructions for completing the Suicide Prevention Training.

Follow these instructions in order. If at any point you click on a link and your browser displays a blank page or you get a message saying you are forbidden to view this page it may help if you reload/refresh the page. This appears to be an idiosyncrasy of the Jason Foundation website.

1. At the bottom of the homepage click on the Educators, Youth Workers, Coaches link.

2. On the next screen click on the Professional Development Series tab.

3. Near the bottom of the next screen click the link to obtain password.

4. Click the register now link on the right side of the next page.

5. On the following page fill in each field with an * . You must use your REAL name and information because it will be used for printing your certificate when you finish your training.

6. Scroll down through this page filling in each field and click the SUBMIT button at the bottom.

7. Once you hit SUBMIT, you should see the following screen. Click on the link for Module 1. REMINDER: WE ARE ONLY COMPLETING MODULE ONE THIS SCHOOL YEAR.

8. When the following screen comes up, click on the arrow to begin playback of the lesson. You must watch all 6 parts of Module 1 through to the end.

9. When you have watched all 6 parts of Module 1 through to the end, click the CLICK HERE FOR CERTIFICATE button as shown above. You will have to correctly answer a series of questions regarding the content of the videos you have just watched. If you click the wrong answer the system will not allow you to continue and you should try another choice.

10. After you answer the questions,click the GET CERTIFICATE button and your certificate will appear in a new frame. Click the Print Certificate button and print one copy for yourself and one for your principal/supervisor.

11. If your certificate does not print properly, you will have to go to “page setup” and set your browser to landscape mode as follows. Go to “File” – “Page Setup”

12. Then select “Landscape” in the paper options section of this dialog box and click “ok”. Your certificate should now print properly.

Here are the instructions for installing the Google Chrome Browser.

1. Go to and click the link to install the Chrome Browser.

2. Click the Download Chrome link.

3. If you want Chrome to be your default browser leave the checkmark in the box. If not, then uncheck this checkbox. After you make that decision click the Accept and Install link.

4. Click Run.

5. The Chrome Browser should download and start automatically. If your download does not start, move the progress box and click the link that says “click here if your download does not start”, if prompted click run again. The browser will start automatically after it is installed. There will be a prompt to sign in to your goggle account. This step can be skipped if you wish by clicking the “skip for now” link.

The browser is now ready to use and you should go back to step 1 at the beginning of this document.