2016-17 State Association Board
Installation Ceremony Script- Building Blocks Version
[Note: Speaker bought a package of child’s building blocks, purchased at “Dollar Tree” for $1.00, and found appropriate leadership quotes, printed them, and attached them to a blank side of the block. On the other blank side, speaker wrote with a permanent marker. Incoming President helped with the blocks.]
- One gift most young children receive early in life is a set of blocks. Blocks fuel the imagination and children can spend hours building houses, skyscrapers, and cities with them. Children learn quickly that every block in their created structures is essential. If one block is removed, the building can come tumbling down. Likewise, every member in the[STATE]School Nutrition Association is vital to the wellbeing of the organization. If one member falters, the group is weakened.
- Officers are a significant part of the framework in an Association. Just as the blocks at the bottom of a structure support an entire building, an association’s officers support their members when they provide competent leadership. When officers perform their specific tasks, the association structure remains strong. [Outgoing President’ Name], will you please come forward?
- [Outgoing President’ Name], we appreciate so much the work you have done not only as president, but during the entire time that you have served [STATE] SNA. You have accomplished so much as you have achieved goals, made friends and advocated for school nutrition programs at the local, state and national level. Everyone please join me in thanking [Outgoing President’ Name], for her/his service to [STATE] SNA. [Outgoing President’ Name], will you please help me as we install the 2016-2017[STATE] SNAofficers.
- Today, the officers of the [STATE] School Nutrition Association shall be installed using a theme of blocks. The blocks given are symbolic reminders to the officers that they are now an integral part of the association’s framework. The successful completion of their duties will help keep [STATE] SNAintact. Will the newly elected officers, please come forward? [Have the officers line up in order, with the Treasurer first.]
- [Name of Treasurer], as Treasurer, you are the cornerstone of this association. As the cornerstone is the basic element of a structure, you are a necessary element of [STATE] SNA. Your duties include paying all approved bills, and keeping accurate financial records. Do you promise to fulfill the many duties of your office? [Officer should answer, "I do." Pick up officer's block.] You have publicly declared that you will help to keep your association’s framework intact. May this block be your constant reminder. [Give the block to the officer.]
- [Name of Secretary], as Secretary, you are the arch of this association. As the arch is a graceful span of an opening in a structure, you, through your record-keeping, represent your association in a graceful manner. Your duties include listening attentively at all times, writing up the minutes of each meeting, and keeping accurate records of the purposes and policies of this association. Do you promise to fulfill the many duties of your new office? [Officer should answer, "I do." Pick up officer's block.] You have publicly declared that you will help to keep your association’s framework intact. May this block be your constant reminder. [Give the block to the officers.]
- [Name of Vice President], as Vice President, you are a buttress of this association. As the buttress supports and gives stability to a building, we are relying on you to support our president and executive board at all times. You are obligated to familiarize yourself with all business of the association, its by-laws, policies, procedures and programs. You will also act as chairperson of the annual conference. Do you promise to fulfill the many duties of your new office? [Officer should answer, "I do." Pick up officer's block.] You have publicly declared that you will help to keep your association’s framework intact. May this block be your constant reminder. [Give the block to the officers.]
- [Name of President-Elect], as President-Elect, you are the pillar of this association. As a pillar provides firm upright support for a super structure, you provide strength to this association. You are an apprentice and should become familiar with all aspects of the associations affairs. Observe, learn and plan ahead to make your leadership transition as smooth as possible. Remember, you are very important to your president. You must always lend a helping hand and be ready with words of encouragement. Do you promise to fulfill the many duties of your new office? [Officer should answer, "I do." Pick up officer's block.] You have publicly declared that you will help to keep your association's framework intact. May this block be your constant reminder. [Give the block to the officers.]
- [Name of President], as President, you are the entryway of this association. As the front of a building, or entryway, is given special architectural treatment, you take on a special dignity representing your association. You will use your talents and abilities to implement the annual plan of work, motivate our members and lead and work with enthusiasm. You are charged to preside with dignity, fairness, and impartiality. Make the well-being of [STATE] SNAyour first consideration in all your actions as president. Never hesitate to ask for assistance from your executive board. We are here to help you. Do you promise to fulfill the many duties of your new office? [Officer should answer, "I do." Pick up officer's block.] You have publicly declared that you will help to keep your association’s framework intact. May this block be your constant reminder. [Give the block to the officers.]
- [To the membership.] Members, you are the rest of the elements in this association’s structure. Each one of you has different skills and talents that are needed by [STATE] SNA. Use your many abilities and support your officers. When you work together, you can build a strong association from top to bottom and accomplish great things. Keep your association's framework solid.
- Officers, you are here tonight because you have expressed your desire to serve the [STATE] SNAin a leadership role. Each of you is a valuable member of our leadership team. I challenge all of you to support one another and to develop friendships within your team that will last past your term of service. Please also realize that you have the opportunity and the duty to mentor, motivate and inspire the members that you serve. I am happy to proclaim these officers of [STATE] SNAduly installed. Please join me in welcoming the 2016-2017[STATE] SNAofficers.