CPT Recommendation
Instructions for Departments
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is work authorization that allows F-1 international students to participate in paid/unpaid off-campus academic internships during their degree program. The purpose of CPT is academic, not just for employment purposes, and the internship must be considered an integral part of an established curriculum and directly related to the student's major area of study. Students must have a specific job/internship offer to apply.
Letter of Recommendation
Please use the attached template and print it on Department letterhead.
To be printed on your Department letterhead
To: The Office of International Students and Scholars
RE: (Students Full name and Student ID#:)______
The above-named student is applying to engage in employment for Curricular Practical Training (CPT) as provided in the U.S immigration regulations for F-1 visa students as per employment offer letter provided.
I,______,thisstudent’sacademicadvisor/authorized departmental personnel, have evaluated the offer and confirmthatthe proposed internship/workopportunity is a______(required*/optional) curriculum training and willfurtherthestudent’slearninginhis/hermajor______
*Required CPT is defined as training/employment which is required of all degree candidates in the program and is required for the awarding of the degree. This requirement must be formally documented in the WVU catalog.
The dates of CPT engagement are (mm/dd/yyyy) ______to (mm/dd/yyyy) ______working ______(full/part) time.
Student Employer Information:
Company/Organization Name:Contact Person:
Job Title/Description:Phone Number:
Mailing Address:
Thespecificacademicobjectivesofthisinternshipare(pleasedefinewhatthestudentwilllearn and be evaluated on and/orwhatskillswillbeapplied/developedastheyrelatetothestudent’smajor):
Evaluation will be conducted/supervised by (full names) ______using the following method(s)
ToascertainthattheCPTisanintegralpartoftheestablishedcurriculum,thestudentwillbeenrolledin course number ______, course title ______bearing credit hours ______for the semester(s) and year ______.
This course is a
a)Designatedinternshipcourse offered by a sponsoring employer through a co-operative agreement with the school
b)Practicum course offered by a sponsoring employer through an MoU with the school
c)IndependentstudycoursespecificallydesignedforthisCPT as an internship, alternate work/study, that I have vetted and ascertained to meet an integral part of the curriculum
Thestudentwill registerandcompletetheCPT-relatedcourseduringthesemester(s)that theyareauthorizedforCPT. While on CPT, the student is required to maintain full time course registration to meet immigration requirements. The CPT work the student will engage in has been vetted and ascertained to fulfil ______(full time, 9 hours graduates or 12 hours undergraduates/part time) class registration.
As the student’s academic advisor/authorized departmental personnel, I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the above information is accurate.
(Name of Academic Advisor or Authorized (Signature of Academic Advisor or Department Departmental Personnel—Please Print) Authorized Department Personnel)
(Telephone Number and email address) (Date)