Description / GSE Informal Algebra 2 is the third course in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics.
Instruction and assessment will include the appropriate use of manipulatives and technology. Topics will be represented in multiple ways, such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written, numeric/data-based, graphical, and symbolic methods. Concepts will be introduced and used, where appropriate, in the context of realistic phenomena.
Topics / Polynomial Functions, Rational and Radical Functions, and Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
Objectives / · To actively engage students in the development of mathematical understanding designed for mastery of state and county performance standards.
· To adjust instructional strategies for this course in order to differentiate content, pacing, processing skills emphasis, and expectations.
· To provide an opportunity for students to think critically, problem solve, develop reasoning skills, and make connections between mathematical concepts.
Supplies / · 3-ring binder
· Loose leaf paper
· Pencils & highlighters / · Scientific Calculator
(TI-36 Pro ecommended)
Calculator / Cell phones may not be used in class. We have a set of TI-36 Pro calculators for classroom use only. The TI-36 is highly recommended for use at home or for SAT and ACT college entrance exams that you purchase your own. Office Depot usually has it.
Notebook / Notes are to be used for your homework and to study for tests and quizzes. You will use the binder to store your class notes, class work, homework, quizzes, and other materials. Based on my experience, students get higher grades when they have diligently kept a notebook. I recommend you organize your binder chronologically, by date. You will be able to use your notebook during the final exam.
Homework / The key to mastering mathematics is practice. Homework may be assigned every night. Homework will be checked for completion and recorded. All work must be shown for credit. You will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding homework.
Other Varied Assignments / Random, unannounced assignments will be issued throughout the semester. These will be graded based on the length and complexity of the assignment.
Tests & Quizzes / Quizzes will be given frequently and may or may not be announced. We will test every Friday rather than have one large unit test.
EOC / There is NOT an EOC (End of Course) state assessment for this class.
Policy / Tests 50%
Quizzes/Projects/Daily Work 40%
Semester Exam 10%
The assignment of letter grades, according to Cobb County policy will be: / 90-100 A
80-89 B
74-79 C
70-73 D
69 and below F
Grade Recovery: Grade recovery will be permitted on tests. The purpose behind grade recovery is to give you an additional opportunity to show that you have mastered the standards of the course.
Late Work / Late homework or in-class assignments will be accepted for partial credit only.
Make-Up Work / If a student is absent, he/she will be assigned a grade of zero (0) for all worked missed. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and complete the work missed for each absence. Per Cobb County policy, you may only make-up assignments if your absence is deemed “excused.” This policy includes tests and quizzes.
Any assignments that were due on the date(s) of your absence are due immediately upon your return to class. Any work missed must be picked up from the folder in the assignment box marked with the date of the day you were absent. You will be given 1 day for each day of your absence, plus an additional day to turn in those assignments.
If you are absent on test day, you will take the test on the next Friday of your return, during class time. You will be responsible for making alternative arrangements to catch up on material covered in class, by tutoring sessions scheduled with me.
Help Sessions / I am usually available any day after school. Just ask.
List / 1. Your instructor (during class and during help sessions)
2. Our blog at
3. Your notebook and notes.
4. Your classmates
5. Family members
Tardiness / The school policy will be followed. A tardy of more than 10 minutes will be considered skipping class and will result in a discipline referral.
Leaving Class / We have 6 minutes between classes. Students should go the restroom, water fountain, locker, etc. between class periods. Students will not be allowed to leave class during the first fifteen or last fifteen minutes of class, or during lecture or discussion time. Students will be given a restroom pass card with 8 passes for each semester. This allows students to go to the restroom (EMERGENCY ONLY). If a student doesn’t not have the card or the student has used all 8 passes, the student will be assigned detention for the extra pass.
Student Expectations / Students are expected to
· Be respectful of other individuals, their property, and other students’ right to learn.
· Bring materials to class each day.
· Be in their seat working on the warm up by the time the bell rings.
· Participate fully in the learning process.
· Complete all assignments, whether present or absent. Students are also responsible for correcting assignments and asking questions.
· REVIEW AND STUDY notes nightly to be prepared for the next day’s class.
· Cell phones will not be used as calculators or any other use during class.
Consequences / Consequences for cell phone use, class interruptions, misuse of materials, etc., will include a warning, writing assignment/teacher detention with a phone call home, and referral. Serious offenses will result in an immediate referral and/or removal from class.
Teacher Information / I can be contacted in a variety of ways:
· by the student: before or after class or before or after school.
· by conference: please contact guidance so we can set up a time.
View my blog:
Easiest way to get to my blog: go to the Wheeler website, faculty page, and click on my name.
Finally………. / A close relationship exists between regular class attendance and successful completion of the class. While it is understood that absences cannot be completely avoided, students are strongly encouraged to be present in school whenever possible, ready and willing to learn.
**Any item on here may change with prior announcement. Please ask if you are unsure!**
Informal ALGEBRA II LILES room 2032
Student’s printed name Class period
Student’s e-mail
I have read and understand the terms of the Informal Algebra II Course syllabus. I will not use my cell phone during class.
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Printed Name(s)
Phone Number Work/Daytime Phone Number
Parent Email Address (Please print NEATLY!)