Division of services and resources

Infrastructure, property and technology



DEFINITIONS / Consultant – Designer/Documenter
Customer/User – Generally occupant & user of facility / A – Project Delivery Unit Administration
PO – Project Officer responsible for the project / # - not applicable to projects < $20k
MPDU – Manager Project Delivery Unit /  - Authorisation milestone
Project Description:
CD Representative: / Project Officer:
Standard Form / Responsible / Milestone Sign Off/Date
Customer submits Building Request Form to Project Delivery Unit
(via Infrastructure (Property) web site). / X / Customer
Acknowledgment of receipt of Building Request Form (via Infrastructure (Property)web site). / X / A
Building Request Form assessed by MPDU. / MPDU
Project Officer appointed. / MPDU
Administration registers Project. / 1.1 / A
/ Customer notified of PO. / 1.2 / A
Customer contacted to discuss Project Management Plan & Initial Project Brief, Budget & Program. / PO
Funding source determined & Project Approved by Manager Business Services. / Customer/PO
Check Listed Building Inventory re: heritage buildings. The University heritage Consultant (McDougall & Vines) must review and advise any proposed work in heritage listed buildings. / Consultant
# / Determine method of engaging Consultants and Contractors. / PO
# / Prepare Consultant's Brief(s). / PO
# / Prepare selected list of consultants from Register for approval by MPDU - significant projects need Campus Design Panel approval. / PO
# / Letter of Invitation. / PO
# / Consultant Submissions & Selection (follow tender procedures) / PO
Notify consultants of success or otherwise. IssueUniversity Purchase Order No. / PO
Consultant Induction meeting. (Inc. OHSW Induction) / PO / 
IssueUniversityBuilding Standards & ‘Consultant Package’. / X / PO
Customer contacted to establish Project Brief, scope, cost & program. / Consultant
Customer signs off Project Brief (scope, cost & time). / Consultant / 
Check with Manager, Strategy and Space Planning. / Consultant / 
Feasibility Study incorporating sketch plan and preliminary cost estimate. / 1.3 / Consultant
Capital Expenditure Authorisation Form to be signed by VP(S&R) (ie > $10k) / 1.3a / PO/Customer / 
# / Prepare Resource Impact Statement. / Consultant
# / Prepare Project Plan (formal plan for major projects). / Consultant
Standard Form / Responsible / Milestone Sign Off/Date
Advise ITS and involve in design process re communication matters. Issue ITS Request Form. ITS to sign off final design & this Milestone. / X / Consultant/
ITS / 
Advise ITS/AV/Facilities Bookings and involve in design process re common teaching matters / Consultant
Advise Maintenance and involve in design process.
Maintenance to sign off final Design and this Milestone. / Consultant / 
/ Advise OHSW representatives & Wardens involved in design as necessary. / Consultant/PO
If deviating from OHSW regulations seek ratification from MPDU. / Consultant
Check with Animal Ethics Committee for animal related facilities. / Consultant
Check Parks & Grounds for tree removals. / Consultant
Check Insurability of proposed building construction/use with Risk Manager (RM). All contracts to be checked by RM before tender call. / Consultant/PO
Security re: security and electronic locking systems. / Consultant
Hazards/Risk Assessment - Assess Site.
Asbestos - Check/issue asbestos register to consultant. The consultant to contact Carter Corporation to develop a management plan. / X / Consultant/PO
# / Advise Energy Consultant re: electricity supply alterations and metering arrangements. / Consultant
Determine Contract - NPWC3 or University Minor Works Contract. Confer with MPDU. / Consultant/PO
# / Design Review Meeting with all Parties at completion of design.
Certify compliance with Building Standards (BS) at Completion of Documentation. If deviating from BS seek ratification from BS Committee. / Consultant / 
# / Customer to sign off final Documentationand this Milestone. / Consultant / 
ESP’s – Council “Form 3” inspections may need to be included for the contractor to carry out before & after PC, Maintenance are to be involved to determine.
Written confirmation is required to Maintenance. / Consultant / 
Gain necessary statutory approvals for documentation:-
  • S.A.M.F.S.
  • Development Act Approval
  • Existing ESP schedules to be updated (ie Form 1)
  • Dept. of Labouroriginal to Administration
  • Gas Co.
  • SA Water
  • ETSA
  • Other.
/ X / Consultant
/ Building Industry Training Levy - If work >$15k, ensure copy on building file. / X / Consultant
Nominate Contract Manager. / Consultant
# / Prepare selected list of contractors for approval by MPDU. / Consultant
Call tenders. / Consultant
Receive and open tenders. / Consultant/A/PO
Assess tenders. Formal tender summary required. / 4.3 / Consultant
Must have Dept. purchase order no. or equivalent authority to proceed with project – Approval. / PO / 
Standard Form / Responsible / Milestone Sign Off/Date
# / Appoint Contractor by letter of intent or Minor Works Contract. / 4.1 / Consultant
IssueUniversity Purchase Order. / PO
Assembly and signing of contract. / Consultant
Notification of Construction Start Advice Form - attach space plan showing work area(s). / 5.1 / Consultant/PO / 
Contractor Induction Meeting with relevant parties including User. / Consultant/PO / 
Contractor Induction – Application Forms / 3.2-01FR03
/ Asbestos encountered? – Stop work, Carter Corporation to be engaged to manage process, i.e. inspect, test, advise, issue SWP to contractor and update register. / Consultant/PO
/ Contractor site inspections (monthly) or at least one. / 3.2-01FR07
/ Coordinate ITS Inspection and Commissioning of Communications.
ITS to sign off this Milestone. / Consultant/PO/
ITS / 
Coordinate inspection of works at PC with User & Maintenance, providing services commission plan in advance. / Consultant/PO
Practical Completion and Handover (form to be issued). / 5.2 / Consultant/PO / 
Handover to User (with User Training as required). / 5.2 / Consultant/PO
/ Handover to Maintenance (as close to Practical Completion as possible) -
Issue standard format Equipment Schedule to Maintenance. / 5.2 & 5.5 / Consultant/PO / 
All Statutory Certifications - original to Administration. / 5.3a / Consultant / 
Certify Compliance with University of Adelaide Building Standards. / Consultant / 
Maintenance Manuals (2 – Maintenance & 1 - Facilities Records). / Consultant / 
Coordinate Emergency Control Organisation via Operations. / PO
As Built Drawings (and ESP's identified) to Facilities Records. / Consultant/PO / 
/ ESP’s - Form 1, 2 & 3 and Certificate of Occupancy (original to Administration & copy to Maintenance). / Consultant/PO / 
Evidence of Form 3 inspections and tests to Maintenance (if carried out by contractor). / Consultant/PO / 
Administration to issue Post Project Evaluation at Practical Completion. / 7.1 / Consultant/PO
Cost reconciliation. / Consultant/PO
Finalise Project Costs & Invoice Customer. / PO / 
# / Final Certificate. / 5.2a / Consultant
# / Release retention monies / Bank Guarantees. / Consultant/PO
File Close Out - Meet with MPDU to ensure any reports, authorities approvals and asbestos records are filed separately and to sign off this Milestone. / 6.1 / Consultant/PO / 
Final Sign off


ConsultantProject Officer

This project process must be progressively signed off and dated by the responsible person at each authorisation milestone ().
This form is to be progressively updated and returned to the Infrastructure, Property & Technology Representative (IPTR) at completion. The completed project checklist is to be filed by the IPTR at project completion. Where a Consultant is not engaged the responsible person is the PO. ITS and Maintenance “sign off” of this document can be achieved via email reference.

Date of Issue 01 April 2011 – Revision 9Page 1 of 5