Institute Management Team Meeting
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Attending: Brian Anderson, Dick Berg, Mike Demissie, Libby Johnston, Mona Knight, Sally McConkey, Don McKay, Terry McLennand, Gary Miller, Kishore Rajagopalan (representing Kevin O’Brien), Bill Shilts, Angie Wisehart, Karen Witter
1. Press Releases
Bill asked the group to make sure to let him know when statements and/or press releases
will be made to the public on behalf of the Surveys or Institute. Controversial statements
could jeopardize funding, and it’s in everyone’s best interest to make sure that the
messages are run through Bill or Libby.
2. INHS Update
Brian reported that the retiree reception will be held on May 14 at the Forbes Building. There are seven confirmed retirees.
3. College of Education Move
Gary reported that a few College of Education staff members will be moving into the Natural Resources Building on June 1.
4. ISWS Update
Sally reported that she attended meetings in Washington, DC to discuss the Risk Map Program appropriations. She meet with staff members from both Senator Durbin’s office and Senator Kirk’s office.
Sally reported that she had a conversation with George Roadcap (ISWS) regarding the Cook County Forest Preserve District project. She’s had discussions with the Water Reclamation District, who would like a new calculation of release rates for retention reservoirs, and they would like ISWS to do that.
Mike reported that three staff members are retiring.
Mike reported that ISWS received the Regional Water Supply Planning funding. The LiDAR funding has also been received.
5. External Affairs Update
Karen reported that with Steve’s departure she is taking over the role Steve played with the fundraising efforts for the annual appeal. She has been talking with Libby, Terry and Gary about expanding the Institute’s fundraising efforts and plans to meet with the directors to get their perspective on advancement activities.
Karen reported that she finalized the summary of the April 2 reception and will give it to Bill.
Terry reported that Senator Rose is planning to hold a press conference tomorrow at ISTC regarding the Clinton landfill issue. Congressman Davis will be there as well.
Terry reported that IDOT funding for ISAS was cut by $500K.
Terry reported that University administrators feel they’re moving in the right direction regarding the proposed grant and contract bill, HB3820.
6. Center for Innovative Instrumentation Technology (CiiT)
Gary reported that the Institute has been invited to be a member of CiiT. As a reminder, it is an NSF funded industry/university cooperative research center. They are focused on sensing and analytical technologies, mostly for the medical industry. Some industries involved are Kraft, John Deere, and Monsanto. There may be work that the Institute does that the industries might be interested in, or want our scientists to test.
7. Building Emergency Action Plans
Gary reported that the ISWS training has been scheduled for May 14. Training for the Natural Resources Building (NRB) is towards the end of May. Gary hasn’t heard about future training for the other Institute buildings. If the other buildings do not have plans in place, the Campus has created a template for use.
8. Matching Research Awards Program (MRAP)
Gary reported that next week he is meeting with the PIs on the proposals that are funded.
Gary reported that he is seeking approval from Vice Chancellor Schiffer to proceed with the next call for proposals. He’ll schedule a meeting of the coordinating committee to begin planning for the next round.
9. Server Consolidation Issues
Gary reported that there was a hard look at consolidating servers at ISTC, but it would cost $300K. The University provides free service for server consolidation, but it’s not very convenient because the location is on the north end of campus. The group met with CITES, and it does seem to make sense to consolidate using their services. Some servers will be kept in-house for developmental purposes. Consolidating servers in the Institute would free up space, and provide an easier way to share memory and develop common platforms. A greater area for collaboration and sharing of data is GIS – this will be looked at further down the road.
10. ISGS Update
Don reported that the ISGS proposal submitted for the Illinois Coastal Zone Program was funded. Cindy Briedis and Lisa Anderson attended an event hosted by Governor Quinn in Chicago recently, and got their picture taken with him. This funding will allow ISGS to expand the book series on the geology and history of parks along the Chicago shore line.
Mona reported that plans are moving forward on the renovation of 101 NRB. They hope to have the room finished by June 30. Room 439 will be available for meetings.
Don reported that today is Dick Berg’s first day as Interim Director. Steve Brown will be Acting Chief Scientist.
11. Inside Illinois Ad
Libby reported that the Institute had an ad to thank all of the administrative professionals across the Institute in last week’s Inside Illinois edition for Administrative Professionals Day.
12. Displays for NRB
Libby asked that if anyone has a display that they are considering for NRB, to let Libby or Angie know first to make sure that it is appropriate.