ICSICT Instruction and Template for Paper Preparation

(Title, Times New Roman Type, 16-point Font, Bold Style)

Yu-Long Jiang1*, First Name Last Name2, ……

1Department of Microelectronics, FudanUniversity, Shanghai 200433, China

2 Author’s affiliation and address

* Email:


(1) The setup of paper size should be 21 cm29.7 cm (A4 paper). The text and all figures should be contained in a17 cm22.6 cmimage area. Each page may leave a 2.5 cmmargin on the top, 2 cmon the left and right sides and 4.6 cm on the bottom.

(2)The text should appear in two columns, each 8.1 cm wide with 0.8 cm space between the columns.

(3)The text should be single-spaced.

(4)All text of paper as well as author names, affiliations and email address should be Times New Roman type, 10-point font. Headings should be in bold style. While the title of paper should be Times New Roman type, 16-point font and bold style.

(5) The length of contributed paper should not exceed 3pages while the length of invited papers should not exceed 4pages.

(6) Please do not number the pages.

(7) The format of file for electronic submission should be PDF. the Web-site for on-line submission. If online submission fails, please submit paper by email with a cover letter that includes suggested area, title of paper, key words, names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information (post address, email address, telephone number, fax number) of the corresponding author.

  1. Introduction
  1. Tables, equations and figures

All tables, equations and figures should fit within the space allowed for text and separated from the text by one lines of space above and below the table. They must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.


The title should be typed above the table. For Example:

Table 1. Title of the table

X / 1 / 2
Y / 10 / 20

Follow the example please.


They should be numbered with the numbers appearing in round brackets at the right margin of the equation.

For example:


Follow the example please.


The caption should be typed below the figure. All figures will be published in black-and-white style.

For example:

Figure 1. Caption of the figure

Follow the example please.

  1. Discussion
  1. Summary


References (follow the examples please)

[1]A1, A2 and A3, Journal name, 3, p.1210 (2000).

[2]A1 and A2, Conference name, p.780 (1999).