/ Comenius Project
Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion /

International conference

“INSETRom: Teacher-in-Service Training for Roma Inclusion”

(Turin, November 13-14, 2009)

The international conference to be held at the University of Turin, in Palazzo Nuovo, via S. Ottavio, room 39, on Friday, November 13, 2009, and at Ce.Se.Di., Via G. Ferrari 3, on Saturday, November 14, 2009, will present, discuss and disseminate the results of the European Comenius Project INSETRom.

The INSETRom Project aimed to facilitate school and Roma family partnerships in order to establish an environment of collaboration and shared goals for children’s education in seven European countries: Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Romania, Austria, United Kingdom, Slovakia.

The aims of the Project were pursued through in-service teacher training to respond to the needs of teachers and to engage Roma parents as active agents in their children’s education.

Partners participating in the INSETRom Project assessed the needs of teachers and Roma families in target schools; developed a teacher training curriculum in response to teachers’ and families’ requirements; planned innovative educational activities at class and/or school level in order to promote parents’ collaboration with teachers; organized the in-service teacher training course; evaluated the intervention programs and the training modules.

The international conference is aimed at teachers ( including those who participated in the project who will present their work), university educators and researchers, members of the Roma communities, and policy makers.


Friday, November 13, 2009

Palazzo Nuovo, via S. Ottavio, room 39


9:00am - 9:30am Welcoming addresses

Prof. Francesca Gobbo, Chair of the Conference, University of Turin

Dr. Loizos Symeou, Coordinator INSETRom, European University Cyprus

Prof. Sergio Roda, Vice Rector, University of Turin

Prof. Renato Grimaldi, Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Turin

Prof. Giorgio Chiosso, Dean of the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Turin

9:30am - 10:00am Keynote Lecture

Calin Rus, Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania

INSETRom Presentations

10:00am - 10:45am INSETRom in Cyprus

Loizos Symeou, Department of Education Sciences, European University Cyprus

Yiasemina Karagiorgi, Ministry of Education and Culture

Eleni Roussounidou, Ministry of Education and Culture

INSETRom in Austria

Mikael Luciak, University of Vienna, Department of Education, Vienna

Barbara Liegl, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute on Human Rights, Vienna

INSETRom in England

Gill Crozier, Roehampton University

Jane Davies, University of Sunderland

Kim Szymanski, University of Sunderland

10:45am - 11:15am Coffee Break

11:15am - 12:30am INSETRom in Romania

Vasile Chis, Department of Education Sciences, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania

INSETRom in Slovakia

Rastilav Rosinky, Institute of Roma Studies Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra

Blandína Šramová, Department of Mass Media Communication and Advertisement, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra

INSETRom in Greece

Georgios Nicolau, University of Ioannina

Stavroula Stahara, University of Ioannina

INSETRom in Italy (Turin)

Francesca Gobbo, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Turin, Turin

INSETRom in Italy (Florence)

Maria Omodeo, COSPE Firenze, Florence

Margherita Longo, COSPE Firenze, Florence

12:30am - 1:00pm Questions & answers

Discussant: Calin Rus, Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania

INSETRom Presentations & Evaluation

3pm - 3:30pm INSETRom Evaluation

Barry van Driel, International Association for Intercultural Education

Fokion Georgiadis, International Association for Intercultural Education

Dragana Nikolajevic, International Association for Intercultural Education

3:30pm - 4:00pm Additional presentations

Ivana Bolognesi, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Mauro Sbordoni, independent researcher, former School Principal, Florence, Italy

4:00pm - 4:30pm Coffee Break

4:30pm - 5:15pm Additional presentations

David Doubek, Charles University, Praga, Czech RepubliK

Delia Grigore, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Sarau Gheorghe, Department for Education of Minorities (Education for Rroma), Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Bucharest, Romania

5:15pm - 5:45pm Questions & answers

Discussant: Calin Rus, Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania

5:45pm - 6:00pm Closing reflections

Francesca Gobbo, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Turin

Loizos Symeou, Department of Education Sciences, European University Cyprus

6:00pm - 7:00pm Video

Io, la mia famiglia rom e Woody Allen,

by Laura Halilovic

Introduction by Davide Tosco, video producer

(There will be an English and Italian version of the prize winning video by Laura Halilovic)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ce.Se.Di., via G. Ferrari 3

h 9:30-12:30

On Saturday morning the conference will consist of a Poster Session during which teachers, but also community educators and cultural mediators – among others - will present their work to other teachers, university educators and researchers, members of the Roma communities, and policy makers. Posters and classroom material and resources relating to the use of the INSETRom Project, together with innovative ideas, illustration of local projects carried out with Roma children, young people and families, will be presented. The intention of this final session is to promote an exchange of experiences, ideas and resources among all those who, in the seven European countries implementing the INSETRom Project; to enhance effective education and collaboration with Roma families and communities.

Teachers and educators from the following countries have already assured their participation:


Rabie Perić-Jasar, Native Language Teacher, VS Johnstrasse & SPZ Kröllgasse, Vienna, Austria.

Anita Reiter, Secondary School teacher, KMS Selzergasse, Vienna, Austria.


Christos Papaevripidis, ΙΗ΄ Δημοτικό Σχολείο Λεμεσού (18th Limassol Primary School), Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus.


Sebastian Rasinar, Teacher, Headmaster of David Prodan School in Cluj Napoca, Romania.


Peter Strážik, Director of primary school in Spissky Hrhov.

Maria Rosinska, Teacher/special teacher of Roma children in primary school in Zbehy.


Sotirios Voulgaris, Teacher, Headmaster of the 33th Primary School of Larissa, Greece.


Debbie Gunn, EAL teacher in a primary school, North East of England, UK.


Giorgia Peano, Doctoral School of Human Sciences, University of Turin, Turin

INSETRom Schools

Luisa Fressoia Educator, Milan

Gruppo Abele – Gruppo Giovani

Associazione Asai

Cooperativa Valdocco

Servizi Comunali della città di Torino

Ufficio Rom Palermo

Comune di Cuneo e Consorzio “Il Mosaico”

Participation into the Conference is free. A certificate will be issued to participants. Those who wish to attend the conference must send an email to the conference organizers (). The deadline for registration is October 31, 2009. For organizational reasons only 100 registrations will be accepted.