Infrastructure Meeting
Wednesday 23rd November 2016
Town Hall Ext
Attendees: / Initials: / Organisation:Ruth Denton / RD / MCC
Paul Fletcher / PF / MYL
Andrew Seedall / AS / YPAC
Richard March / RM / FYZ
Elaine Morrison / EM / MCC
Victoria McDowell / VMc / WCHG
David Naraynsingh / DNS / MCC
Stuart Lester / SL / Play Network
1 / Welcome / Apologies
Adam Farricker
Patrick Barber
Claire Evans 4CT
Eddie Flanagan WFT
Christine Bogard
Laura Scully
2 / Agenda
1) Welcome / Apologies
3) Minutes – Bird Consultancy
4) Young Manchester
5) VYM Transitional arrangements
6) Holding Difficult Conversations training
7) Area updates
9) A.O.B.
10) Date of Next meeting
3 / Minutes / actions from last meeting
No Minutes or actions as previous meeting was a workshop by Bird Consultancy
4 / Young Manchester
Interviews for the position of the CEO have taken place, no one was appointed and the trustees are meeting to discuss what to do next for the recruitment of the CEO.
EM explained that the feedback from the trustees was that there was a lack of experience on commissioning and fund raising with all the candidates.
Claire Lloyd Davis has been brought in to support the work with stakeholders and trustees.
MCC are developing the contract they will have with Young Manchester.
EM discussed that MCC and Young Manchester will organise a conference next year to launch/promote Young Manchester to partners and stakeholders. The conference will need to focus on and involve the sector in shaping the services for children and young people including the branding and vision of Young Manchester.
Also discussed was the need to keep young people informed and what will the relationship between the trust and young people.
Also need to clarify the Bird Consultancy brand essence workshops?
Infrastructure group needs to help shape the conference content.
EM explained that there are still vacant places on the board, trustees are going to identify where the skills/knowledge gaps are before they recruit new board members / EM
5 / VYM Transitional arrangements
Tender has gone out and applications have been received. The VYM work will focus on infrastructure support, governance support and advice and sector communication.
VYM trustees in the process of recruiting more trustees.
6 / Holding Difficult Conversations training
Three dates have been confirmed 28th/29/th/20th Nov.
Venues Birley, Grange, Lifestyle Centre. Times: 5.30pm – 9.00pm
Discussion took place on workforce development and professionalising of the sector
Need to look at equality/diversity training being made mandatory
Make use of the MCC contract monitoring visits to collect data on staff training.
Workforce development to be a standing agenda item.
Send an e-mail to youth and play providers re compliance for Safeguarding training and responsibility for workforce development within their organisation. / YST
7 / Area updates
East Manchester. AS – Partners have been meeting to discuss a collaborative approach in readiness for future commissioning and are looking at piloting a project.
North. RM - the successful reaching communities bid has been both interesting and difficult. Starting in January 2017 there will be FYZ/partnership established with reporting, monitoring and payment processes in place. Also trying to have conversations about forming a consortium partnership moving forwards. Looking at different models Example Bolton Model 1. Loose federation or 2. Partnership based on the quality standards of organisations interested in funding. Need to also look at governance arrangements.
Play network SL - Move to set up a play network for commissioning. Have a network agreement for all organisations to sign up to this.
MYL have picked up the Grumpy contract for supporting play orgs. Report on the value of playwork has been produced and made a number of recommendations.
Ambitions is not appropriate for play, Ambitions have agreed to rewrite some of their quality assurance that is not fit for purpose.
Play England have rejuvenated there QA and can be used as a QA tool kit. Hope Ambition will implement some of this as Play England are ok with this.
Need a collaborative approach to future commissioning, needs to come to play network.
PF-15 organisations attend the play network and is very positive it is important that play does not get left off Young Manchester promotion
WYA VM- Collaborative partnership both operational and strategically lead, identified Big Lottery Funding – Kick the dust to apply for.
Going to produce an Annual Report on the partnership work that has taken place.
Central partnership PF- explained that it has been difficult to get the partnership going but there is a will from the sector and there have also been a number of projects that have been driven through the sector.
Next meeting is on Thursday, 24th November and will focus on appointing a new chair, terms of reference have been produced, and this should make the partnership more focused.
8 / A.O.B
Safeguarding- Youth and Play organisations need to ensure that there safeguarding policies and procedures are up to date. Discussion took place about responsibilities, MCC need to monitor changes to or new polices and will support by circulating updated policies any training opportunities. It was noted that MSGB have adopted Greater Manchester safeguarding procedures.
RD recently circulated national updates that where Manchester specific will resend via Youth and Providers contacts.
Safeguarding to be add to future agendas / RD/DNS
9 / Date of Next meeting: 25th January 2016 2pm-4pm THX Room 2006