Institute for Sustainability Internationalisation Funding Call Application
The full call text is available on the Institute for Sustainability website. This document should be no longer than 3 pages using minimum size 10 font, not including the additional information or blank pages.
Name(s) of Full Project Team (specify PI, Co-Is and any RA(s)) and their School/Research Centre/Institute.Also include team members from external organisations:
Name, affiliation
Please briefly show how your team is an established interdisciplinary team with existing momentum relevant to this call:
Outline previous and current collaborations within the team.
Please select the Institute for Sustainability Challenge(s) that your submission contributes to:
☐ Integrated Infrastructure ☐ Production and Resources ☐ Consumption and Waste
Key Words:
Please list a maximum of 5 key words for the research project
Any comments on the relevance to Institute for Sustainability Internationalisation Strategy
Particularly in relation to the three challenges and the cross-cutting Justice and Governance strand.
Details of Proposed Activity
Title: Your title should match your MyProjects Proposal submission.Remember to prefix your title with “IfS:”
Activity Description and timetable:
Summarise the opportunity, what the team plans to do with the funding and on what timetable
Funding Requested
Total Institutecontribution requested: £N.B.,contribution limit specified in the relevant call
Is additional/match funding required (this includes internal/school contribution)? Yes☐ No☐
If yes, has additional funding already been secured? Yes☐ No☐
Please describe how the funding will be used. Please give some information beyond the headings in MyProjects Proposals – e.g. how much time of which staff, who will travel, to where and when.
You must give a Justification of the Resources requested, as Effective Use of Resources is an important criterion. An explanation of why the Institute is the best place to fundthis project will also form a part of the assessment process.Although matched funding is not a requirement for this call, please indicate matched funding provided from both internal and external sources.
Outcomes and Deliverables
Please give details of what the activity will achieveboth as a direct deliverable/outcome and what it is likely to lead to in the longer term. Describe how the funding is expected to benefit the team and to grow international reputation, profile and impact.
Although impact or externally-funded research can take time to come to fruition, it is important that thefunding achieves one or moredeliverables, in order to demonstrate effective use of resources in the short term. Please list and number all project deliverables and indicate the team member(s) responsible(see example table below). These deliverables will form part of the offer letter and you will be expected to report progress against them.
Deliverable # / Deliverable / Completed by / Person responsibleD1 / e.g. report of workshop, including plans for next steps / MM/YY / Project team member 1
D2 / e.g. joint external research proposal with international partner / MM/YY / PI
Consider how you will measure the success and what opportunity there is for evidencing the impact of your activity.
Milestones and Reporting
List and number your project milestones and schedule for reporting. This will include at least a final report within 1 month of completion of the funded activity, summarising the activity, progress, deliverables and next steps. A final report template will be supplied.
Additional Information
How did you hear about this funding call?
Please tell us how you heard about this funding call e.g., Institute for Sustainability website, email bulletin, Institute for Sustainability event, word of mouth –colleague or Institute team etc.
Commercially Sensitive Information
Details of successful applications will be used in the Institute for Sustainability promotional material. If your application contains commercially sensitive information which may NOT be used by the Institute for Sustainability for promotional purposes then please tick this box ☐
Allocation of funds
Is the PI of this project eligible to be considered in one of the Institute’s categories for allocated funds? Please indicate below:
☐ Early Career Researcher (i.e. those employed as Lecturer with <5 years in post and below)
☐ Returning from a career break
☐ None
If so please provide a short statement of how the proposed project will contribute to the PIs career development:
Please provide a statement of how this project will develop the career of the PI and the contribution in working towards an independent research career. Include a brief description of the PIs career and research vision and the direct impact this project would have on these.
University Research Related Policies
Please confirm that the proposed research adheres to the following University policies:
☐ Ethics ☐ Data Management ☐ Intellectual Property
If you envisage any IP issues arising from the proposed research please tick this box☐
Checklist before Submitting Proposal:
☐Application and MPP record prepared in consultation with your School Research Admin
☐ Funder: “Newcastle University – Internally Funded Projects”.
☐ Pricing Template: “Charity excluding inflation”
☐ Salary type: “Actual” NOT “Banded”
☐ Team: Full team listed on MPP
☐ Title: Prefix with “IfS: ”
☐Proposal type: “Standard” NOT “Outline”
☐ Total Cost: MPP “Price Total” within threshold, matches “Total contribution requested”
☐Start date: At least two weeks after the panel meeting and within 4 months of the closing date.
☐Project duration: Complies with length stated in the full call text.
☐ Additional information completed