Instructional Faculty Consortium Committee Meeting (IFCC)


Oct. 12, 2010
10:00am - 2:00PM
Central Georgia Tech
Building H, Room 11
Program / Commercial Truck Driving
Facilitator / Roy Williams, Sandersville Tech
Secretary / Stephanie Stasolla, Savannah Tech
Attendees / Bruce Lane, NGTC; Roy Williams, STC; Consuelo Godden, Vernon David, Dennis Crosby, Don Green, Michael Newton, DTC; Don Nestor, ATC; John McDevitt, Ray Puckett, CTC; Terry Turner, Ray Benefield, WGTC; David Ratliff, ATC; Ronnie Carr, GNTC; Richard Tucker, MTC; John Barfield, MGTC; Joey Wooten, HOGTC; Ronnie Carter, ATC; Stephanie Stasolla, Eric Horadan, STC; Linda Cartee, OTC; Ricky Strange, Ronnie Holton, Freddie McVey, Alexander McLeod, Charles Hall, SETC; Steve Conway, TCSG.

Agenda Topics

Sign In, Welcome, Overview
10:00 - 10:30
Roy Williams
Discussion / The group convened in the H building auditorium at 10 am. Roy Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made among the attendees. A sign in sheet was passed around the room for all attendees to document their attendance. Bruce Lane congratulated Roy and the US Express team for doing a great job hosting and planning the Region 6 NAPFTDS conference the week before. Roy introduced Steve Conway to the group and Steve was allowed to cover a few topics for the morning.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
CTDL Crosswalk and SAr
10:30 - 11:00
Steve Conway
Discussion / Steve Conway briefly introduced himself to the group and he thanked everyone for their participation today. Steve gave each attendee a copy of the CTDL courses crosswalk and explained its use in the SAR reports. Basically the new CTDL curriculum reflects a 1 to 1 course conversion and as such the crosswalk is pretty easy to interpret. Steve also explained about the SAR advising tool and most everyone was familiar with this report now available at the coilleges.
Conclusions / THe SAR was not really needed for the CTD program since it is so short. DegreeWorks would be ready by the time transition students in this TCC program would be potentially impacted.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Summer Scheduling
11:00 - 12:00
Steve Conway
Discussion / The next topic of discussion was scheduling of CTD courses for the 5 week summer transitional quarter. Steve explained that programs are to attempt to maintain enrollment levels and FTEs, but also allow transition students to have a clean break with courses. Steve opened the floor for various proposals addressing this topic. Many folks spoke openly about their ideas, but in the end really two proposals garnered support. They are summarized here.
Conclusions / One proposal is to schedule all three CTD courses in a five week session running courses about 9 hours a day five days a week. The groups would have to be smaller than normal and the students would have to be rather dedicated. The other proposal was to run CTD 101 and 102 on either a 4 or 5 day schedule and then finish the students using CTDL 1030 for the first 5 weeks of the first semester. Additional part time help would likely be needed for this scenario to work. One college was going to ask their administration to start the program before July 6th and finish by the end of the 5 week quarter.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Semester scheduling
1:00 - 2:00
Discussion / The next agenda item was really linked to the previous topic and that was how to schedule the program under semesters. This topic also prompted a lot of group discussion and a summary of key conclusions follows.
Conclusions / Nearly all attendees thought that scheduling the CTDL courses over 15 weeks was not realistic. The main proposdal that drew support was to run two groups each fall and spring semester. Each of these groups would be 7.5 weeks long. The 10 week summer semester would have the courses run in the same format they are now.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
DDS Updates
2:00 - 2:30
Steve Conway
Discussion / The next topic of discussion concerned Steve's annual status meeting with the DDS representatives a couple of weeks earlier. Steve explained that overall the training programs for TCSG were doing well. In some cases the new forms that are being used for the testing caused some confusion but that was about over with by now. DDS asked the testers to ensure that tests are run evenly between the testers at a particular site. Some testers are used very sparingly it appears from the report. DDS also suggested postponing a 3rd party tetster training session for TCSG because there was a ruling change forthcoming which might raise the minimum number of tests from 10 to 50. If this rule passes then TCSG would only see a need for adding 2-3 more testers. Several members of the group felt that the test fee should be raised by at least $25.
Conclusions / The group was OK with postponing a tetster training session until the ruling becomes final. Steve would ask about raising the test fee.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Contact Kathy Harvey about raising the tetst fee. / Conway / Oct. 15, 2010
IFCC Leadership voting
2:30 - 3:00
Roy Williams
Discussion / The last agenda item for the day was to see if the group wanted to vote in any new consortia leaders. There was some mild discussion points on this topic as well as one new nomination.
Conclusions / The group unamimously agreed to keep Roy Williams as the state chair and all other region chairs as they are. Ray Benefield was nominated to replace Erik Storm for the central region. The group unanimously approved this vote as well.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Update IFCC list serv / Conway / Oct. 15, 2010


Roy williams
Discussion / Roy asked if there was need to meet again this fall. The group felt there was no other items to discuss at this time. The meeting adjourned.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline

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Action items / Person responsible / Deadline

[Agenda topic 9]


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Action items / Person responsible / Deadline

[Agenda topic 10]


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Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Comments / Special Notes
Resource persons
Special notes
Meeting Adjourned / October 12, 2010 3PM
Minutes submitted by: / Stephanie Stasolla, Savannah Tech

Special Instructions

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3.  / Minutes should be submitted, as above outlined, within ten (10) days of the meeting
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