Control Air Installation for EditStar20 January 2004


Installation of Control Air for EditStar 2.0


0.1Bill Brooksoriginal document

0.9Robert MurphyJanuary 16, 2004

0.91Bill BrooksJanuary 16, 2004

0.92Steve MurrayJanuary 19, 2004

0.99Robert MurphyJanuary 19, 2004 Final Draft.

0.99.1 Steve MurrayJanuary 19, 2004 amendments to final

2Installation of Control Air System

You will need to ensure that you have access to the following software.

  • GVG Profile Server Installation Disks
  • EditStar Server Installation Disks
  • Control Air Server Installation Disks

Inspect the Wintail log on the profile prior to setup. The Profile must have a 233 MHz processor, 32 MB of: EDR memory, jpeg memory, RTS memory. All of these enhancements need to be done before we go on A

This document assumes that EditStar 2.1.x is already installed.


Put GPI card into the Control Air server, if using Maney panel

Install Control Air Server

Make sure that the DMP file calls for NON drop frame (even if you know the site is using drop-frame video, as most do)

Install GVG Profile software on Control Air Server, make sure you indicate during setup that this is NOT a GVG storage device.

Copy 2.5.22 tekrem.dll to EditStar database server, Control Air Server.


Only 2.1.x EditStar software is compatible with iNEWS™, Control Air with Many Panel and GPI support.

GVG profile server software must be loaded on the EditStar database server, which was done as part of the EditStar installation.

GVG profile software must also be installed on the Control Air server. The version should match whatever version is already on the Profiles, with the possible exception of tekrem.dll. If this customer uses GVG Profile PDR200 check the ‘product version’ of tekrem.dll. It must be at a minimum revision of 2.5.22 on both the Control Air server and the EditStar database server.

3.2Communications: tekrem.dll, User rights

TEKREM.DLL: If this site uses GVG Profile PDR 200 check the ‘product version’ of tekrem.dll on the database server and Control Air server. It must be at a minimum revision of 2.5.22. NOTE: tekrem.dll ONLY needs to be on the EditStar database server, and on the Control Air Server; it is a remote communication device, allowing both servers to talk to the Profiles.

Where: Tekrem.dll goes into C:\profile directory on EditStar database server, and Control Air Server.

USER RIGHTS: typically, an EditStar site’s servers are set to auto-logon (Profiles, database server, MCU and MCUlink) Use tweakUI to accomplish this, unless you know the registry hacks. The User who signs onto ALL the machines MUST be the local administrator for those machines, and preferably a Domain Administrator who is a local administrator as well. In a former NewStar site, an administrator may be: administrator, password: newstar ; or starter, password: newstar.

If there is no domain: make a workgroup on all the machines, and create the same user name/password on each machine that is the local adiministrator.

If the site wishes to avoid having domain administrators logon automatically: make sure the local user signing on is the same on each machine, and is also the local administrator of each machine.

3.3Control Air Server

3.3.1GVG Profile Server Install

Using the customer’s version of GVG Profile Server software, install the GVG Profile software for non-video servers on the CA Server.cfappendix B .

If this site uses a GVG Profile PDR 200, replace the tekrem.dll from the installation with 2.5.22 version on Control Air Server.

(PDR 400, or PVS 1000 XP Profile do not need to change tekrem.dll)

3.3.2EditStar Server Install

Install the Control Air component of the EditStar Server 2.1.x version of the customer’s EditStar software.(nb.This software is not provided with the Control Air Server installation set). Change the destination of the installed files by browsing to C:\Program Files\Avid\ControlAir. Select "EditStar Server Interface for ControlAir." If "Other" is selected, it's the same as a custom install. Check that only the "EditStar Server Interface for ControlAir" component at the bottom of the list of installable options is selected.

Note. At WRTV this was tried and the installation failed. The software was reinstalled into the C:\editstar directory and the application still works. It is essential that DVSOBJECT.DLL is registered.

Note: if this is a former NewStar site, make sure that the NewStar version of the install is used so the placement of the registries is the same as the server, Profiles and EditStar workstations, i.e. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\newstar\editstar

3.3.3Control Air Server Installation the Control Air Server Hardware

The Control Air Server will be configured to control a GVG Profile via the network and the stop, play, cue and recue commands will be received via GPI signals. It is necessary to install the PCI-Dio24 GPI interface card and the drivers PRIOR to commencing the Control Air Server Installation. Drivers can be obtained from Measurement Computing. (and also by installing MCUlink from EditStar server install disk) the Control Air Installer

Install the Control Air software. Select "Custom" to install both the server and workstation client software. Ensure that the Grass Valley Group device manager is selected.

Ensure that you select the EditStar Site when the installation asks “Please indicate whether you are running EditStar on this machine”.

When install is done, do not restart the computer. the Control Air Server User to GVG Profile

Ensure that the Control Air server logon and the GVG Profile logons are the same. GVGDM has to communicate with profile.exe on the profile and this requires windows authentication.

Note Ensure that the user is a member of the local admin group. It is typical to use the domain administrator; but increasingly unpopular. The user ‘starter’ (password: newstar) is a good candidate: it is used only for the NewStar server loader service, and is already an administrator. Control Air Workstation from Startup Folder

Open "All Users" by right clicking the start menu and remove the Workstation client from the Programs/Startup folder. It can always be re-added if the customer wants.Make a shortcut to the ControlAir program file folder onto the desktop or startbar. the GrassValley Device Manager Profile

Navigate to the DMP folder and make a copy of the GVGDM.dmp file. You can customize the file name by adding the station's call letters to the file’s title. Edit this .dmp file to reflect the unique configuration for the site. Make a note of this file's name for use in the autostart.ini file. Save the GVGDM<wxyz>.dmp file.

NOTE: ensure that it is set for NON drop-frame video, even though the site may actually be drop-frame. the Autostart.ini File

Go to the folder c:\program files\avid\ControlAir and edit the autostart.ini file. In the Start Sequence section, add a line: GVGDM.exe dmp\GVGDM<wxyz>.dmp

Restart the Control Air Server computer. the Control Air Workstation.

You have installed the Control Air Workstation during this Control Air Server installation. Install the Control Air Workstation on other clients that will be used for reserving the shows.

Note. EditStar sites typically use the Maney Panel for playback of events. If Parkervision automation control is also used, the Parkervision system will be hardwired to the Maney Panel.

Start the Workstation client on whichever machine(s) is to be used to reserve the show. Enter the name of the Control Air Server into the connect dialog box if the Control Air Workstation client is running on a PC other than the server. If the client is running locally on the server, you can either use the server's NT name or "localhost."

Select the Broadcast/Options menu and change the Screen setting to 50% to keep the cursor bar centered.

If the ControlAir system is making channel assignments (as opposed to iNEWS) then set the Channel Policy to Rolling and then set the override policy to strong or weak as desired.

Note. The Parkervision System will typically select the playout channel.

Colors can be changed as desired, with the caveat that it may confuse the phone support people. It is a good idea change the background of Available events to a light gray to make them stand out against the workstation's white background. The Client Settings.

When you make any changes to the client, you will be prompted to save the changes to a .CAWS file. Navigate to the ControlAir program files folder to save the files there, rather than on the desktop where they may be inadvertently deleted. You will be prompted to save the changes after running the client and connecting to the server for the first time since the workstation senses the server entry as a new entry. At sites that have multiple CA servers, changing the server the workstation connects to will also trigger a new request to save the file.

Note: CAWS requires the user to have administrative rights on the local machine. If multiple accounts are used, the settings may be different for every user. A user could modify the properties as desired and save the settings in a new .CAWS file.


Profile requirements for upgrading EditStar to v2.1

PDR300 series Profiles are not supported by EditStar.

PVS1100 series XP Profiles are not supported by EditStar.

PVS1000 series XP Profile currently meet EditStar hardware requirements.


PDR’s must have Windows NT 4.0 with SP3 and Y2K Hotfix installed, Windows NT3.51 is not supported. The PDR’s must also be equipped with Enhanced Disk Recorder boards. The specific Profile software requirements can be found at the following link in PDF form: . Follow the links for either 2.5.x or 3.2.x.x (DV) software as appropriate. The Release Notes for the respective Profile software versions describe in detail the exact hardware configurations supported.

In addition to the specific Thomson / Grass Valley requirements for Profile software versions 2.5.x.x and 3.2.x.x, EditStar 2.1 will also require that Profiles be equipped with 233MHz or faster Pentium CPU’s and 64M of system RAM for Windows NT.

Specific to PDR 100’s and 200’s:

PDR 100’s and 200’s will require version 2.5.x.x Profile software to use EditStar 2.1. Because of this requirement for Profile software version 2.5.x.x you may need to upgrade software and/or hardware. Note that certain PDR100’s may not be upgradeable to Pentium CPU’s contact Profile Support for more information. All of the PDR 100 or 200 hardware enhancements can be done prior to upgrading the Profile software to 2.5.x.x to reduce workload at the time of EditStar upgrade to 2.1. The Profile software version however must not be changed until the time of the actual EditStar 2.1 upgrade. tekrem.dll v.2.5.22 must be installed on EditStar and Profile Servers.

Specific to PDR400’s:

DV PDR’s will require 3.2.x.x version software to use EditStar 2.1. Because of this requirement for Profile software version 3.2.x.x you may need to upgrade software and/or hardware.

Key items to look for in the profile.log file to determine if your PDR series Profiles need hardware upgrades to support EditStar 2.1:

Actual EISA slot numbers and specific mix of cards may differ from the examples below.

EISA slot 0: DTI 486 Processor board <- is a 486 based, needs to be at least a 233MHz Pentium.

EISA slot 7: Tek Master Enhanced Disk Recorder board (rev 1) <- EDR board must be at least rev2

EISA slot 8: Tek Slave Enhanced Disk Recorder board (rev 1) <- EDR board must be at least rev2

EISA slot 12: Tek Master Disk Recorder board (rev 1) <- Is not a EDR board, needs to be replaced

J11: Tek DVCPRO Codec board (rev 2) <- For PDR400’s must be at least rev2

found 16M of RTS memory <- Upgrade to 32 Meg

Found JPEG memory at c4000000, size 16 Meg <- Needs to be upgraded to 32 Meg

Found JPEG memory at c6000000, size 16 Meg <- Needs to be upgraded to 32 Meg

Found JPEG memory at cc800000, size 8 Meg <- Needs to be upgraded to 32 Meg

Found JPEG memory at ce000000, size 16 Meg <- Needs to be upgraded to 32 Meg

To determine the amount of Windows NT Ram use Windows NT Diagnostics Utility found in the Administrative Tools group of Windows NT. After making the basic determination regarding the need for hardware upgrades contact Thomson / Grass Valley Profile Support for the exact board(s) and upgrade kit(s) requirements and pricing. We at Avid Technology, Inc. do not have the ability to specify the required part numbers or to provide Profile parts pricing.


EditStar Version/Compatiblity ChartRevised 15 April 2003

EditStar 1.8x – No further development planned. Bring sites planning to remain on 1.8x up to 1.8H as needed or when convenient.

EditStar 1.9 – No longer supported. No further development planned, no longer in the field anywhere.

EditStar 2.0 – Current through build 575, no further 2.0 development planned, upgrade to current 2.1 to address issues.

EditStar 2.1 – Table current through build 35. Adds/Includes PCI GPI Maney panel board trigger support.

EditStar Version. / Major Changes / New Features
(see release note for more info) / NewStar Version / Client
(RAM/Disk specs are Minimums) / DB Server
(RAM/Disk specs are Minimums) / Profile /

Upgrades Required

/ Omnibus Support / -Fixes MCULink cueing time problem with sites running 3 or more Profiles
-Improves timeline performance/behavior with PVS1000’s
-Addresses the main UI issue that allowed negative audio media segment offsets, which would cause lip sync problems
-Fixes a timeline behavior problem after a Countdown Play abort / 8.26.39 / OS: Win95, Win98, WinNT 4.0, Win2K
RAM: 64 MB
Disk: 100 MB
Video: Fast, Buster, ATI, Osprey, Hauppauge / OS: WinNT 4.0/SP4 or SP6a
RAM: 128 MB
Disk Space:
1 GB
OS: Win2K/SP1
SQL 2000
RAM: 256 MB
Disk Space: 4 GB / Software: or PDR200 PDR400 or OK PVS1000
RAM 64 MB Minimum
note: some PDR 200s may need hardware upgrades to run Profile version 2.5.x.x / DBCONVERT, if using existing 1.8 database, starting with new database strongly encouraged
Upgrade Servers to at least NT 4.0 / APPRO
VDRCS / -Adds Support for iNews NRCS
-Increases default maximum SQL database size to 60MB from 30MB
-Removes “Auto shrink” setting option from newly created SQL database(s)
-Adds support for PCI version of the GPI card (PCI-DIO24)
-Addresses Profile resource release issues on profile(XP).exe shutdown
-Support for discontinuous TC recording with specific versions of Omnibus VDRCS
-Reduces network traffic related to Omnibus sharer requests from client
-Ejects clip when disconnecting from an Omnibus channel source
-Addresses several performance issues in Omnibus VDRCS environments / 8.26.39
iNEWS 1.5.1..x / OS: Win95, Win98, WinNT 4.0, Win2K
RAM: 64 MB
Disk: 100 MB
Video: Buster, ATI, Osprey, Hauppauge / OS: WinNT 4.0/SP6a
RAM: 128 MB
Disk Space:
1 GB
OS: Win2K/SP3
SQL 2000/SP3
RAM: 256 MB
Disk Space: 4 GB Minimum / Software: or PDR200
2.5.22 PDR400 or OK PVS1000
RAM 64 MB Minimum
note: some PDR 200s may need hardware upgrades to run Profile version 2.5.x.x / DBCONVERT, if using existing 1.8 database, starting with new database strongly encouraged
Upgrade Servers to at least NT 4.0
Uncheck “Auto shrink” option in SQL Server Enterprise Manager for EditStar 2.0 upgrades using existing SQL database(s)
Set database(s) to 60MB “Maximum file size” manually if upgrading from EditStar 2.0 and not creating a new database / APPRO

Company Confidential1For Internal Use Only