Information about treatment under analgosedation
It is a pharmacologically induced condition during which the feelings of fear and stress are totally removed, and the treated patient dozes during the course of the entire operation. Moreover, he/she does not remember the dental treatment. This condition is perceived by patients as very agreeable and it is always very positively evaluated.
Analgosedation (Greek an=without, algos=pain) is a condition induced by combination of analgesics and sedatives. The aim is to suppress pain, cool down the patient and relax muscles. Under analgosedation the patient is not unconscious as under general anaesthesia and he/she breatheson his/her own. Thus analgosedation represents far less of a health burden for the organism and far less risk of complications.
For whom the controlled sedation (analgosedation) isintended?
The controlled sedation is recommended for very anxious patients undergoing major dental operation and for those who are intolerant to usual dental treatment. Analgosedation is also suitable for clients who are very afraid of dental treatment, especially of extraction etc.
How it is applied?
You come to the dentist 20 minutes before the laid down appointment. Then you hand over or fill out the informed consent or eventually receive additional information. When you sit down to the dental chair the anaesthesiologist introduces a small cannula into your forearm vein (same as during blood donation) which remains introduced through the entire treatment. Then the anaesthesiologist starts applying a substance that induces very pleasant conditions and comfortable feelings. Tenderness is removed by the dentist by application of local anaesthetic. When the treatment is finished you move to the waiting room where you spend some more time with the anaesthesiologist (about 20-40 minutes). After the final check of your condition by the doctor you may be brought home by an accompanying person.
Risks of the analgosedation
Generally, the analgosedation is a well perceived operation with minor health risks. The risks of analgosedation are deduced from adverseeffects of drugs used. Drugs which may reverse their effects are available for most often applied preparations. Most of the adverseeffects are not pleasant however without any serious risks to your health. Serious complications endangering health or life are rare.
Important instructions when applying analgosedation
The instructions below are necessary for trouble-free course of the treatment! At the same time they are the conditions of the treatment or verified recommendations.
-To agree on the scope of operation with the doctor;
-To read and fill out necessary documents (initial patient’s questionnaire, informed consent);
-To comply with the instructions prior to the operation (no food for 6 hours, no drinksfor 2hours);
-To secure an accompanying person when you leave the dentist’s practice after the operation;
-To secure a day off after the operation (or at least the remaining part of the day);
-To put on comfortable clothing.