insert date]

[insert first and last name of person mailing too

and/or their company name,

Street Address,

city, state and zip]

Dear [insert first name],

I am a member of the Special Olympics Missouri Class of 2015, fundraising for the Training for Life Campus. I am excited that the Training for Life Campus will be built for me and my friends! The campus will be located in Jefferson City and I am helping to bring the campus to life.

Let me tell you why we are so excited. The Training for Life Campus will be designed to accommodate the needs and desires of Special Olympics Missouri athletes. Special Olympics is sports, learningand so much more. It is a movement that is transforming my life by inspiring inclusion, understanding and offering respect for people of all abilities, on and off the playing field. We have the opportunity to be part of a team and compete at a level that many will never have the opportunity to do.

The Training for Life Campus will be a place for me, fellow athletes and future athletes for years to come. The Training for Life Campus will offer more opportunities to train, provide free healthy athlete screenings and build a broader community. Supporting the Training for Life Campus will ensure my success, encourage others to participate, and create a bright future for SOMO athletes for years to come. It is only through Special Olympics that athletes with intellectual disabilities have the opportunity to be part of a team and train to perform on and off the field. Will you, consider donating to help support the Training for Life Campus to make this dream a reality for us?

As Special Olympics Missouri athletes we have been asked to raise funds to support this one of kind facility, which will allow for training, healthy athletes screenings and gaining new friendships to last a lifetime. We have great athlete incentives for achieving our fundraising goal Gold- $5000, Silver- $2500, Bronze- $1000 and Loyalty- $250 level. I am going for the Gold and aiming to raise $5000! Will you help me get to my goal?

If we can answer any additional questions please let me know. Thank you for accepting our challenge, believing in the power of sport and celebrating our abilities!

Be a fan, I am,

[insert your name]

SOMO Athlete