Alice Docherty 29thJuly/08/ Inequalities / action plans - V2



Legislation / Responsible / Time
Objectives / Actions / Local Actions / RED / DED / GED / Officer / 07 / 08 / 09 / Interim / Update
  1. Leadership
To ensure an effective process for planning within each part of the organisation and function to address equalities legislation in relation to:
GG&CNHSB Equality Scheme
GCC SWS Equality Plans / 1.1
Lead officer identified within each Partnership to ensure co-ordination of planning and implementation of action in relation to equalities
1.2Establish an infrastructure for ensuring inequalities are incorporated into local development plans which includes budget and service plans and the operational component of HR. / 1.1 Identify specific lead officer within HP SMT
1.1 Establish and equalities steering group to oversee this plan. Identify any training needs for group members.
Utilise support from CIT
1.2 Incorporate remit into revised planning process being developed within HP
1.2 Evidence of all HP performance against aspects of inequalities sensitive practice to be gathered as part of performance review and management reporting
1.2 Adhere to Health equality and diversity processes from recruitment
Evidence further development of aspect’s of equality sensitive practice for all staff groups within health teams / √

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√ / M Thorpe
M Thorpe
A Docherty / √ / √

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√ / Achieved
To be developed ASAP
Review of Homelessness Strategy will lead to improve service planning function with HP – Strategy to be complete by Sept 08
Service within HP. New focus on Data collection and Performance monitoring and will include information on Inequality Sensitive practice outcomes.
Review of health information has been carried out and data now collected on number of Refugees, Asylum seekers, CP cases, ethnic origins, gender etc
New HR process adopted and monitored centrally for compliance.
Compliance with family friendly policies. Introduction of flexible working model introduced July 08
2. Policy & Planning
To develop a comprehensive process for implementation of Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA) / 2.1 To ensure that all Health Board papers and Social Work Committee papers are equality proofed as standard practice.
2.2 To Equality Impact Assess all policies and functions identifying:
2.3 To make results of EQIAs available to the public / 2.1 Embed principles of EQIA in all local areas of service.
2.2 Apply EQIA to all new policies and processes and service developments or reviews within the HP
2.2 Develop local monitoring of EQIA process within HP
2.3 report findings through PPF within HMHP / √
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√ / ?
J Kearns / √ / Sharing of information on development of EQIA's with service managers. July 08
First EQIA’s to be done following service reviews:
OT review HAT review
  1. Learning Plan
To build capacity across Partnerships in terms of induction, training and learning to develop an appropriate skills and knowledge base within all staff groups to facilitate understanding, and address discrimination and harassment across all strands of inequality. / 3.1To inform all new staff of the organisations commitment to addressing discrimination and harassment
3.2To ensure information on the GG&CNHSB Equality Scheme and GCC SWS Equality Schemes/Plans are communicated effectively to staff.
3.3To disseminate guidelines from NHS and GCC tackling inequalities across the CHCP. / 3.1 Dissemination of information on equality issues and good practice to all new staff and through induction process
3.1 develop training Needs analysis and Targeted training on equality and diversity based on outcome
KSF competencies on E & D identified and processed through PDP
3.2 Ensure all information provided by the HP is provided in a variety of formats including languages and via induction loop and Braille.
3.3 Provide access to all policies through staff intranet for health and social work. / √

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√ / M Thorpe
J Kearns
J Kearns SW
? Health / √

√ / Access to new website for info to managers on availability of training and resource. 1st August.
Training needs analysis to be carried out by team leaders on teams. Nov 08
PDPs to be completed by Sept o8 and includes Equality and diversity measure for identified level of competence
4. Demographics
To improve the collection and analysis of data in relation to ethnicity, disability, gender and sexual orientation in order to provide a sound basis for planning and service delivery, within the context of national developments. / 4.1To review current arrangements for collection of inequalities related data and bring forward a plan to address shortfall
4.2To identify mechanisms for the routine collection and utilisation of sex, age, race, disability and sexual orientation disaggregated data.
4.3New services should include from inception the collation of information from patients and service users.
4.4To ensure existing guidance is disseminated to enable staff to understand the need to collect these data and how to do so appropriately and sensitively. / 4.1 Review of equality monitoring information gathered on HH and
SW Services: e.g.
Number of Refugees
Legacy cases
Asylum seekers
HR practices
Work with IT staff s to develop system where additional reporting function is needed
Revamp monthly reporting process for HP health service and HP Social work services
Incorporate info above in service redesign and WFPG
Improve recording of diversity information through integrated assessment model used. MHIA, HIA, AIA
Re issue guidance to all staff as we progress
Encourage use of equalities web site.
Monitor and review compliance with recording of info / √

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√ / S Fifield (Health)
J Kearns (SW)
? SW
S Fifield (Health)
A Docherty
A Docherty
A Docherty / √

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√ / New reports developed to capture diversity within HHS reporting. Need to monitor and review
Partly Achieved
Monthly reporting has been reviewed changes made to ethnicity, Child protection monitoring, refugees and asylum seekers now gathered.
Contribute to review of IA models across care groups re this issue. e.g. HIA, GAS, MH
Needs to be corporate responsibility
Web site on line from 1st August.
Part of systematic review of HS reporting. New to re-establish HP quarterly reporting process.
5. Access and Service Delivery
To deliver tangible improvements in the provision of accessible information and communication services to people with sensory impairments, people who require communications support or who do not have English as a first language
To ensure that users of CHCP services are treated with dignity and respect in an environment that is free from discrimination.
Improve services to disabled people / 5.1 To develop a process for implementing the Language Plan once available
5.1Identify mechanisms for reviewing service accessibility and identifying local need
5.3 To deliver improvements to ensure that CHCP P/Ships services are physically accessible to all, in line with Disability Discrimination Act requirements.
5.4Promote existing policies on racism, homophobia, sexism and discrimination against disabled people to ensure that they provide a clear statement of the NHS GG&C and GCC SWS position on this.
5.5To ensure that the GGC NHS and GCC SW complaints procedures are open to all.
Increase understanding of Direct Payments among staff
5.7Reduce waiting times to access services/ develop targets
5.8Improve aids and adaptation services / 5.1
Explore implication of Language plan for HP
5.2 Develop local action plans specifically arising from the Language Plan
5.2 Identify service improvements needed
5.3 Identify resources required and any budget implication from identified service improvements required
5.3 Report on outcome of actions and impact of changes
5.4 Ensure all staff groups are cognisant of existing policies and how to access them through team meetings structure.
5.4 Survey staff on level of awareness and compliance or non compliance.
Monitor Complaints and report quarterly on outcomes through HP and others
Ensure feedback is received and corrective action is undertaken from complaints.
5.6 Ensure staff are adequately trained to meet their roles and to signpost where needed.
5.6 Monitor and report on waiting times.
5.8 Monitor use and access to aids and adaptations ensuring ISP is evident. / √

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√ / A Forsyth –Health J Kearns - SW
M Thorpe
M Thorpe
A Forsyth / √ / √

√ / Achieved - HHS report monthly on waiting times through corporate reporting.
  1. Gender Based Violence
To ensure that the needs of all survivors of gender-based violence are identified and addressed across the city. / To ensure that mechanisms for identifying Gender Based Violence are adopted for use across all CHCP /HP functions.
To identify a lead officer with responsibility for progressing this agenda, linking with the corporate lead in NHSGGC on gender-based violence and developing work plans that reflect the priority areas of mental health, primary care, addictions, learning disability, maternity and A&E.
To ensure that the needs of black and minority ethnic, disabled and lesbian women are explicitly addressed.
To ensure that the needs of all children and young people affected by gender-based violence are identified and addressed across the city / .Improve recording within health teams of incidence of GBV through improved reporting system
Identify lead for GBV within HP
Work with teams to self assess their practice and support improvements by working with team leaders
6.3 Identify through assessment needs of this group.
6.4 Improved local recording of CP cases and incidence of GBV to ensure associated needs are identified / √

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√ / S Fifield
C Gallagher
C Mc Feeley
?? / √ / √ / √
√ / Achieved
GBV team within HP leading on dissemination of best practice working with Health managers
7. Procurement and Commissioning
To ensure that all purchased and contracted services comply with the requirements of equality legislation. / 7.1To ensure that contractors understand the equality requirements of the contract.
7.2To include performance conditions, where relevant, to ensure compliance with legislation. / 7.1 Application of EQIA to all new purchased and contracted services
Review service specifications and provider’s equalities policies and review audit arrangements to ensure policy is embedded in practice.
7.2 Review with provider’s compliance with Inequalities Sensitive Practice as part of contract monitoring. / √ / √ / √ / E Haddow / √
8. Community Involvement
Establish meaningful involvement with communities through the nexus of community engagement structures across the organisation to inform the Equality Scheme Action plan and on-going service planning and delivery / 8.1Establish baseline of equality population group for each part of the CHCP.
8.2Demonstrate involvement of equalities population groups in putting the local action plan together.
8.3Develop a process to review the extent to which the service user involvement process has been inclusive of equalities population groups
8.4Involve people/service users in commissioning services that suit their needs. / 8.1
Develop equality work along side service user involvement with GHN
Target specific existing support groups to assist in communication with areas of equality and diversity
Incorporate in HP communication plan as part of developing strategy.
8.4 Following on from this work develop specific goal to incorporate service user involvement in commissioning work. / √
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√ / J Kearns
M Thorpe
E Haddow / √ / √