Instructions for Extracting Data from Powerschoo and Importing Data Into Learning Connection

Instructions for Extracting Data from Powerschoo and Importing Data Into Learning Connection

Instructions forImporting Data intoLearning Connection

(Extracting Data using PowerSchool)

If you have not been approved as an administrator you will need to join the administrator group:

Go to

Click Join group

You have to wait to be approved

Once you have been approved click files tab for the import files layout, choose “Data Schemas/ File Upload Formats.xls”. If you do not have PowerSchool, you will need these documents to create your import files pulling data from your Student Information System.

Create teacher file (subsequent years you will need to do this only for new teachers)

  1. In PowerSchool Export teachers
  2. Log on to PowerSchool as an administrator who has permission to access Direct Database Export (DDE)
  3. Navigate to DDE
  4. Click on System under Setup (Left hand side)
  5. ChooseDirect Database Export (DDE)
  6. Current table: Teachers(5)
  7. Select all records
  8. Click Export Records
  9. Choose the following fields
  10. [39]in_schoolnumberprefix
  11. IN_SPN
  12. Last_Name
  13. First_Name
  14. Submit
  15. Excel should open with the resulting spreadsheet. There may be staff that are not teachers in the spreadsheet; delete staff who will not be accessing Learning Connection
  16. Delete heading (Row 1)
  17. Save as a csv file
  18. Click on File; choose Save as . . .
  19. Scroll through the Save as type: to find CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
  20. Click Save
  21. Import teachers to Learning Connection
  22. Logon to Learning Connection using
  23. Navigate to Import Data
  24. Click on Administration in the upper right
  25. Click on School left side
  26. Choose your school
  27. Click Imports tab
  28. Click Import Data button
  29. Browse for file you created in Step 1.k
  30. Choose File Type: Educator Import
  31. Choose File Format: Comma Delimited
  32. Click Upload file button
  33. Refresh browser until import is completed
  34. Correct any errors; resubmit
  35. When completed with no errors, Click on Download Output file (Contains Registration Codes for the teachers)

Create Student files (subsequent years you will need to do this only for new students)

  1. In PowerSchool Export students
  2. Log on to Power school Navigate to DDE
  3. Current table: Students (1)
  4. Select all records
  5. Click Export Records
  6. Choose the following fields
  7. [39]in_schoolnumberprefix
  8. State_StudentNumber
  9. Last_Name
  10. First_Name
  11. Submit
  12. Excel should open with the resulting spreadsheet. There may be staff that are not teachers in the spreadsheet; delete staff who will not be accessing Learning Connection
  13. Delete heading (Row 1)
  14. Format STN to accept leading zeros
  15. Highlight Column B (STN – state_StudentNumber)
  16. Right click on Column B
  17. Choose Format cells
  18. Choose Number Tab
  19. Choose Category: Custom
  20. Type: should be 000000000 (9 zeros)
  21. Save as csv file
  22. Import students into Learning Connection
  23. Logon to Learning Connection
  24. Navigate to Import Data (AdministrationSchool OLMC Imports  Import Data)
  25. Browse for file you created in Step 1.h
  26. Choose File Type: Student Roster
  27. Choose File Format: Comma Delimited
  28. If you don’t want you student to log in to Learning Connection: Choose Create Registration Codes: No, otherwise choose Yes
  29. Choose Deactivate existing students for this school/corp.: No (if first year or you want to add only the new students)
  30. Click Upload file button
  31. Refresh browser until import is completed
  32. Correct any errors; resubmit
  33. When completed with no errors, Click on Download Output file (Contains Registration Codes for the students if you chose yes in step 2.g)

Create Classes

  1. Classes must be unique within your school. Our convention is yr||school||homeroom, example 2010-11OLMC1A
  2. First year (High schools may want to export sections from PowerSchool)
  3. Open teachers files saved when creating teachers import file
  4. Click on File
  5. Click on Save as . . .
  6. Change File Name to Class Setup
  7. Save as csv file (Must save with changed name or you will overwrite your teacher file)
  8. Delete columns with teachers names
  9. Insert column between School number and teacher SPN – this is your Local Class ID field enter data for each class as described in Step 1
  10. Column D is the Class Title and must not be blank (example 1st Grade 1A)
  11. Save as csv file
  12. In subsequent years
  13. Open Class setup file from last year
  14. Change Class name from last year to this year
  15. If teachers have change classes, change SPN
  16. Import students into Learning Connection
  17. Logon to Learning Connection
  18. Navigate to Import Data (AdministrationSchool OLMC Imports  Import Data)
  19. Browse for file you created in Step 1.i.
  20. Choose File Type: Class Setup
  21. Choose File Format: Comma Delimited
  22. Choose Academic Year: current year
  23. Click Upload file button
  24. Refresh browser until import is completed
  25. Correct any errors; resubmit

Create Class Rosters

  1. In PowerSchool Export Students
  2. Log on to Power school
  3. Navigate to DDE
  4. Current table: Students (1)
  5. Select all records
  6. Click Export Records
  7. Choose the following fields
  8. [39]in_schoolnumberprefix
  9. State_StudentNumber
  10. Home_room
  11. Submit
  12. Excel should open with the resulting spreadsheet. Using Excel’s Replace (Edit; Replace) change Homeroom to match Classes defined above.
  13. Delete heading (Row 1)
  14. Format STN to accept leading zeros
  15. Save as csv file
  16. Import Class into Learning Connection
  17. Logon to Learning Connection
  18. Navigate to Import Data (AdministrationSchool OLMC Imports  Import Data)
  19. Browse for file you created in Step 1.f.
  20. Choose File Type: Class Roster
  21. Choose File Format: Comma Delimited;
  22. Choose Academic Year: current year
  23. Click Upload file button
  24. Refresh browser until import is completed
  25. Correct any errors; resubmit

Create Parent Import

  1. We did not set up accounts for parents in Learning Connection but you would need to create the import file folding the file layout in Data Schemas/ File Upload Formats.xls
  2. Forrmat STN to accept leading zeros
  3. Save as csv file
  4. Import students into Learning Connection
  5. Logon to Learning Connection
  6. Navigate to Import Data (AdministrationSchool OLMC Imports  Import Data)
  7. Browse for file you created in Step 3
  8. Choose File Type: Parent Import
  9. Choose File Format: Comma Delimited
  10. Click Upload file button
  11. Refresh browser until import is completed
  12. Correct any errors; resubmit
  13. When completed with no errors, Click on Download Output file (Contains Registration Codes for the parents)