Innovation and the use of internet by university teachers in Brazil: an investigation in two institutions

Martha Maria Prata-Linhares[1]

Alexandra Bujokas de Siqueira[2]

Dalva Pereira Silva[3]

Sonia Maria G. Lopes[4]

UFTM - Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil)

Abstract:The article deals with research under way about the use of Internet by Brazilian university teachers. The purpose of the research is to investigate how Internet, especially WEB 2.0 is being used in projects that have already been carried out or are under way, in the day to day routine and in teacher education in two Brazilian universities. It has a qualiquantitative approach with bibliographical, documental and field research. The procedures for data collection include questionnaires and interviews. The initial analyses point to the fact that although they use the Internet, only a small number of professionals make use of the social webs existent, and this use is personal, not extending to the relationship teacher/student. The electronic mail is still the means most used by teachers in their relation with students.

Key-words: Innovation. Web 2.0. Teacher education. High school.


In education, interest concerning innovation has arisen after talks involving a series of elements, such as conceptualizations, curricular organizations, teacher education, education practices, forms of administration, new technologies. The theme has been broached by authors like Hernández (2000), Carbonell (2002), Imbérnon (2000), Masetto (2004) among others.

We believe that many times, the fact of there not being a clear definition for innovation in education is related to the small amount of disclosure concerning the initiative of academics, coordinators and directors of courses, inside institutions of higher education. Even though what constitutes innovation in education is still not well characterized, it is important to emphasize that the desire to innovate and the action of innovation is related to the supply of needs that demand new answers. Thus, the idea of innovation comes associated with change.

We think that hypermedias such as WEB 2.0 have significant importance in this scenario of changes and innovation. We understand Web 2.0 as a catalyst helping in social changes. It is important to highlight that these new technologies are not only tools, for they bear visions of the world, of knowledge and narration of reality. Thus, it is fundamental to scrutinize these phenomena of communication and education.

They have the potential for being an alternative space for learning, for they extend access to communication, opening the possibility for the use of different languages and eliminating the distance among learners, teachers and students and the world.

Authors such as Almeida (2003) and Valente (2003) have discussed how these different spaces bring about new forms of learning and communicating by means of the Internet and have involvement in and offer meaning to the development and practice of teachers, and to the teachers’ education programmes. Thus, in this investigation, we researched implications in the use of WEB 2.0 in education projects which have already been carried out and others under way, in the practice and development of teachers in two Brazilian universities, one private and one federal. We tried to discover how WEB 2.0 has contributed in these processes. We investigated limits and challenges in the teaching work in the context of innovation in university teaching due to the insertion of hypermedias and how they can be used as virtual learning communities.

As stated by Jónasson (2008), one of the current global challenges in universities is to know how to deal with the needs and expectations of the students and society, in constant growth. University is a fascinating institution where information is begot, stocked away, converted and transformed into knowledge. By its position at the borders of knowledge, many times the university is understood as being distant from its time. As it is an ancient and conservative institution, it is seen by many as antiquated and surpassed.

The great use made by the students, many belonging to the “net generation” and the influence of ICTs in current society, make evident the relevance of research in this area, in academic and social fields, as teachers are presented, more and more frequently, with new forms of interaction and interactivity in the professional practice and in their relationship with the world

Research Methodology

We opted for a qualiquantitative approach, as it takes into consideration the person in his/her relation to the object and the different points of view of the participants.

Data collection was carried out by means of documental and field research. Approximately 800 professors took part in the research, professionals from two universities situated in the southwest region of Brazil (one is public and the other one is private). 167 professors have already answered the questionnaire about the use of Internet, which represents 21% of the total of participants. When all the questionnaires are collected, the interviews will start.

Initial Results

Initial analyses of the questionnaires point to the fact that only a small number of professionals use the social nets available, and this use is personal and does not extend to the relationship teacher/student. Electronic mail is still the means most used by all teachers both for communication and relationship with their students.

Although the investigation is still at the beginning, it already shows some data that is worrying, because only electronic mail received a significant response from the professionals in relation to the use with the students.

In Brazil, the use of digital technologies is still a challenge for teachers. Our hipothesis are focused on the lack of initiaties concerning development and updating of these teachers, and the limitations for Internet access. Access to Internet by Brazilians is growing significantly according to research carried out concerning the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Brazil, by the It shows that in 2007, there were 45 million net users in Brazil, almost 10 million more that in year 2006.

There was also a recent research in O Estado de São Paulo (2010) showing that Brazil is the leader in the acceptance of social webs with 86% of Brazilians connected to Internet, with access to social webs. Italy is the second, with 77%.

Final Considerations

Investigation and studies show that teachers use the Internet, but do not make use of the Internet nor the information and communication technologies in their relationship with their students for their learning. On the other hand, students are using the Internet more and more on computers and mobile phones, in order to communicate and access information. This leads quite often to the impression that teaching institutions are distant from their time and not linked to the day to day reality.

We are at the fore of great challenges: new challenges that demand new answers. We need indicators that may tell us how we are using Internet, its possibilities for the improvement of the learning spaces, and what results are being reached with this use. Only when we have this information may we be able to propose alternatives for the professional development of the university teaching staff and teachers’ education programmes concerning the use of internet and ICTs in education. We believe our research may contribute to this reality.

Fundings:Research supported by the The Research Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais– FAPEMIG, Brazil and The Research Foundation for Research and Learning of Uberaba- FUNEPU, Brazil.


Almeida, Maria Elizabeth B. de (2003). Educação, ambientes virtuais e interatividade. In: SILVA, Marco (Org.) Educação online – teorias, práticas, legislação, formação corporativa. São Paulo: Loyola, p. 201-215.

Carbonell, Jaume (2002). A aventura de inovar: a mudança na escola. Porto Alegre, ArtMed.

CETIC. Br (2008). Pesquisa sobre o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação no Brasil: TIC DOMICÍLIOS e TIC EMPRESAS. 2ª Ed. Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR. São Paulo: Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil. Retrieved 15/01/2011from

JORNAL O Estado de São Paulo (2010). São Paulo, 16 de maio. Retrieved 10/01/2011from <

Hernandez, Fernando e outros (2000). Aprendendo com as inovações nas escolas. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas Sul.

Imbernón, Franciso (2000). A Educação no século XXI Porto Alegre, ArtMed.

Jónassen, Jón T. (2008). Inventing tomorrow’s university. Who Will take the lead? An essay of the magna charta observatory. Bologna: Bononia university press.

Masetto, Marcos (2004). Inovação na Educação Superior. Interface (Botucatu), Botucatu, v. 8, n. 14,Feb. Retrieved 10/03/2009 from <

Valente, José A.; Prado, Maria E. B. B; Almeida, Maria E. B. (Orgs.) (2003) . Educação a distância via Internet. São Paulo: Avercamp.

[1]PhD in Education by PUC (Pontif. Catholic University). Lecturer at Department of Education andCoordinator of the CEAD (Center for Distance Education and Learning with Information and Communication Technologies) of the UFTM – Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil).

[2] PhD in Education by UNESP (Sao Paulo State University). Lecturer of communication and education of the UFTM – Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil).

[3]Specialist in University Teaching and coordinator of NUDE- Center of Education Development of the UFTM – Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil).

[4]Specialist in University Teaching and staff of the UFTM – Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil).