March 17, 2011
Information on the disasters in Japan
From Episcopal News Service:
Episcopal Relief and Development said on March 15 that it is sending financial support to the Nippon Sei Ko Kei (NSSK) – the Anglican Church in Japan – to help with its initial emergency relief efforts as it continues to gather vital information about its impacted dioceses in the north and begins to assess the immediate needs of the church and the wider Japanese community.
Shinya Samuel Yawata, secretary of the NSKK, said that about 550,000 people who have lost their homes or have been evacuated are living in temporary shelters,
He said that, due to lack of access and communication, the NSKK provincial office was struggling to get accurate information about the disaster's impact on the coastal dioceses of Tohoku and Kita Kanto in northern Japan, but reported that there were no casualties among the clergy.
More news from ENS about the situation is available at
Additional information about relief efforts is available from ERD at
Donations to help may be made through ERD online at
A bulletin insert from ERD seeking donations can be downloaded at
Steve Lipscomb named dean of the Northwest Convocation
Bishop Dean E. Wolfe has appointed the Very Rev. R. Steve Lipscomb as the new dean of the Northwest Convocation.
Lipscomb has served in a variety of roles in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, including chair of the Congregational Development Committee and a member of the Council of Trustees and the Health Insurance Task Force. Lipscomb is in his tenth year as dean of the cathedral.
Bishop Wolfe said, “I have depended upon the good counsel of the dean of our cathedral throughout my episcopate. I am pleased Dean Lipscomb is willing to continue to offer his faithful counsel to the office of the bishop in this new role.”
If your parochial report isn’t in, please send it ASAP
Has your parish submitted its required annual Parochial Report yet? The deadline to do so was March 1.
The report itself can be submitted online, but two hard-copy pages still need to be returned to the diocesan office – the signature page and the supplemental page.
In addition, please be certain the other information sheets that were sent with the report are returned to the diocesan office.
They include the list of lay delegates (orange sheet), directory updates (lavender) and clergy continuing education report (white).
The diocesan office also would appreciate a copy of each church’s most current parish directory.
Questions about the parochial report should be addressed to Comptroller Jay Currie at . He also can be reached by phone at (800) 473-3563 or (785) 235-9255.
Tocher lecture in May will blend art and faith
The Tocher Lecture this year will offer a different take on matters of theology with a presentation by a visual artist.
Makoto Fujimura will speak on Thursday, May 5 at 7 p.m. at Grace Cathedral in Topeka. His lecture is entitled “Practicing Resurrection: Art & Life.”
The event is free and open to the public.
Fujimura also will present an invitation-only seminar in the afternoon for clergy and a limited number of guests, beginning at 3 p.m. at the cathedral. Advance registration is required, and seating is limited. For an invitation contact the Rev. Andrew Grosso, the event coordinator, at or (913) 367-3171.
Fujimura is an artist, writer and speaker who has been recognized by faith-based and secular media for his influence on modern culture. His work combines traditional Japanese painting technique with a Western approach to abstraction. His works are exhibited at galleries around the world, and he was a presidential appointee to the National Council on the Arts from 2003 to 2009.
He has created a specially designed and produced edition of the four gospels to help mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. Those will be on exhibit this summer at the Museum of Biblical Arts in New York.
Environmental help for churches offered online tonight
Vital Practices, a website of the Episcopal Church Foundation, will offer an online text-based chat to help congregations wanting to increase their environmental awareness.
The Rev. Fletcher Harper will be online on March 17 at 6 p.m. Central time to talk about the work of GreenFaith, of which he is the executive director. GreenFaith helps Episcopal congregations incorporate environmentalism into worship, religious education, facility maintenance and social outreach.
The chat will be online at . Information about GreenFaith is on their website, .
Same-gender blessing discussion to be webcast live
A live webcast will be provided of all plenary sessions of the March 18-19 churchwide consultation on same-gender blessings sponsored by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM).
Representing the Diocese of Kansas are two deputies to the 2012 General Convention, Larry Bingham and Canon to the Ordinary the Rev. Craig Loya.
Sessions to be broadcast (all Central time) are:
Friday, March 18, 1-2 p.m. and 3:45-5 p.m.
Saturday, March 19: 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 10-11 a.m.
The online broadcast will be available from the Episcopal Church website,
The meeting is taking place at the AtlantaHiltonAirport.
BakerUniversity sponsors King James Bible lecture series
BakerUniversity is sponsoring three lectures in coming weeks in conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the printing of the King James Bible in 1611, and the first one is set for March 29.
The three are:
• Tuesday, March 29, 7 p.m.: “The Hampton CourtConference,” Dr. Ralph Tanner, emeritus president, BakerUniversity. Baker’s Chamber Choir will perform English Renaissance music before the lecture.
• Tuesday, April19, 7:30 p.m.: “The King James Version: 1611-2011,” Dr. Paul Mirecki, associate professor of religious studies at the University of Kansas
• Tuesday, May 3, 7:30 p.m.: “King James: Mover and Author,” Dr. David Bergeron, emeritus professor of English at the University of Kansas.
The lectures will take place at the Quayle Bible Collection’s Urishay Castle Room in the south wing of the Collins Library, 518 Eighth St., on the BaldwinCity campus.
Next issue of The Harvest is in the mail
The current issue of The Harvest, the diocese’s bimonthly newspaper, is in the mail to subscribers across the diocese. It is sent to people who names have been provided by parish offices.
If there are members of your parish who don’t receive The Harvest and who should, please send the names and street addresses to Director of Communications Melodie Woerman at .
The latest edition, in a flip-book format, also is available on the diocesan website at
Youth news
Episcopal Youth Event 2011: There are still spaces available for EYE 2011, taking place June 22-26 atBethelUniversity in St. Paul, Minn.The event is for youth in grades 9-12 from throughout the Episcopal Church.
Registration forms need to be turned in by March 25. Please contact Youth Missioner Chad Senuta at for more details.
MissionPalooza: July 18-24 for youth in grades 9-12, atSt. Paul's, Kansas City, Mo.MissionPalooza trains teens to put their faith into action. For five days youth come together in community, mission, fellowship and worship. Students spend their days in theurban mission field heeding Christ’s call to feed the hungry, visit the sick and comfort those in need. Registrations and more details are online at
Wichita-area churches invited to help fill the summer food gap for kids
Partners for Wichita is seeking congregations and individuals in the Wichita area to help fill a two-week gap between summer food programs for hungry kids that end in July and the start of school lunches in mid-August.
The organization is joining with the Kansas Food Bank and other agencies for this effort.
Five sites will provide meals to needy kids during that period, and the organization seeks volunteers to staff those sites and donations to provide food – $2 buys one sack lunch. They expect to feed 500 children per day, for a total needed of $10,000.
A meeting with more information is planned for Thursday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s LutheranChurch, 925 N. Waco (west entrance).
More information is available by e-mailing or calling (316) 263-0810.
KSM spring classes explore varied topics
Want to expand your knowledge of church-related topics? If so, the KansasSchool for Ministry has some exciting classes this semester that may interest you.
Classes meet once a month at the BethanyPlaceConferenceCenter in Topeka, from 5:30 p.m. on Friday through 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. Additional homework is required during the weeks following each class.
The cost to attend for non-ordination track students is $75 per course. For more information on any of these classes or to enroll, contact KSM Coordinator the Rev. Andrew Grosso at or (913) 367-3171.
Upcoming classes include:
April 8-9
MINI 200: Homiletics. Introduction to the ministry of homiletics and preaching, including the theology of preaching, ways of exegeting biblical texts for preaching, identifying and developing one's preaching style, different homiletic genres, and the role of preaching in worship. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Don Davidson
MINI 500: Evangelism. Examination of the context and dynamics affecting contemporary efforts at evangelism and church growth, including the theology of evangelism, modern changes in the North American religious landscape, historical factors that complicate evangelism efforts in the Episcopal Church, and the development and implementation of strategies for evangelism. Facilitator: the Very Rev. Dr. Steven Mues
THEO 200: Doctrine of God. Exposition of the Christian doctrine of God, including historical development of Christian thinking about God, the relationship between natural theology and dogmatic theology relative to an understanding of God, and the significance of the doctrine of God for the faith and practice of the church. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Andrew Grosso
May 13-14
BIBL 120: Prophets and Writings. Detailed examination of the historical setting, literary characteristics, and major themes of the prophetic and wisdom literature of the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jerermiah, Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc.). Also includes attention to the tools and methods used in the historical-critical exegesis of biblical texts. Facilitator: Dr. Melissa Tubbs Loya
BIBL 220: Pauline Epistles. Detailed examination of the New Testament texts traditionally associated with the apostle Paul (including pseudepigraphical works), including analysis of their historical context, literary structure and theology. Also includes some attention to the tools and methods employed in historical-critical exegesis. Facilitator: the Rev. Dr. Richard McCandless
Appreciative Inquiry workshop March 28-30 offers new low price
The price has been lowered for an Appreciative Inquiry workshop being offered by the Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle March 28-30at the MarillacCenter in Leavenworth.
The registration fee for the two-and-a-half day introduction to Appreciative Inquiry now is $185, a steep discount from the usual $375 price.
To take advantage of the offer, enter “Diocese of Kansas” in the discount source box in the online registration form.
More information is available on the workshop registration form,
April 30 is deadline for opinions on possible Hymnal revision
The national body charged by General Convention with exploring a possible revision of The Hymnal1982 has produced an online survey and seeks comments and input.
The survey is available at and will remain online until April 30. It is being coordinated by the Church Pension Fund’s Office of Research
The Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music is asking anyone in the Episcopal Church to take the survey and offer their opinion.
The survey seeks answers to two questions:
Do the Hymnal and other music resources meet the needs of the church? and
If not, what is the best way to meet those needs?
What are your church’s technology needs?
The Standing Commission on Communications and Information Technology wants to hear from parishes aboutwhat resources and best practices they need in the area of communications and information technology.
If you’re involved with either of those areas in your congregation, please take a few minutes (and it’s really just a few) to complete the online survey.
Diocesan Director of Communications Melodie Woerman is a member of the commission.
People notes
Alversa Milan, wife of Deacon Jesse Milan of St. Martin’s, Edwardsville, underwent cancer surgery March 16.
Val Baldwin, wife of the Rev. Rob Baldwin of Trinity, Lawrence, underwent surgery March 11 to repair a ruptured Achilles tendon.
Please keep both of these women in your prayers.
Anniversaries of ordinations
Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:
March 25: Deacon Barbara Adam, St. Thomas, Overland Park (18 years)
March 27: The Rev. Karen Lemon, St. Mark’s, Medicine Lodge and All Saints, Pratt, Diocese of Western Kansas (12 years)
March 30: The Rev. Konrad Rock, retired, Diocese of Western Kansas (15 years)
Next DioLog
The next edition of DioLogwill be sent to subscribers on Thursday, March 31. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at , no later than Tuesday, March 29.
DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas.
Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.
To subscribe, send an e-mail to with the subject line “subscribe DioLog.”