SEEM3810Product Development Project

Innovation Plan(Online version)


In this assignment, you are required to summarize your ideas proposed in the first assignment and make a relative formal planning on it, which might need to take the business planning, marketing and more detail of your ideas into account.

Step 1: In order to make this course more practical, we are asking you to make your idea revealed online for crowd-funding. As we need to normalize everyone to the same standard, you are required to submit the planning online to a Hong Kong crowd-funding service website BigColors ( The detail for this part please refer to the second section.

Step 2: After this, you also need to submit a hard-copy report with at least same content with the online version, which is for our grading convenience. Of course you could add more detail description in it, if you think the online content is not enough for your concern due to the website’s limitations. The detail for this part please refer to the third section.

Some Tips: When doing the planning, please remember that we are not only looking forward to a creative and innovative idea, but also the practical part of it; you are assumed to present the plan to the investigators (i.e. the crowd funders in our context), they count their money on your idea, so if you can’t convince them your idea is workable in reality, you would probably get nothing, and we would take this issue into account when grading – nevertheless, innovation and advertising is always important, so try to balance the dream and reality in your report.

Online Crowd-funding Content (specific for BigColor): is a latest website for crowd-funding, which provides the platform for startups to show their plan and ideas to people who might want to investigate on them. To fulfill the submit, you need to register on this website, and create a start-up, as the previous figure shows:

There are several information required when creating start-up, such as name, logo, locations, e.t.c, but not all of them is compulsory, such like the logo. But remember, the more concrete your information is, the more people would pay attention to your start-up, so if possible please make them filled.

Also please send us the account name and password of your accountwrittenon the hard-copy version for our reference.

NOTE: we are not requiring you to fill in every part of the form, you could surely leave some categories such as “Business Model” or “How funds raised will be used” blank, but please recall that we would grade your plan assuming ourselves are the investigators, your blank part would make us consider your idea or start-up is not mature enough, so please consider this tradeoff.

Hard-copy report:

For recording and convenience, you need to print out your content on paper and send it to the mailbox before deadline. The hard-copy report should follow this structure:

-Title of your project

-Name of your start-up

-Logo of your start-up (if applicable)


-Detail of your start-up/project

-Market opportunity (if applicable)

-Business model (if applicable)

-How funds raised will be used (if applicable)

-Location (if applicable)

-Whether you have submitted videos or images online (just say yes/no, we would refer to your online material if it is applicable)

-Start-up team size

-Other information (if applicable)

-Your account name and password (if you miss this part, we will mark your score for this assignment with no credit)


The evaluating would be mainly base on your content of your plan, however if your online start-up is investigated by someone you could get extra credit for it. The detailed schema is as follows:

-Clearness and Thoroughness of the content: 30%

-Innovation and Creativity: 30%

-Business feasibility: 30%

-Vivid presentation: 10%

-Bonus: 10%


11thApril, 2014, 23:59:59pm*No late submission will be accepted*

Please hand it in to mailbox A21 on the 5th floor of ERB building.

According to the requirement of CUHK, every assignment handed in should be accompanied by a signed declaration. For group projects, all students of the same group should be asked to sign the declaration. For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is principally text-based and submitted via VeriGuide[1], the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the system upon students' uploading of the soft copy of the assignment. Assignments without the receipt will not be graded by teachers and TAs. Only the final version of assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide. For details please check:
