22 Stebenev St., Minsk, 220024 Belarus

Tel.: +375-17-275-3646; Tel./fax: +375-17-275-3660


Director: Viktor Vladimirovich Konchits

NACEE liaison officer:

  1. Position in the national R&D system

The Institute of Fisheries of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is one of the 16 research institutes affiliated to the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and performing their work by direct orders from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus. It is the only research institution in fisheries and aquaculture in Belarus.

  1. Main mandate

Research and technological development, consultancy and training, utilization of water resources, including:

Research on fish genetics and selection;

Research on fish nutrition and physiology;

Research on the quality of the environment of hydrobionts, including ponds and natural waters;

Research for development of new, efficient methods of prevention and treatment of fish diseases;

Research on utilization of fish resources of natural waters;

Participation in republican courses of advanced training and personnel training in the field of fish culture and fishing.

  1. Staff (by qualification/age/gender)

Total: 87

Scientists: 48, including: 14 with scientific degree (1 Doctor of Sciences and 13 Candidates of Sciences)

Technical and support personnel: 26

Production staff: 13

Average age: 47 years

Ratio of females: 62 %

  1. Budget (structure of income)

348 thousand Euro


Participation in state R&D programmes («Agropromkompleks», «Importozameshchenie», basic research): 47 %

Participation in competitive projects: 33.6 %

Participation in direct agreements and practical application of scientific results: 5.1%

Supporting activities (fish culture, leasing): 14.3 %

  1. Main research areas

Improvement of existing fish varieties and creation of new, highly productive ones.

Acclimatization and biotechnology of rearing of new, high-value aquaculture objects.

Development of techniques and methods for improving the efficiency of fish culture and fishing in natural and artificial waters.

Development of new formulas of fish feeds and feed additives.

Development of techniques and methods for prevention and treatment of fish diseases.

  1. Events organized by the institute on a regular basis

Seminars (practical and training) on different issues in the field of fisheries.

Preparation and organization of international scientific conferences on aquaculture and fisheries. The last conference in 2004 was attended by over 200 participants from 8 countries, representing various stakeholders with interest in freshwater aquaculture development and utilization of aquatic biological resources.

  1. International collaboration (with formalized agreements)

Institute for Fisheries of the Ucrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine.

Research and Design Technological Center «Tekhrybvod», Kiev, Ukraine.

All-Russian Research Institute of Freshwater Fish Farming, Rybnoe, Russia.

Polar Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Murmansk, Russia.

Federal Centre for Fish Genetics and Selection, Ropsha, Russia

National Association of Aquaculture and Fish Product Industry, Vilnius, Lithuania.

All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigation Fish Farming, Moscow, Russia.

  1. Existing cooperation with other NACEE members

Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology, Vodňany, Czech Republic (artificial propagation of fish).

Stanisław Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute, Olsztyn, Poland (sturgeon culture).

All-Russian Research Institute of Freshwater Fish Farming, Rybnoe, Russia (herbivorous fishes, fish diseases).

Research and Design Technological Center «Tekhrybvod», Kiev, Ukraine (mechanization in pond fish culture).

Institute for Fisheries of the Ucrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine (fish diseases).

  1. Involvement in EU projects

Currently, the Institute is not involved in any European projects.