BishopGrosseteste University

Job description

Title of Post:AlumniDevelopmentOfficer

(Maternity Cover)

Grade:SPS Grade 5

Responsible to:Events Manager

Main Purpose of the Job

Responsible for building relationships with former and current students, utilising affinity to enable alumni to make a measurable contribution to the realisation of the institutions vision, mission and objectives as per the Strategy.

Responsible for the timely and effective collection of DLHE (Destination of Leavers from Higher Education) Survey data.

Support the Events Manager in the delivery of University events.


1Continue to develop an alumni/friends identity for Bishop Grosseteste University, using all available media channels.

2Develop and extend alumni contacts, increase the active membership of the BG Generations Alumni Association and manage the newly created BG Generations Alumni Committee.

3Strengthen the relationship with the existing Old Students’ Association (OSA) through regular communication and frequent events, on and off campus.

4Develop, edit and manage production and distribution of the alumni magazine, BG Talk, and alumni e-newsletter.

5Take the lead in organising alumni events including reunions.

6Take the lead in the collection of DLHE (Destination of Leavers from Higher Education) Survey data including the management and delivery of a telephone campaign.

7Support in the submission of DLHE Survey data to HESA, including data cleansing and liaison with relevant University departments.

8Provide support to the Events Manager in all fundraising activities as deemed appropriate.

9Initiate ideas for new events and work closely with both the Events Manager to bring them to fruition.

10Develop and manage tele-marketing and call centre campaigns for fund raising from alumni and friends.

11Involve students in pre-alumni activities, including giving time through the Student Ambassador Scheme and similar activities, and encouraging end-of-programme giving opportunities.

12Develop new materials and begin to develop a new direct mail campaign schedule based around, but not solely focusing upon the OSA and BG Generations membership.

13Manage the allocation of funds through the BGU Foundation Fund, provide administrative support to the Disbursement Committee and market the BGU Foundation Fund appropriately.

14Support all other areas of work within the Events and Alumni Office, under the guidance of the Events Manager.

15Toundertakeanytrainingwhichmayberequiredtoenhanceperformancein relationwiththedutiesofthepost.

16Tocomplywiththe University’swelfare,healthandsafetypolicy, legislationandbestpractice.


18Thepost-holdermustoperatewithintheguidelines,proceduresand regulationsof the University.

19Thepost-holdermustoperatewithinthe University’sFinancialRegulations, Diversity and EqualityPolicy,RaceEqualityPolicyandother relevant University policies.

20The post will involve some evening and weekend working.




Core / Supplementary
andSpecialTraining / Graduate or equivalent
KnowledgeandSkills / Fluent written and oral English.
Excellent IT skills including MSWord, Excel, PowerPoint. Publisher, Access and Outlook.
Numerate, with ability to analyse data.
Experience / Professional experience of at least one of the following disciplines:
alumni activity, membership scheme, income generation, fundraising role. / Understanding of higher education.
Personal Attributes / Excellent people skills, customer focused.
Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Persuasive manner.
Excellent organisation skills.
Good team player.
Ability to manage own work on daily basis.