Members and Latest Projects
March 2015
Name / Organisation / Email address / Most recent projects
Steve Cohen / SDC / /
- Redesign Treasury Conditional Grant Business Plan tool and provide costing support to provinces (with CEGAA under FIN CAP).
- Support Global Fund Principal Recipients with implementation plan and budget revisions for final year of grant
- Ingredients-based costing of some interventions for South Africa HIV Investment Case
- Implementation Plan for DBE Comprehensive Strategy for HIV, STIs and TB
- Costed Implementation Plan for DSD Strategy for HIV, STIs and TB
Teresa Guthrie / independent / /
- Mauritian Investment Case
- Resource Tracking of HIV/AIDS in South Africa
- PEPFAR SA EA Analysis & Transition Planning Support
- GF Concept Note Financial Gap Analysis & Budget Development
- Ugandan Immunization Costing
- Global Technical Working Group on HIV Financing and Sustainability
Gavin Surgey / SANAC / /
- Conditional Grant Analysis: Spending and performance review
- ARV analysis
- GF Concept Note Development
- Analysis of financing for HIV, TB
- Value for money of interventions related to HIV
NhlanhlaNdlovu / CEGAA / /
- Financial Capacity Building and Technical Support Provision to Provincial DOH and PCAs (FIN-CAP)
- Quarterly expenditure reviews of PDOH CG spending
Gesine Meyer-Rath / HE2RO, Wits / BU / /
- South African HIV Investment Case: All economic and epimodelling
- Convener of geospatial modeler working group for Investment Case and district-level plans
- Calculation of national ART budget (National ART Cost Model)
- Calculation of impact of non-uniform unit costs for ART and HCT on cost of UTT (TasP Cost Model)
- Management support to FIN-CAP
Gavin George / HEARD / /
- Costing VMMC Interventions
- Self testing cost study & Discreet Choice Experiment
- World Bank PETS project in Gauteng
- WHO Resource Flow
- TB model of Care Costing
- Costing of POC at Roadside Clinics & SMS Prevention Intervention
Leigh Johnson / UCT / /
- Thembisa: modelling future determinants of HIV incidence and modelling HIV at a provincial level.
- Microsimulation modeling: Modeling of structural drivers, key populations and new interventions
Robert Hecht / R4D / /
- SA Investment Case Resource Tracking of HIV and TB spending.
- Analysis of PEPFAR and SA Government expenditures for PEPFAR, support to PEPFAR and the Government on transition planning, and inputs to PEPFAR's Country Operational Plan (COP) process so that data and evidence can be better leveraged for decision-making.
- SA NHI research and policy development, including support to National Treasury on the development of NHI and a country case study with UNAIDS focusing on inclusion of HIV services in NHI benefits packages.
- Potential country case study with UNAIDS in Namibia on country-donor compacts and financial agreements, focusing on PEPFAR's ongoing transition there.
Jeanne-Marie Tucker / CHAI / /
- Costed the scale up to all remaining ART sites in South Africa; used in NDoH budget submission 2014/15
- Calculation and support to NHLS to achieve savings to the HIV conditional grant in the amount of $463 million from 2015-2020
- Creation for NDoH of an online repository of HIV economic evaluations conducted in South Africa since 2000
- Initiated support to NDoH to develop costedworkplans for all 52 district to scale-up voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC)
Tomas Roubalt / WHO / /
- Institutionalization of NHA with expenditures by disease (HIV, TB, etc)
- International hospital price comparison
- Monitoring UHC
- Link:
John Stover / Futures Institute / /
- One Health Tool Development
Mark Blecher / National Treasury / /
- Allocation of budgets to health
AparnaKollipara / National Treasury /
John Kuehnle / USAID / /
- Expenditure Analysis of PEPFAR activities
- Costing of VMMC
- [funding of various studies through partners]
Paul Pleva / USAID /