Insert: Outlet Name and Number in field box below

Business Plan

Insert Business Address

Prepared By:

Date Prepared:

Intro and instructions for use:

  1. Complete all sections in this document as possible, by completing the details in the field boxes. Use the REDtext as a guide to help you complete this document.
  2. To move between field boxes you can use the Tab key.
  3. This form acts as a guide with the minimum requirements only set out.

Table of Contents

  1. Business Summary
  2. Business Overview
  3. Key Objectives
  1. Detailed Plan
  2. Target Market (Customer and Area Analysis)
  3. The Competitor
  4. Outlet Presentation
  5. SWOT Analysis
  6. Local Area Marketing
  1. Financial Plan
  2. Cash Flow
  1. Supporting Documentation
  1. Business Summary

1.1 Business Overview

The overview should provide a clear high-level summary of the business and include what products and services the Outlet is currently offering.

1.2 Key Objectives

List your key objectives for the business.

Your key objectives should be SMART:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.

Your key objectives should describe what you want to achieve in each functional business area.

2. Detailed Plan

2.1 Target Market (Customer and Area Analysis)

Identify your target market(s) and describe your customers. There are a number of resources you can use to find out more about your customers. A good place to start is the Australian Bureau of Statistics website, where you can find lots of information sorted by demographic and geographical location.

Some points to cover:

  1. Which Life Stage would your customers fit into? Eg Pre Family, Young Families, Empty Nesters, Retirees.
  2. What occupation / profession do your customers mainly have? Eg White collar or Blue collar.
  3. What nationalities make up your customer base?
  4. Describe your customer base, are they local, transient or both?

2.2 The Competitor

Outline your known direct and indirect competitors and how you'll position your product or service against them.

Give Consideration to:

  1. Who are your nearest direct competitors?
  2. Who are your indirect competitors?
  3. What have you learned from their operations? From their advertising or presentation?
  4. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  5. How do you compare on:





Customer Service?

2.3 Outlet Presentation

Outline the business strategy regarding the overall retail image and presentation of the outlet, giving consideration to:


Fit-out Plans

External and internal signage

2.4 SWOT Analysis

  • STRENGTHS are the things you do best and which give you an advantage over your competition.
  • WEAKNESSES are areas of the business that need to be acted on.
  • OPPORTUNITIES show/highlight areas that can be built on.
  • THREATS are issues that could affect the success of the business.

Describe the businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats, with consideration given to:

  • The location of the business
  • Shop Appearance
  • Surrounding Demographic
  • ProductRange of Host Business
  • Performance of Lottery Products
  • Staff


2.5 Local Area Marketing

Prepare a detailed local area marketing plan based on your SWOT analysis for 12 months including a 3 month launch plan:

Objectives and Outcomes

Marketing Activities

Resources required to execute Local Area Marketing

3. Financial plan.

3.1 Cash Flow

Please attach a cash flow for the first 12 months including annual totals ensuring that a provision is included for the local area marketing plan and a new Tatts retail image (if required).

4. Supporting Documentation

Attach copies of any supporting documents to this business plan