Instructional Treatment Plan Outline
This document should be about 3-4 pages (~1200 word). Pleaseuse the outline blow as a set of headings. It is not necessaryto include your other documents within this submission. However the document should be self-supporting, and allow an instructional developer to produce the materials described. So be specific and include lots of directions for the developer.
Remember: These instructional materials areto guide the learner to perform the tasks described unaided (no facilitation). No instructors or observers should be present. So self-assessment is a valid option.
Motivation: Describe how you will gain and hold attention (for the instructional unit).
Objectives: Explain how you will inform the learners about what they will learn in the unit.
Media selection: Describe the media to be used for the unit.
ASSESSMENT (if appropriate) self assessment is an option.
(CHUNK #1)
Content Presentation: Describe the content for the first chunk.
Examples: Show examples to be used, if any.
Media selections (if different from the overall unit media)
Student participation: Describe practice items and activities. The difference between participation and a practice test is that students will be given assistance, direction, and feedback during the practice, but will not be graded.
Feedback: How you will give feedback on the practice items.
Media (if different from previous)
Practice Test: Give example of the practice test(s) (if any) for Chunk #1. Also provide examples of the feedback and grading rubric.
(CHUNK #2)
Content Presentation: Describe the content for the second chunk.
Examples: Show examples to be used, if any.
Media selections (if different from previous)
Student participation: Describe practice items and activities.
Feedback: How you will give feedback on the practice items.
Practice Test: Give example of the practice test (if any) for chunk #2. Also provide examples of the feedback and grading rubric.
Posttest (unit level): Explain when and how the posttest will be delivered, and give an example of the test and the feedback and grading rubric.
Memory aids: Describe any memory aids (job aids or take-home items) that will be developed to aid retention and transfer of skills.
Transfer: Describe anything you will include to facilitate transfer of the skills to the work context.
ITDE 8001/8002 Instructional Treatment Plan Outline