Instructional Techniques

Modern Language

Five Day Lesson Plan

Grade Level: grades 6, 7

Frances Coast

Day 1

ìPor favor, cautrocientos colones...î

Objective: The student will be able to exchange dollars for colones.

Standards: 1.1,1.3,2.1,2.2,3.1,4.2,5.1,5.2

Materials: Picture worksheet on Costa Rican money. Six items with a

price tag of different dollar prices. Overhead projector and

transparencies of photos of toys from Costa Rican store with price tags

on them.

Prior Knowledge: Numbers to 10,000 or more.

Warm up: Counting to 5,000 by 100's in Spanish

Set Induction: For the next week or so, we are going to be visiting

the Central American country of Costa Rica. Why would it be so important

to understand the number system in that country? What are the ways in

which you will use the Spanish numbers?


1. On the chalkboard, write all the ways the students suggest a person

would use the knowledge of numbers in Costa Rica..( Hopefully they will

give answers like the use of money, telling time, counting objects....)

2. Discuss the use of money. Can you use American money in Costa Rica or

should you use the money of Costa Rica? What does a person normally do

about money when traveling to a foreign country? Has anyone in the class

traveled before and how did you handle the money situation?

3.Continuing the discussion asking further, ì What if some places in

Costa Rica do not accept the American dollar?î ìWhat is the monetary

unit of Costa Rica?î ìWhat is the meaning of ìrate of exchange?î ìIf

the exchange rate is 3.29 what does that mean?î ìHow many colones are in

a dollar?î

4. Using overhead, show pictures of toys from Costa Rican store, have

students figure out the price of each item shown.

5.. Activity: Hold up six items in front of the class. Model the

question, ìCuanto cuesta?î Answer yourself as you read the price tag.

ìCuesta un mil...î Have students figure out how much each item would

cost in American money. Next, pick up two items at a time and ask the

class, ìCuantos cuestan?î Role model answer, ìOh, cuestan.....tres

mil.î Role model in front of the class how you could figure out the


Ask students why you used the question ì cuanto cuesta?î one time and

ì cuanto cuestan?î another. Use more examples if necessary.

6. Activity: Have students get in groups of two. Using objects from

their desk have each student put a price tag in colones on two or more

objects. One partner goes first asking how much is the item using the

question ìCuanto cuesta or cuestan?îand then figures out the price in

American. Then the other partner does the same.

7. Pass out the photo worksheet with the change of Costa Rica and also

the other photo copy of the bills.With everyone looking at the picture

worksheet on the money of Costa Rica, have the students describe the

colon. Have the students describe the paper money of Costa Rica. How

does it compare to the American dollar? What do they think the symbols

represent in both moneys?

Extension: Have the student draw the colon. Second, if they had a chance

to make a coin for the United States what would it look like? What

symbols would they choose to represent their country and why? Have them

draw their own coin.

Day 2

Que queremos empacar?

Objective: the students will be able to buy the necessary clothing for

the best price as they prepare for their vacation


Materials: Small suitcase with articles of clothing with price tag on

them. Cut out big umbrellas-black for the boys and different colors for

the girls, Story page from Spain. Facts sheet on the four seasons in

Costa Rica.

Prior knowledge: to be able to exchange American money into colones

Warm-up: Have a small suitcase with some articles of clothing inside.

Have a price tag on each piece. Have the students ask you how much

ìCuanto cuesta?î when you show the price tags. Answer in colones and

have the students figure out how much each item costs.

Set Induction: We are ready to pack for our vacation. We leave tomorrow.

What things should we pack for this trip? How many of you have traveled

outside of the country before? How did you decide what things to pack?

What clothing do you need to buy for the trip?


1. Read an opening story about 2 children in a family packing for a trip

to Spain. Ask the students how the children in the story figured out

what to pack.

2.Discuss the seasons in Costa Rica. Look at the information fact sheet

on the climate of Costa Rica. After reading, ask the students, ì Que

queremos empacar? î Have the students make a quick list of things on a

sheet of paper at their desk that they would pack.

3.Ask a few of the students to name some of the things on their list.

Ask each student in Spanish, ì Que quieres empacar?î Then put clothing

on the board in Spanish. Repeat, ìJohn quiere empacar un sueter...Susan

prefiere empacar un traje de bano.î

4.Bring the students attention to the verbs youíve been using, preferir

and querer. Discuss how these verbs change from e to ie in the stem when

they are conjugated. Can they name other verbs that change from e to ie

in the stem? ( Ex. empezar, comensar, tener, venir....)

5. Activity: In groups of three, have the students use their lists of

things they would pack and ask each other what they preferred to pack or

wanted to pack. Have each group make

a general list to share the next day in class.

6. Since we are going to Costa Rica in the rainy season, we definitely

need to pack an umbrella. Discuss the different words for umbrella in

Costa Rica. As a culture point explain that the men carry ìlos paraguasî

and the ladies carry ìlas sombrillas.î Also the men only use black

umbrellas and the ladies are allowed to use all colors. Ask the students

if there is there anything in our society or culture that is similar to

this? (Ex. Men wearing pink shirts?î)

7.Pass out to boys the dark paper umbrellas and to the girls the

different colors of umbrellas. Have the students use both sides and

write down and conjugate as many e to ie stem changing verbs they can

find on one side and the name of the clothing they would take to Costa

Rica on the other side.

Extension: Have students read a Spanish story and underline as many e to

ie stem changing verbs that they know or can find in the dictionary.

Day 3

Que Lastima! Donde estan mis maletas?

Objective: The students will be able to describe the clothing they

purchased in Costa Rica. The student will be able to compare and

contrast the clothing styles in the USA to those in Costa Rica.

Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2

Materials: Video clip from Costa Rica on clothing: uniforms and dance

clothing and regular everyday clothing. Drawing paper and pencil.

Prior Knowledge: Numbers to 10,000, to exchange American dollars into

colones, clothing vocabulary

Warm-up: Have one person from each group from yesterdayís activities

share with the class what their group preferred or wanted to pack. Make

sure the spokesperson uses the i to ie stem changing verbs and the

correct clothing vocabulary.

Set Induction: ìWe have arrived at the airport in Costa Rica, but your

clothing suitcase has not! The airlines said it might take a couple of

days. What are we going to do? What should we do first? Has anyone ever

been in this situation before? or, maybe your luggage was stolen? What

did you do?


1. Discuss what you would do first if your clothing suitcase was

missing. What places are we visiting? What activities will we be doing?

Whatís the weather like?

2. Use one vacation activity as example. Okay, for the first couple of

days, we wanted to explore the capital of San Jose and visit some

museums. Itís the rainy season, yet, the temperature is warm. What

should we buy to wear around town? What type of clothing material would

be best in the rainy season? Use vocabulary examples of cotton shirt,

wool sweater, jean jacket, silk blouse, etc. Can the girls wear the same

clothing as the boys? ( Ex. shorts) Discuss cultural difference with

girls wearing shorts vs. jeans. Itís not commonly accepted for girls to

wear shorts in most places.

3. Show video of the different types of clothing worn in Costa Rica.

4. Break the class into groups of four, giving them different places

that they are going to visit. They have to decide what type clothing

they are going to buy, and for what price. Appoint one group to visit a

cloud forest, one group to go to the beach for the day, one group to the

theater in San Jose, one group to go shopping in the mall in Alajuela

and to a movie, and one group is going to attend a native folk dance

performance at a nearby school.

5. Each group is to take a piece of drawing paper and design their

outfit for their activity. One spokesperson will draw the outfit, one

will say what activity they are doing in Costa Rica, another will

describe the clothing and one person will say how much each piece cost

in colones.

6. Have groups share with class, some may have to share the next class


Extension: Most schools in Costa Rica have uniforms. Have the students

design an appropriate school uniform.

Day 4

Objective: The student will be able to identify clothing in a suitcase

and their cost in colones.

Standards: 1.3,2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1,5.1,5.2

Materials: large piece of vanilla construction paper, crayons, markers,

scissors, magazines with lots of clothing pictures that the students

can cut out. Paper suitcase with pictures of clothing inside.

Prior Knowledge: numbers to 10,000, clothing vocabulary, knowledge of

money exchange from American to Costa Rican colones.

Warm-up: Show class the paper suitcase and take out magazine pictures of

clothing and describe clothing and how much each article costs in

colones. Yo prefiero empacar....

Yo quiero llevar jeans. Cuestan 40.00 dolares. Cuestan catorce mil


Set Induction: They found your suitcase! The airlines sent your clothing

suitcase to San Jose, California instead of San Jose, Costa Rica! Now

you are going to share your suitcase and all the articles inside with

the rest of the class.


1.Have any groups share their activity and drawing that have not had a

chance to share.

2.The students are to begin to prepare for their final assesment in the

next class. They will be presenting a suitcase and articles of clothing

inside the suitcase. They will have to use some verbs like querer,

tener, preferir, etc. Fold a piece of long construction in half to the

shape of a suitcase. Staple the sides. Place a handle on the suitcase.

On the front of the suitcase have the students draw Costa Rican money or

a folk dance costume or some type of clothing worn in Costa Rica.Then

the students are to cut out pictures of clothing that they packed in

their suitcase. On the back of the clothing they are to put the price in

english and then in colones.

3. Pass out the requirements for the grade on the unit.

Day 5


Objective: The student will apply the knowledge of clothing vocabulary

and exchange of American money into Costa Rican colones.

Standard: 1.1, 1.3,2.1, 3.1,3.2, 4.2,5.1


1. The students will share with the class their suitcase cover and 4

articles of clothing.

2. On the back of the suitcase, the student must answer the essay

question, ìWhat are some of the differences you have learned between the

USA and Costa Rica in regards to money and clothing?î


Rubric for the 5 day lesson plan on Costa Rica

1. Did the student color and design a suitcase with clothing or money of

Costa Rica?

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

4 3 2 1 0

2. Did the student cut out or color pictures of clothing inside the


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4 3 2 1 0

3. Did the student place a price on the clothing in dollars and colones?

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4. When presenting the clothing in the suitcase, did the student know

the clothing vocabulary?

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5. During the presentation did the student use the i to ie stem changing


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4 3 2 1 0