Area 1: Sensory Garden

What happens here?

·  Do gardening, planting, watering

·  Sit and be quiet

·  Smell

·  Taste grapes

Describe what you think of this space.

·  Quiet, Peaceful, Comfortable

·  Helps you calm down

·  Small, too small

·  To sit

·  Windchimes are nice

Do you ever come out here?

·  No, but would like to

What is/could this area be used for?

We think it would be good for:-

·  Growing fruit and vegetables

·  Listening to different sounds

·  Smelling flowers

Why would this be a good space for these things

·  Because it’s safe, people can’t get in here and damage things

·  It’s a sunny place so things can grow

·  It’s in the middle of the school so everyone can watch things growing and see things change

Area 4: Main entrance

What happens here?

·  Cars & Taxis come in and park

·  Everyone goes through the main doors

·  Visitors arrive

·  We cross over when told to by the lady

·  We learn how to cross the road

Describe what you think of this area

·  Not nice, not friendly

·  Sort of smart

·  Good because I like cars

·  Weird, its plain and it’s the front of our school

Do you ever come out here?

·  Start and end of day only otherwise it would be dangerous

·  Nice area for adults not for children

·  Next to the entrance there’s a nice tree and some colourful plants but it’s not used for anything

·  No one knows what it is for

·  Hanging baskets

What is/could this area used for?

·  Decoration

·  Parents could wait here

·  The daytime group could use it

·  Teachers as their playground for eating, drinking

Area 8: Upper school playground and park

What happens here?

·  Children play and run

·  Play princesses, army, men shooting polar bears, space rocket tag, hide and seek, dustbin men

·  Bikes in mega time

·  Not allowed in the park before school

·  We do not climb trees

Describe what you think of this area

·  Like it, its fun, cool, good, happy

·  Excellent, lots to do

·  Would like cycle path, roundabout and seesaw

·  I like it because I get to stay away from the teachers

·  The park has more things to do than the playground

·  Makes me feel good because I like to play

·  Would like more nature to look at.

·  No where to sit quietly with friends

·  Too windy and cold

Do you ever come out here?

·  Yes but we need more equipment like bikes

·  Yes space to run around in

·  You can smell the fresh air

·  There is room to play how you want but everything is mixed up

·  Chasing games

·  Like the swing and slide

What is this area used for?

·  Playing , PE