OLA Super Conference January 31, 2004.
Reading Power
Insights into the Research
Beers,Kylene& Samuels, Barbara G., Into Focus: Understanding and Creating Middle School Readers; Norwood Massachusetts: Christopher_Gordon Publishers, Inc, 1998.
Booth, David. Even Hockey Players Read: Boys and Reading. Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishing, Ltd., 2002
Brozo, William G. To be a boy, to be a reader: Engaging teen and preteen boys in active literacy. Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 2002.
Jobe, Ron, and Mary Dayton-Sakari. Info Kids: How to Use Nonfiction to Turn Reluctant Readers Into Enthusiastic Learners. Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers Ltd., 2002.
Jobe, Ron, and Mary Dayton-Sakari. Reluctant Readers: Connecting Students and Books for Successful Reading Experiences. Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers Ltd., 1999.
Krashen, Stephen. The Power of Reading: Insights from the Research. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, 1993.
Loertscher, David. Reinvent Your School's Library in the Age of Technology. California: Hi Willow, 1999.
McQuillan. Jim. The Literacy Crisis: False Claims, Real Solutions. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1998.
Bouchard, David. The Gift of Reading. Canada: Orca Book Publishers, 2001
Fox, Mem. Reading Magic. United States: Harcourt Inc., 2001
Kropp, Paul. How to Make your Child a Reader for Life. Canada: Random House,2000
Trelease, Jim. The read-aloud handbook, Rev. ed. New York: Penguin Books, 1995.
1. School Libraries and Student Achievement
Keith Curry Lance Library Studies www.lrs.org
The Importance of school libraies Lance White House
PPT presentations http://www.lmcsource.com/tech/power/2nd/power2.htm
2. Reading
Stephen Krashen http://www.sdkrashen.com/index.html
3. Ontario Provincial Literacy Tests
Education Quality and Accountability Office http://www.eqao.com/eqao/home_page/03e/3_1e.html
EQAO Research Series, April 1999: Reading Attitudes, Gender & Student Achievement in Grades 3 and 6 http://www.eqao.com/eqao/home_page/pdf_e/99/99P032e.pdf
4. International Assessments on Reading
IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement), How in the World do Students read?, 1991 < http://www.iea.nl/Home/IEA/Publications/publications.html
IEA's PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study), 2001 <http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pirls/
OECD- PISA (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and Programme for International Student Assessment) Study: Measuring up: The performance of Canada’s youth in reading, mathematics and science OECD PISA Study—First Results for Canadians aged 15 http://www.pisa.gc.ca/pisa/81-590-xpe.pdf>
EQAO Provincial Achievement Results, 2001-2002 English Language Results <http://www.eqao.com/eqao/home_page/pdf_e/03/03P003e.pdf
EQAO (National and International Assessments) http://www.eqao.com/eqao/home_page/08e/8_2e.html
5. Boys and Reading
Teacher Librarian Feature Article Volume 30, Number 3, February 2003: Overcoming the obstacle course: Teenage boys and reading Patrick Jones & Dawn Cartwright Fiorelli http://www.teacherlibrarian.com/pages/30_3_feature.html
Reading Don't Fix No Chevies: The Role Of Literacy In The Lives Of Young Men 2002
a collaborative study Jeffrey D. Wilhelm University Of Maine and Michael Smith of Rutgers
University of Victoria Study Morphing Literacy: Boys Reshaping Their Literacy. 2002
Scieszka’s Literacy Initiative for Boys: http://www.elsegundousd.com/eshs/wasc/wasc2/guysread1.htm
RDodgson, TDSB, Reading Power Professional Resources