Gymnastics Ontario is looking for hosts for all qualifying events, selection meets and Ontario Championships in all disciplines for the upcoming competitive season.


1)  Application must be complete for any and all competitions being hosted in Ontario

2)  Club applying must be in good standing with Gymnastics Ontario

3)  Only FULLY completed applications will be considered or processed

4)  In order to be considered, 3 date choices must be submitted

5)  All interested clubs are to return the completed Bid to Host document for all GO events (Qualifiers, Cups, Tour Selection, Elite Ontario and Ontario Championships) no later than June 3, 2016.

6)  If you are applying for more than one event, a separate form must be submitted per event

7)  Invitations requiring GCG Sanction Form H must be submitted no later than November 15th, 2016

8)  Payment (required only for International events) must be submitted with the application in order for the sanction to be considered complete

The Bid to Host portion of the application is relevant to all gymnastics related events in Ontario.

Completed applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis.

An application will be considered complete only when the following is submitted:

1)  Bid to Host document with all completed information

2)  Minimum of 3 choices for date

3)  Signature (actual, not font)

4)  Equipment list

5)  Floor plan

6)  Call to Meet

7)  GCG form and payment if applicable

Bid to Host applications must be submitted electronically to the appropriate Program Coordinator as follows:
Gym for All/Demo
Men’s Artistic
Trampoline and Tumbling
Women’s Artistic


Section A: Host Club

(to be posted on the GO website and Call to Meet)
VENUE INFORMATION (if different from the club information above)
PHONE (for posting on GO website):*
EMAIL(for posting on GO website):*

*please note that these contacts will be posted on the GO website & used for club registrations etc.

Section B: Event Selection

TYPE OF EVENT APPLYING TO HOST (check all that apply)
Note: If applying for a WAG event please see attached document “WAG Open Qualifying System Memo”.

1)  Invitational
Discipline: WAG ☐ ODP ☐ MAG☐ TRA☐ TUM☐ RG☐ ACRO☐ AER☐

2)  Qualifier/Cup

☐ WAG Level 3-5 Qualifier

☐ WAG Level 6-10 Qualifier
☐ MAG Cup
☐ T&T Cup
☐ RG Qualifier
☐ ACRO Cup

3)  GO Event

☐ Tour Selection
☐ Elite Ontario
☐ WAG Elite Canada Screening
☐ Ontario Championships

Discipline: ☐ MAG ☐ TT ☐ RG ☐ ACRO
WAG: ☐ Level 3 ☐ Level 4-5 ☐ Level 6-10

4)  General Gymnastics (Rec)/ Demo Event

Section C: Event Information

Name of Event:
Requested Date for Event: (MUST have 3 choices in order to be considered) / 1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
Participating Levels:
How many sets of equipment will you be using?
What competition format will be used?
(Note: any competition format being used that differs from what is stated in the Technical Rules and Regulations needs to be outlined and submitted for approval as part of application)
How many sets of judges will be needed?
Name of Competition Chief/Head Judge (Invitational only):
Are you requesting usage of the GO scoring program/equipment? / Yes or No
Do you intend to host clubs from outside of Canada? / Yes or No
If yes, please fill out and attach the GCG Form H found on the GO website under forms.

Section D: Facility

All applications must attach a proposed floor plan which includes placement of judge’s tables, scoring, announcer and all other equipment on the competition floor. The plan must include all dimensions to scale and may not be hand drawn. Clubs renting a venue must provide a copy of their signed agreement with this application to be considered.
We plan to host in our own facility / Yes or No
We plan to rent a facility / Yes or No
Square footage of facility
Ceiling height before obstructions (lights, beams, etc.)
Note any unique characteristics of the gym (i.e. close to wall)
Overall capacity based on Ontario Fire Code
Number of Fire Exits
Number of parking spaces
Distance of parking spaces to facility
Number of spectator seats
Type of spectator seating (bleachers or chairs)
Number of washrooms for women
Number of washrooms for men
Number of washrooms for athletes/coaches/judges (if different from above)
Number of change rooms for females
Number of change rooms for males
Location of athlete/coach registration area
Location of spectator admission area
Location of food concession area
Location of vendor area
Location of separate awards area
Location of First Aid area
Location and size of Judges’ meeting/dining room

Section E: Organizing Committee

Meet Director
Alternate phone number?
Has the Meet Director attended the GO Meet Director’s Course? / Yes or No
Number of years/events as a Meet Director:
Date and name of last event hosted:
Additional Organizing Committee Members:
Name / Event / Date of Event / Level of Event / Role
Name / Event / Date of Event / Level of Event / Role
Has the Scorer used Beyond the Scores (MAG/WAG) at a competition? / Yes, No or N/A
Has the Scorer used ISS Meet Management Suite (T&T) at a competition? / Yes, No or N/A
Has the Scorer used the Score2U (RG) program at a competition? / Yes, No or N/A

Section F: Medical

An individual with a minimum First Aid Certification is required to be present at the event. A First Aid area is required for ice and a first aid kit.

☐ We will have an individual with a minimum of First Aid Certification present throughout the entire event (check box)
Section G: Equipment

Will you be using your own equipment or renting?
Who is the equipment manufacturer?
Note: Equipment manufacturer needs to listed on the Call to Meet
Required checklist of discipline specific equipment is attached / Yes or No
Please indicate any equipment Anomalies

Section H: Payment & Signature

Payment (required for events with participants from outside of Canada)

Type of Event / Fee
Gymnastics Ontario event / No fee
International Invitational / Fees are paid to Gymnastics Canada (see GCG Form H for fee breakdown)
Cheque #:
Credit Card #: / CSV: / Exp. Date:
Name of Card: / CC Type:

Signature (an actual signature or electronic signature (not font) is required for all applications):

In submitting and signing this request for participant sanction, the club/affiliation’s individual or group sanctioned agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of Gymnastics Ontario, Gymnastics Canada and FIG. The club/affiliated individual or group also stands by the information in this document as to being true and correct.

Signature of Organizing Committee Chair/Meet Director: ______

For G.O. Office Use:

Date Received:
Invitational Sanction Request Status:
GO Program Manager Signature and Date:
GO Event Coordinator Signature and Date: